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Tal Haynes Apr 2018
I feel if i don’t get addicted to you or anything
Tal Haynes Apr 2018
God, we grew up way too fast and we forgot it all
All the piggyback rides and swings so high it was nerve racking but exciting
Every, “make a wish.”
“Be home by sundown.”
Surprise Easter baskets and Christmas presents
Stalking stuffers
Even quarters for quarter machines
We grew up so fast.
We always took for granted what we came home to because we never needed to be our own homes.
Don’t you miss the time when it was “what do you want to do with your life.” Rather than, “why don’t you have one?”
Do you remember when a promise was a interlocking of pinkies and not something that would be broken left and right?
When a position of leadership could be a caboose in the back of the line?
All we had to worry about was if we counted to ten and stayed in the lines of our coloring pages
We all worried too soon
Have you ever made sure you said “I love you.” to someone but then forgot who always nourished your heart when they soon forgot to say it back?
Maybe it’ll be too late before we realize we need to shrink back down for a second
To go back to the moments when we were swinging and to say I love you to our moms and dads.

Next year I won’t be here. Next year I’ll have to call myself a home and not you. I’m gonna miss you.
Tal Haynes Apr 2018
Because I am butter,
I looked at him and wanted to find the weakness
I wanted to syringe my comfort into him and find liquidation’s in something so solid
His tough skin.
Layers of epidermis.
They would be layers peeled back.
Layers revealed in stone as compacted sand.
I looked at him and whispered to myself “I wonder what is in him that softens? I wonder what is in him that makes him weak.”

Tal Haynes Mar 2018
You might hate me. I would understand. I’ve been through a lot to get where I am. I’ve become monster after monster, those things that make us horrified. I’ve looked in the mirror without knowing who is staring back. I’ve tacked and taped myself up. Picked and racked myself up, into piles that could last miles, no wonder you can’t stand me. It’s petrifying to see where ive been and see what I had to become to become who I am. To see how the denial made my tongue so slick when spoken to. To see all the toxicity that left me rotting. And who I am, not even I completely understand.
Tal Haynes Mar 2018
Three-hundred bombs could make the human race extinct. We have become our own annihilation. We’ve made drafts and put men on the front lines of war to be torn apart, mutated, and waving flags of hate flown as victories. We have made man into Test lab rates and disfigured the word humane in our strain to be number one because we can never accept number two. Our biggest discoveries have been torture devices for science maybe ignorance is bliss because we’re always in a reliance for pain to bring independence. For pain to bring intelligence, but to know is to fail trying for the truth there’s always consequences to have hope. And if hope is a serum used to cure them then there is bodies along the way.
Tal Haynes Mar 2018
Where does the life go once you swallow all the sadness in substances and dissipate all the hope? Was hope ever lost?

Tal Haynes Oct 2016
It doesn't fit
                                        My body wasn't made for this material
                                               I look down
                                         There it is
                                             The reminder that I'll never be real enough
                                 I'm not cold like I am all the time , its seeped into my skin ...

                      My eyes show my fear ,
The layout is supposed to look like this , trust me
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