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123 · Aug 2019
aubrey sochacki Aug 2019
I hope you find peace
in this life
in knowing that you are whole
even if you are broken
you are still a whole person

I hope you find peace
in words
beautifully written words
especially the words I said to you

I hope you find love
and I hope you let yourself
receive the love you deserve
not the lack of love you think you deserve

I hope you find me
again, someday soon
when we’re both ready
and willing to fall in deeply
because I know in my heart
you will find your way back eventually
121 · Jul 2022
aubrey sochacki Jul 2022
I can still feel your lips on mine
Your vibrations still linger
Even though you said good night
And went home

I’m counting down the days
Until I get to see your face
And feel your lips on mine again
114 · Jul 2019
aubrey sochacki Jul 2019
someone else.
maybe that would help me move on.

maybe that would **** enough brain cells, specifically the ones hanging on to you.

maybe that would clean my brain from any remnants of you.

a concussion.
maybe that would keep me from thinking of you.

a lobotomy.
maybe that would make me forget you for a bit.  

a coma.
maybe that would be enough to escape you.

maybe i would do literally anything to stop myself from thinking about you.
this is so tragic.
90 · Nov 2019
untitled 10/17/19
aubrey sochacki Nov 2019
men always compare me to intoxicating

once i was ******* because i made him
feel high the instance he met me and he
seemed to forget all the pain

another time i was a top shelf label
whiskey, made him feel so good whenever
he needed it and boy did he need it

the good kush, he said, "because you
make me feel relaxed"

once i was compared to shrooms.
i made him see the world differently like we were
in a different dimension

and in the end, they all decided to get
79 · Apr 2019
untitled 04/03/19
aubrey sochacki Apr 2019
"i am too broken," i tell myself
but everyone has broken pieces, some bigger than others.
you find beauty in broken,
so find it in yours too.

— The End —