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I couldn't sleep at all last night, felt like I woke with a fright.
When I woke I couldn't keep still, sorted through boxes filled.
I quickly stopped myself and looked out at the night.
So clear so bright the stars were as they beckoned me.
Was like a kid in Pj's and robe on, blanket at my side.
I strode outside and lay looking straight up at the twinkling lights.
There was a chill but yet staring up at the stars I warmed.
No thoughts, no worries, no goals, no nothing.
Just watched the late night planes blinking.
Listening to the late night country noises.
It was the third night to see a meteor shower.
All I could think was once, twice three strikes your OUT.
Don't give up have faith, hope and be patient.
Made myself sit still, no fidgeting and took a deep breath.
Then as quick as could be I saw the fast stream of light.
So beautiful, the sparkle, the flight..........CMH
The wrong place, the wrong time, simple feeling  have some wine.
They weren't felt for a very long time, the feelings, the caring entwine.
Only to open your eyes and say to yourself for now live one day at a time.
Enjoy the little things as much as you can, as much as you are able.
The family, the friends, the events, the food bring it all to the table.
Do not allow to become a fool in someone else's fable.
But yet what keeps you moving forward, your mind clear as glass.
Keep close to your heart, maybe not in physical but spiritual mass.
Enjoy while you can for one day you will no longer be a young lass.
I'm feeling like my heart can't see, as I've put blinders on me.
such a lost soul I've been, for so long it's such a sin.
It's been too long, so long, to allow or let go.
In fear to do or say what my heart can or can not hold.
The day has been hot and humid almost hard to breathe.
But as the light breeze came through with just a small storm.
It allowed for a sunny break and birds sweeping across the pond.

As the sun pulls away larger, darker clouds begin to appear.
And silent bright but quiet lightening flashing in the distance.
I watch listening to the peeping and croaking along the waters edge.

The lightening bugs Oh sooo many dancing along the top of the grass.
To share such a sight, arms holding tight and lips caressing in the dark.
If only, If only to be able to share such a sight.......

To feel like you want to write, but the words elude you.
The words start from the time you wake, but what are they saying.
Do I write of the good times and memories in my heart.
Can I write of the hurt and pain of so much time lost.
Baring of the words that deal with how I am damaged goods.
Or opening that door giving yourself permission to love once more.

To feel like you want to write, but the words elude you.
As you go through your daily day, bring your book write each word.
It will all come to you each sentences, emotion, smells or feelings.
They will give you the power of hope and strength.
Don't let those things that give you turmoil hold your words.
Don't let them constrict your throat
to where you have no voice, no heart, no words..........

You see the words before you and as you read you concede.
It slowly pulls you in, holding you towards you next word.
Making you think about what words actually mean.

Enthralled in the wave of sentences which make you tear or sigh.
Wishing you could actually be what it is that you read deep inside.
Making you think, cry, smile, laugh, eat, drink or whine.

Each word embellished so they are not misconstrued perceived.
As it pulls you in and wraps your surroundings that you must abide.
Feeling the warmth as some may have you holding tight.

Seeing each word like the brush on a canvas.
The smudge of your pastels or charcoal pencil.
The strokes of the paint as you add darkness or color.

You see they can bring out who you are, what you feel or say.
Some may have you just be still and enjoy what you can not hide.
Having the fire, the ice, the shutter, the glance or to quiver.

Words from a dictionary or other inspiring material.
They are just words until meaning is put fourth with heart.
And with heart is where they lay.

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