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I read how things happen
when one gets old
how things fall apart
maybe I should just get off the planet

But wait - I still have things to do
I'm just beginning to figure things out
sort of
I'm just beginning to heal

I love these sunny days
when the light comes inside
and illuminates different places
always playing with color
most men want
even need
to be appreciated

most women want
even need
to be valued

most **** sapiens
us human animals
want to be respected


there is usually
a reason
for a behavior

get to the reason
no one hears
but the wind will blow
and carry your tears as they flow
over the years
the wind will blow
the earth will know
the earth
What is that look?
That thousand mile stare
Is it a look of wonder?
(Where is my father?
He's always been with me
Should I cry?)

I'm about two
My Aunt Mary is holding me
She's looking at me - with concern?
I'm not looking at her
I've got that stare
Has my life changed?

In another photo - same time period
I'm told to hold a cat
I've put out my arms
the cat is plopped down
Poor cat

I look at no one
Not the camera
Not the people
They are all liars.
I passed him in the produce isle
on his face - the faintest smile
not too bright but slightly sly
as very gently he cradled a pie

I couldn't see what kind of pie
as quickly we passed each other by
I sensed he wanted to hurry away
with plans for his pie that very day
For a long time
I was angry with her
even trying to get rid of her

She'd pop up
at inappropriate times
with her odd behavior

Later I thought about
integrating and accepting her
making her feel welcome

Now - I ask her advice
After all - she's the one
who felt all the love

My parents were
kind and loving people
She's the one who knew them

She was already 3
when my mother told my father
to get lost

She was already 4
when my mother took off
to pursue another dream

So she knows life
from the perspective of confidence
and self worth

It's good I invited her in
and made friends with her
she helps me

She's the one
who showed me how
to let go
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