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A Aug 2014
I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die
I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die
A Aug 2014
If i could snap my fingers,
and make myself disappear
i would.
A Mar 2016
pale skin,
colorful soul
A Sep 2015
the pitter-patter of your paws on the floor
as you wobble around
So careless and free,
Your big beady eyes looking up at me

every day is an adventure
A new quest, a new journey
because all your little heart desires is
To explore, to hear and see everything

Just the strum of the guitar
sends you running carelessly towards me;
I never knew that such a little creature
Could make me so happy

You knock over my trash can
And spill all my drinks
But without you
I'm not quite sure where I would be

You cheer me up when I'm sad
With your brown fur and webbed feet
I'm very lucky to have you in my life, for
When you're around, I'll never be lonely.
A silly little poem for my ferret, Liezla
A Sep 2014
Life is beautiful.
Butterflies were obviously crafted
By the hand of God
Meant to put a smile upon our faces.

Life is mysterious.
We don't quite understand
Why things happen when they do
So we're always left wondering.

Life is a gift.
I feel so lucky to have the people
In my life that I do now
And I am so thankful

Life is hard.
Sometimes I really want
To disappear, but it's not wise
To close a book in the middle of a sentence.

Life gets better.*
Though there is sometimes darkness,
There will always be light
You just wait for the sun during the night.
Not sure where I was going with this
A Oct 2014
It's funny that the
         smallest things
                       Push me          
A May 2019
messy bun
brown hair
brown eyes
baking a pie
holding hands in the grocery aisles
contagious laughter
an amazing actor
the kindest smile
the warmest cuddles
playing the bass
kissing my face
reading hallmark cards
petting her dogs in the yard
giving me an encouraging squeeze on my arm
to be continued
A Apr 2020
soft cheeks
radiant smile
a love unlike any i've ever known
A Apr 2020
Thank you for always making me laugh
A Jun 2018
the thought of that white dress
with laughter and love surrounding me
used to give me a feeling inside similar to that of
laying atop of a warm fitted sheet
covered with a freshly tumbled comforter
pulled from the dryer just for me

but now it just feels like
crawling between cold sheets
dark and alone
i fall asleep
I don't believe in happy endings anymore. I don't think I'm fit for that life
A Dec 2017
Maybe I'm tired of the game
Of coming up short of the rules, of the shame
And maybe you feel that way too
I see me in you

A girl full of anger and hope
A girl with a mother who just couldn't cope
A girl who felt caught
And thought no one could see,
But maybe one day she'll be free
A Dec 2017
My empathy is making me sick but
What he's screaming at her is true...
It's hurtful. Mean.
But true.
I hate myself for agreeing,
I hate him for saying it.

I'm being pushed and pulled
Not sure how to feel.
What's right?
What's wrong?
How am I supposed to deal?

"I feel like I shouldn't even be breathing around here" she says

I always knew I was like her
Me too
A Jan 2020
You are my sun
my light
my greatest adventure
A Nov 2017
You tell a funny story from my childhood
Your eyes light up
Your smile is genuine
I can feel the warmth radiating off of you
Like I had when I was a baby, and I would fall asleep on your chest, only when I could feel your breath against my head.
Like the fireplace in the living room of my old home, cozy and familiar.
You recall every detail.
For a moment, we live in this memory.
For a moment, you are here.
A Sep 2015
I'm going around the leaf.
A Mar 2018
"You don't miss me, you just missed the person that loved you so much you didn't have to love them back"
this line got me
A Dec 2014
Cracking under pressure
Losing touch with reality
losing her
getting caught
losing control
being replaced
not being good enough
disappointing the people I love
not being accepted
Being forgotten
Growing old
Hurting the people I love
Breaking down
Going back
Being trapped *but I'm already trapped?
A Feb 2016
and then the rain fell
A Dec 2014
I want to protest,
I want to rebel
I want to stand up and yell in their faces.

I'm tired of being put down,
I'm tired of falling short.
I'm tired of trying so hard for things that don't even matter to me.

It's sad teenagers dream of being 18 so they can get away from the life they're living
It's so **** sad that some feel that life is so bad that they'd harm themselves to escape.

We're told to think for ourselves but then when we speak our minds we're told to shut up and sit down as if a teenager couldn't possibly know anything about the world; as if the number of years on this earth determines whether or not we understand the concept of loving another human unconditionally, or understand what it's like to be sad.

I want everyone to come together and fight the injustice. To live deliberately, to **** the marrow out of life.
I want to fight
A Dec 2017
One becomes four
Four becomes one,
Then one on one,
One on air
One on one...
on one.. on one

Won't be long till one becomes nothing
A Oct 2017
When there is a person shaped hole in your chest,
Only time can fill it
A Mar 2015
It's starting to feel like September again.
A Apr 2018
"Every relationship is a language, and when you break up, you cannot speak it with anyone anymore."
posted by user red_panda_advocate

i thought it was touching and decided to share
A Apr 2018
im so alone
i am so
A Jan 2018
My hands grip the wheel tightly
Complete sobriety
My eyes are on the road
Yet I have no control of the vehicle
I swerve and wreck into building after building.
The buildings sustain no damage.
I hit and bounce off, into the next structure
Over and over
I resist out of fear but I can't put my foot on the brake
The water is approaching
Nothing stops me from plunging in,
My car sinking with me trapped inside
My only thought being that everyone's going to be so mad at me
A Oct 2014
If you ever feel like
you have nothing left to give
just look all around you
for some reasons to live

There's the crisp autumn leaves
that fall in november
and all the christmas cheer
spread throughout december

There's laughter and tears
that come with moments in life,
and there's lessons learned
when things don't go right

You'll want to be there
when your sister says "I do"
you'll want to be there
for her darkest times, too.

If you leave during the storm
you'll never see the light,
so don't give up on us now.
You can win this fight.
I wrote this poem for english class year, and recently i found it written in an old journal that i lost. Figured i would share it.
A Nov 2017
"I have a gun just like the one used to **** John Lennon"

The gun was handed over to me

I held the small unloaded revolver in my right hand, my index finger caressing the trigger as my other fingers tightly gripped the handle.

Pinched between my left thumb and index finger was a single bullet.
imagined how large hole in my temple could be.
I slid the bullet into place.


Dumped the bullet back into my hand.
Placed gun down
Shook off the thought of suicide

Turned to my brother

"No wonder it always took so long to reload on call of duty hahaha"

A Mar 2018
Depression is Skipping meals because it's easier to be hungry than it is to get myself out of bed

Depression is Sitting on the floor and desperately trying to talk myself into putting socks on...
Because putting socks on would require wiggling up the bottom of my skinny jeans, putting the socks on my feet, and then carefully pulling the jeans back over my socks without messing them up (you know the feeling I'm talking about)

Depression is struggling with the socks because I know once that part is over, I'll have to put shoes on- the converse match my outfit.
But I've got a wide foot, and I can take converse off without untying them, but I HAVE to untie them to put them back on.
So I have to untie these shoes,
And the RETIE THEM. It's a lot. It feels like so much.
I know it shouldn't.
It's putting on shoes.

But wait, there's more!

Once the shoes are on, I've got to pack my book bag, Which first requires taking the stuff out.
Once the stuff is out, I have to put that stuff in its place.
then I've got to put more stuff in the bag,
I have to put the bag on
Walk out the door,
Walk to my building
Up the stairs
in the room.

Take the shoes off
Lay in bed

Know that I could've been in bed all day
Try to celebrate what little I did

Toss and turn knowing I should've done more.
Fall asleep feeling alone, wondering why I'm never satisfied.

Wake up.
Realize it barely changes


I'm sitting here typing this at 3:53 pm
When I should be
A Jul 2015
you don't even seem real anymore
A Nov 2014
So precious is a life...
A child and grown
So is precious is a life...
so what if it's not your own?
So precious is a life
An animal and plant
So precious is a life...
so what if it'a only a little black ant?
So precious is a life...
A poor one and a rich one
So precious is a life
so what if when it comes to money, they have none?

So precious is a life...
black or white
So why do you give them your spite?
So precious is a life...
Human or insect
So why do you not treat them with respect?
So precious is a life...
Young or old
so precious is a life...
So why must we be so cold?

So precious is a life..
So what if they're not like you?
So what if they have a different point of view?
A life is a life.
No need to give them strife.
A person is a person.
Their sadness doesn't need to worsen.
A mind is a mind.
All living things have one- no matter what kind.
A feeling is a feeling.
And when it comes to bad ones, all require healing.
A living being is a living being.
So isn't that worth agreeing?
i love her so much. why is she so much better than me?
A Mar 2015
Everything is green
Cigarettes. Love. Spring.

Sorry maddie
A Mar 2015
Everything is green,
But somehow I am still being consumed
by darkness
A May 2015
It's a beautiful spring day
And I can't stop crying.
I don't know why I'm posting this. Maybe it's because Im hoping she'll see it? I guess she wants to see this. I wish I knew how she was doing.

I just want to be happy again.
A Jan 11
maybe it’s the societal overload of dopamine  
that make moments of stillness so stale, so dry, so unbearably empty
like a clap and an echo in a hollow auditorium
shouting into the void, met only with a reflection of me

Longing for connection
Hand pressed against a pane of glass
ear pressed against a corded phone
in this prison of my own creation
A May 2018
they say that you should stop to let yourself breathe
that you shouldn't constantly be throwing yourself from task to task
not even stopping to eat without finding something to occupy my mind- TV, video games, music blasting in my ear.
I keep my body moving and my mind stimulated so the things deep in my mind don't have time to surface.

they say you need to step back and take a breath
and let yourself think. let yourself feel
but when i try.
when i finally allow myself remember
when i finally let myself reflect
"stepping back to take a breath"
is nothing but pain in my chest
A Oct 2017
rarely, i feel on top of the world
most times times i am... on the bottom of the world?
i am... under the weather. blue. uh. having a bad time

sometimes i swear i could climb a mountain because why not? im already pretty up there.
when other times, i can barely manage to plant my feet firmly on the ground for long enough to say that i got out of bed that day.

there are highs and lows, but usually i am just grey.
regardless of what kind of day or hour or minute it is... i am alive

and no matter the altitude

the feeling is all the same

A Mar 2018
"I didn't want him to feel bad about this. I wanted him to see the obvious, that it's okay for him to let me go. He's been through so much, and he's finally through it. He needs to not have me around to worry about anymore. He needs me to free him to be brilliant" (Garth 5).
A Sep 2015
I'm in love and its
A rainy day
I changed the lyrics of "Good day sunshine" to fit my mood for today.
A Nov 2017
I could free myself
Of ALL the
A Aug 2014
hot chocolate
christmas lights
autumn leaves
cuddling (in theory)
long hugs
children in grocery stores begging for pop tarts
late night talks
the thought of you
the thought of us
seeing you from afar as I walk into school
Just you
A Aug 2014
What goes on in your mind
When you're up late at night, wanting more than anything
to roll over and die.
What is it that goes on in your head
when you should be sleeping, but you're awake instead

Do the thoughts take over,
Or do you just lay them out to decipher?
Does your world seem a little duller  
As the the sky begins to regain its color?

Have you ever thought that
you have the power to change lives
and all you have to do yourself
is learn to survive

because never have i known a person
that doesn't use their own life force
to better the lives of the people around them
and maybe even more
i tried lol
A May 2015
I tried to throw my thoughts out the window,
But it seems that they've learned to fly.
A Apr 2018
"You don't want to look back at your life and realize that you wasted it in front of a screen, do you?"

That's what they say.

And to them, I'd say
There are times that I feel everything around me is crumbling.
That I'm crumbling,
That my mind is turning against me.

As much as I try to fight it
I can't help the crippling depression and anxiety
that comes from seeing
a raincloud in the distance
Or sometimes, for no reason at all.

I can't control how the depression festers,
the intrusive thoughts that tell me
everyone would be be better off
if I wasn't around,
that there's a way to assure
that I'll never be caught in the rain again

I cannot count how many times I've turned to substance abuse to stop the thoughts.
I cannot count how many times the substance has worsened my condition,
Made me paranoid, Afraid of myself,
afraid of what will become of me
if i allow myself to stay

I cannot count how many moments I've had where I shoveled mountains of food into my mouth during a binge because I wasn't sure what to do with my hands.
I cannot count how many times I've punched a wall or slung everything off my desk because I needed to act impulsively in a way that would harm only myself.
I cannot count how many times I have thought of ending my own life.
I think about it every day.
More than once a day.

Sometimes I get so bad off that I can't do anything at all.
I know I can't die
my desk is already empty, i don't have the strength to throw a punch
The thought of food makes me want to *****

Those really bad times are when I turn to
my favorite TV shows for comfort

Watching a good series is like
getting ****** into a different world,
escaping from reality, all while
Being gently reminded that
there is good in this world.
that there are reasons to stay
Even if the only thing keeping me there in that moment
is the cliff hanger that was left for me at the end of the episode

If the distraction of the plot alone wasn't enough already,
the characters teach me

Katara teaches how to stand up for what you believe in and to never lose hope
Zuko teaches that you can shape your own destiny, and do what is right.
Toph teaches that you should never let another person define your abilities

Jim and Pam taught me that love doesn't always have to die as you grow older
Dwight and Angela gave me hope that things can work out in the end, even if the road is rough

Amethyst teaches that you should be comfortable with your body and its abilities
Garnet taught me to never be sorry for being who I am
Pearl taught me that it is possible to move on from losing someone you were in love with
Steven taught me that you should always stand up for what is good

Leela showed me that women can kick some SERIOUS ***, and that we should be proud of it.
Fry showed me that home is defined by being surrounded by people you love

Rick taught me that in the grand scheme of things, a lot of the things i blow up in my head are very very trivial, and that i should focus on more important things... like science!

Lastly, Morty taught me
"Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everyone's gonna die, come watch TV"
I've just had a rough few days and leaned on watching TV to keep me from losing myself. I looked back and realized that many of the hardest times were made easier by shows that distract and inspire me. It felt important enough to share
A Mar 2018
there are so many wedges in my time line
i hate that i'll just be another wedge in yours
inspired by a carrie hope fletcher video
A Nov 2017
The moisture will evaporate
Clouds will form
The rain will pour
the sun will come out.

Night will turn to day
Day to night
Over and over
And over again

The earth will continue to spin
The ball will drop at the start of a new year
Lovers will kiss
Friends will celebrate

Music will sound just as sweet
As the band marches on
Left foot, right foot, repeat.

An empty matress under a frame
Lights that no longer glow
Strings that haven't been plucked in ages

A plant with no water
No sun
No hope for growth
A Mar 2018
I want to laugh
A Jan 2018
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