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Brittany Comer Jan 2012
You don't know yet
That your my inspiration
You found your way thru life's debt
And I'm still in awe

Your light and Your hope
Maybe one day I can have the strength you do
To get over my past love
As easy as you have

Please understand I adore you
Your quirky laugh when your high
The way you squint your eyes

I've seen your eyes for everything they've seen
They're strong, beautiful and insightful
But those eyes have hurt
I've heard of your father and his temper
Oh what an ***

I've heard of your sisters
And how they need you as a protector
I admire you for that quality
I feel safe with you as well

You've helped me so much with forgetting Daniel
I can trust you with my deepest secrets
Your my hope for something better
My best friend
Brittany Comer Jan 2012
Eating food is as injecting morphine
I no longer feel any pain

Bread absorbs my lifes sorrows
While I crave chocolate like I crave your touch

A joint and Jose'
The drown out your memory

Sweet delicious ****
Why must you make me so hungry?
Brittany Comer Jan 2012
Alone in my sorrow
I don't blame you for leaving
All I do is complain and *****
So ******* annoying
I strangled your freedom
Right out of your arms
I ******* about females
and your love for kush
I miss you so much
Your my one love
Brittany Comer Jan 2012
Stop it
Leave me alone
Can't you tell this hurts
When I'm forced to see you
I become Overwhelmed with emotion
You took my heart
And stabbed it repeatedly
But yet
I remember
Every kiss every touch every laugh
I don't want to miss you
Your a ******* ****
Your the meaning of bipolar whiplash

Love me
Or leave me

For good
Brittany Comer Jan 2012
I'd be your wife
Stay honest and pretty
I'd give you a daughter, lilly would be her name
Id stay true to you giving u my entire soul

But wait


Those arnt things you crave
They're not things you can desire

Babies are a drag
And you need to have freedom
Honesty is over rated and only delivers pain
And me
I'm just me
Who would ever want me
Brittany Comer Jan 2012
I'm not your ******* you can discard
Please lose my number

I hate those three letters


Lose my number

I'm ready for a love
Not to be your one night
So do me a favor
And forget I exist

And lose my number
Brittany Comer Jan 2012
Legs quiver
Hands tremble
I'm waiting for you to deliver
I'm soaking

Pressing your head into my chest
Biting my stomach and thighs
Please don't judge I'm looking a mess

I'm begging now
Don't stop
Harder faster deeper
I feel I'm about to pop

No stop!
Why would you do that
I hate being on top
Not a **** angle

But wait
It feels oh so good
I hear you
Your breathing
I can tell you like this steady grind

Roll me over
Finishing this night
Now were snug
I feel the safeness in your heartbeat
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