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 Apr 2016 Carrie Baker
Mary B
Have you been to the shore
To no mans land
In the early hours
On the wet grey sand

From the war of the soul
Have you staggered alone
Holding your guts
Shot through ribs, heart and lung

Every pump of your heart
Every rasping breath
A new stab of pain
One step closer to death

The loyal black hound
So soft and warm
Trots along at your heal
Rocks torn by the storm

Look down at the wounds
No soul could survive
One step off the cliff
A release from this life

Pebbles crash with each wave
Eroding to sand
Empty shells thrown up
Washed up mother land

A hare starts up
And turns to flee
And turns and turns
But it's hard to see

The hound takes chase
Over hill dale and drain
As swift as a bird
She's gone from her chain

The arrows torn out
Blood gulping and gasping
Flows out in torrents
Waves everlasting

But it trickles and slows
All energy spent
And the sun hits the rocks
And the tide it relents
 Aug 2015 Carrie Baker
Mary B
Waves of grief have burst the walls
A tsunami of tears in Aughnish
A high tide has carried you to pastures new.

We will treasure your memory
Your warm wooly heart
Your delightful adorableness
That lit up the day
Good night God bless
Dear Beartlai .
A friends donkey was drowned by the highest tide for 50 years
When I met you
You took my breath away
In retrospect
I should have just walked away
And started breathing again

Settle yourself.

Try to understand.

We were meant to love.

And if we can not love, then we were meant to try to love.

And failing that we were made to breathe.

And try again.

-Sean Critchfield
This is the product of an exercise. I was instructed to grab the 7th book on my shelf, turn to page 7, and use the 7th line as my first line. The poem was restricted to seven lines.
its been
moments since I thought about you
in any capacity
minutes since
I remembered some portion of our story
hours since I felt anger
days since I tried to pick up my phone
weeks since I last contacted you
months since we last touched.

its been

months since you crushed me
weeks since I put on the brave face
days since I longed for you
hours since I spoke of you
minutes of starring into a blank screen
silently pleading
moments before all this is behind me again.

It’ll be

Moments of weakness
when I think about “us”
Minutes of silent cursing
while you run through my mind
Hours of rationalizing
before I let it go
Days of depression

I know

Weeks of emotions crammed into a few minutes
Months of self doubt and insanity

Soon it’ll be


But I’ll always have


If hell is engulfed in fire
as bright as the sun,
And heaven is lit
by a divine light,
Then I shall die with sunglasses.
 Feb 2013 Carrie Baker
Damaged people are dangerous because they know how to survive,
And if you've never been damaged you don't know how it feels to be alive,
See struggle is the sauce that gives success its flavour,
when life kicked you down it was doing you a favour.

Cos it's in your darkest hour, not in prosperity
that you will realise your true ability.
Life dunks you in deep waters not to drown you but to cleanse you.
And that's just the beginning of what it will put you through.
But it's chiselling you down, you won't deflate.
It's not wearing you thin, it's getting you to your fighting weight.
Prosperity makes monsters, adversity makes men.
I believe when you reach the top life will yank you back down again.

You didn't break down, you just had a flat tyre
so get back up and relight that fire.
keep it burning and churning at the pit of your heart
and keep on learning and yearning and never fall apart.

Stare life in the eyes
and say "no matter how many times
my spirit won't break if my drive never dies"
So throw me a burden I won't lose my composure,
It's for this very reason that life gave me shoulders.

Get better not bitter
This weather will wither
I'll turn wounds into wisdom
sadness into spirit
tears to tenacity
I will never quit it

Take a deep breath and concentrate your stare
because a road with no obstacles never took you anywhere.
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 Nov 2012 Carrie Baker
If you were the sky
Then I'd be the sea
And when you shined bright
It would reflect in me.
When you're at rest
Then I am steady.
If you wanna get rough
I'm always ready.
Past closing at the bars
If you show me the stars
I'll open right up
And cast them out far.
And on the darkest night
If you won't shine a light.
Then I'm silent alongside you
Until you feel right.
We'll meet at the horizon
Where lovers will stare
And wonder with passion
Why they can't meet there.
And you'll share me a kiss
As bright as two suns.
When they meet in the middle
I'll know the days done.
And I can tell that's your way of saying to me.
Goodnight my love.
If you were the sky and I were the sea.
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