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briana becker Oct 2013
I'm a tomboy, that is true,
But at the same time im still a girl too.
Just because i don't express my feelings,
Doesn't mean i don't have any, but i do.
I may not be open with my emotions,
But i get happy, sad, and angry just like you,
Expect i am better at hiding them than you.
You might never see me cry,
But that doesn't mean i don't shed the same tears everyone else does.
Just because i dress like a boy
Doesn't mean I act or think like one too.
A sports lover i am indeed,
But i love other things too.
The majority of my friends are male,
But sometimes wish I had a girl friend too,
I was born a tomboy, that's all I have ever known.
But sometimes people forget that i'm a girl too.
briana becker Oct 2013
We are all girls,
Together the same-
We are also different, yet alike
There is no one to blame.

From fairy tales to puberty,
Being ourselves is our duty.

From books to boys,
No longer toys.

Life is what we make it
Theres no need to fake it.

Crazy, funny, happy, sad
It's a girls life-
It's good and bad.

— The End —