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I don't know if you ever search our names on the internet
and i'm not sure what that means or if I even want to know
regardless of if you read these poems or not
i don't think that your eyes deserve these words
this little glimpse into a life
one that you could have so easily been a part of
this window into the heart and the brain
i don't want you peeping through it anymore
because these poems sometimes feel like this is our identity
and if you didnt want us in real life
why should we let you have us online

but here we are
posting with the hopes that you'll read it
so that maybe you can feel some ounce of guilt
for what you put us through
two broken souls
i’ve lost hope that either of them will be whole

how unfortunate that two perfectly split pieces
won’t fit together
you tell me that its okay to be nervous
and you promise to be gentle and go at my pace
little kisses trailing down my body
brushing your fingertips
along my waist
intertwined hands
tucking my hair behind my ear
you look me in the eyes and
you tell me that i'm beautiful
its slow and kind and respectful
the right time
no ill intentions
not a checkmark on your list
you ask if i'm okay

yes, everything is perfect
the mug that you got me
it sits at the back of the cupboard
it still has my lipstick on it from the last time you were here

will you stay this time?
im tired of unwashed mugs
the intentions that you set with me were clear
but the intentions that i made with myself were not
stop looking for love in a temporary high
i told you that i loved you

you told me that i could do better
i drove with the windows down today
through your home town
singing at the top of my lungs
and i thought about you
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