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Seth Seaman Feb 2021
"Loosing ones self in a moment can leave pieces behind in the past, Realizing you're caught in the moment you gather what matters. The past keeps what you lost, the present reminds you everyday, the future holds no bonds. But longing for the pieces, you are left in the present in eternal sorrow with no way to your past. This what matters once must be let go with every step into the future."
Philosophical views of ones own regrets, remorse and renewals.
Seth Seaman Feb 2021
Rain drops whisper above a silent sea
Winds whistler gust notes, smells dance free
Skippin' thoughts like skipping stones
Sippin' shots of life might chill the bones
The boats unsteady, the crews unready
Swelling over the water clears many thoughts
Soft stitched, rain drenched, pinched minds collide
Side eyed peripheral glanced as ethereal eyes danced
Materials aside to not hide the soul inside
                                                                Naked is the fruit
Eternal reside sparks nodes that shied
                                                                  Fruit seeds root
Paternal instincts say do not hide
                                                                      Roots shoot
In life the elements stand aside
                                                          Sprouted tree with leaves
The earth grows without me
The soul nourished can flourish into a beautiful one at that.
Seth Seaman Feb 2021
Claimed by green, warmed by sun, cooled by shade
Underneath insects lay, shaped a many way
Ruff, smooth or ridged
Varies the weathered latitude longitude
Some cherished , polished and grooved
Great enough to withstand force
But rain over years show no remorse
Skipped over water to lay a new course
A poem of mineral digestion.
Seth Seaman Nov 2020
I found it hard,
hard to Bard,
Bard now jarred

We don't know how many,
hands together ready

The fight could last through out the night,
those whom lasted the fright,
who cheers through the sky could **** a kite

Bard tried hard,
Bard on guard,
sparred and still not scarred.
Seth Seaman Nov 2020
I like oats

I wish my emotions were more like oats
Adding the right ingredients and subtle notes

Sweetened feelings tasting of fruits lunching
Rage has my feelings crunching,
relieve stress by munching

Tastey oats,
feelings show,
more oats to grow!
I was distraught, hungry(eating a granola) and needed to write!
Farmed me this ole oat!
Seth Seaman Nov 2020
"Read me without spilling the static trips for eccentric lips on channel x on the fritz,
don't mind me or my mind don't remind me oh so sorry won't find me and my kind won't rewind accurately,
find your story within the cracks of the shore but it needs a tilling to find those whom are willing."
Seth Seaman Nov 2020
"There is an open door for happiness in death, that only the living can take for the dead, reminiscing and living on in their stead."
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