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“This Heart”

The heart bleeds black India
Though not through a vein
It's said the flesh is the sanctuary
For a soul led astray

Yet the heart is the library
Decrepit and ancient
Where the scars are the manuscripts
Collected with patience

Filled with love songs forsaken
Next to books with blank pages
For plays yet to come
Upon immaculate stages

To the melodies of mortals
With their highs and their lows
And a chorus of angels
Of which some fell below, and

Within this binding you weep, yet
At the same time you shine, for
In this heart were you born, so
In this heart should you die
This is an edit on my previous poem "My Heart Bleeds Black India".
I didnt grow up nice, I didnt grow up mean.
I grew up fast, I bullied, then I Went green.
I didnt throw up signs but I've blown up beats.
Too few and too fast but never tongue in cheek.
Sapphire is not the only blue.
 May 2013 Chanell Bush
Amul Garg
Finally, I spoke with you,
it was, for me, a big deal,
though we talked shop
but splendid I did feel.

It was my prayer,
to which God heeded,
At a time-
when it was really needed.

For some sweet moments,
you did walk beside me
and talked to my merriment
inspiring the poet inside me.

That day, I spoke my mind,
And then did I depart,
But today I pen my feelings,
and today I bare my heart.
A poem should be palpable and mute
As a globed fruit,

As old medallions to the thumb,

Silent as the sleeve-worn stone
Of casement ledges where the moss has grown—

A poem should be wordless
As the flight of birds.


A poem should be motionless in time
As the moon climbs,

Leaving, as the moon releases
Twig by twig the night-entangled trees,

Leaving, as the moon behind the winter leaves,
Memory by memory the mind—

A poem should be motionless in time
As the moon climbs.


A poem should be equal to:
Not true.

For all the history of grief
An empty doorway and a maple leaf.

For love
The leaning grasses and two lights above the sea—

A poem should not mean
But be.
I thought that I could walk on water and as the son of man
I should have swam with big fish
I should have wished the World away
stepped into another day of Saints and sinners
who brought hope and misery to
the peasantry.

pleasantly surprised
I find myself under clear blue skies
on a desert dune
whereon I rise and call out to the stars
the sun
the moon
who if they hear at all will tell me all too soon
just to whom it is I should pay homage.

I reflect as the heat reflects up off the sand.
Is this land fit only for those castles that would blow down in a storm?
what form does man take when the breaking of the bread
is taking bread from starving men?
And then these thoughts that take me hostage are the homage I must pay
To live and write and fight
a ray of sunlight
and in it wrapped tight
another ray
the simple way of it
to sit and wander through these thoughts
and I thought
I could walk on water
can't even stand on my own two feet.
My oh my , dear oh my
Why sole me , deliberate shy
Arrouse me in meself inner sanctum
To cause penises go wild erectum

Why me frail and naive
Touched and grabbed feels so tactile
Breached and pinched gets me unleashed
Fortold and shadowed narrows me leached

Oh how i humble and crumble for pain
Pleasuring may not be enough, but not in vain
Showering me until it rains
Pumping my blood through my veins

Widely and unique i scorge and emerge
Make me *** till i purge
Bright and shiny i humbely traverse
For a non-stoping reverse
In want of a headspace
For to keep up with my thought pace
An infinite cerebral landscape
The consciousness reels and writhes through the labyrinth
Sixty five BPM’s crack the whip
Twist and turns
Indian carpets and Egyptian urns
Upon starry eyed fairytales they stand
Architecture of a madman
Brick and mortar
Psychedelic caulking
Screaming defiance against creation
Whispering fears of damnation
Wake up mate
It’s just your imagination
I know.
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