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Oct 2018 · 91
Spirit Hill
Tylese Oct 2018
There was silence...
You could hear an ambulance...
It was dark,
it looked about 6 o'clock,
there was mist everywhere...
you could hear screams...
guns shots...
and a voice...
it was a loud sly sounding voice...
it was deep...
it was telling you to go behind the big tree...
upon the hill...

You go to get up...
You can barely balance, and everything is dizzy,
you stumble,
you hear footsteps of people running to you... from the concrete street...
"Sir! Are you okay?!"
you turn to them,
they start to drift off into the sky...
you continue to the tree,

The voice is speaking again...
"Yes... Come here..."
you start making your way up the hill...
You see a spirit...
Just standing there...
She was really pretty,
she pulled you close to her...
then she stabbed through your chest...

You awoke in a hospital bed...
"He's awake!" screams a faint voice
everything was a blur...

A girl that looked like the spirit was in the room with you,
she speaks "Baby, are you okay?"

"All twas a dream."
Oct 2018 · 600
Her Eyes
Tylese Oct 2018
Look into her eyes,
what do you see?
happiness or tragedy?

If you look a little closer...
then you'll see,
that she portrays both of those things.
Oct 2018 · 428
The Witch And Doe
Tylese Oct 2018
The girl walks slow,
as the sticks behind her begin to crush,
she turns to discover a doe...
she convinces herself that she is in no rush,

She slowly approaches the beautiful creature,
as it stares into her perfect ocean eyes,
for the doe stayed still,
its calmness was an amazing feature,
she thought her brain was telling lies...

Until she touched it,
its soft fur,
its little ears,
"Oh, you're gorgeous..." She spoke...

The doe continued off on about its day,
the girl was heartbroken...
when she got home,
she wrote about the creature...
almost every day...

For she had cast a spell,
for animals to be calm around her more,
and you'll never guess what this witch found at her door...
Let's just say... She lived happily ever after...
Oct 2018 · 103
Tylese Oct 2018
As you hold the blade,
your feelings tell you to escape,
away from life,
away from meaning,
something out there,
has to hear you pleading,
being grabbed or being stabbed,
better of feeling,
so so bad,
what is the meaning,
what is the feeling,
to be hypnotised,
to the feeling,
when you are only just healing,

Only just getting better,
making yourself happy,
but the kids,
helped your arms get wetter,
and maybe,
you weren't meant,
to feel happy,
you were meant to be unhappy,
to be alone,
to feel as if,
the trees are your home,

for you are something special,
something to be proud of,
not someone to be,
made fun of,
for you are magical,
just chant these words,
"I feel better and nothing could make me feel worse",
now, how hard was that?
now tell me...
Do you want to breathe?
Or are you trying to receive?..death, danger, or a curse?.. because it all works...

For you are a white witch,
for you to use good intent,
and for you to never,
let the rules be bent...
Oct 2018 · 291
The entity
Tylese Oct 2018
The mist awoke, moving through the valleys, mountains, there it is, it's spoke, darkness..silence.. creatures appear from the dark, all twas to choke, danger.. venom..poison.. caution.. and beware.. for it is in its lair.. behind the mountainside, beside the valley.. all these creatures you shall find.. no anwser.. big red eyes... no hello.. you are not welcome here.. to hell, you shall go.. you've disrespected its flow... no matter what you do now.. you've still sinned.. your blood shall come out... you're the sacrifice, but not to god.. to the entity.. holding all your lies.. beware.. forsake.. danger is there, never to speak, only to share, and if you dare, talk there.. you'll be put out... we'll worship you.. hang you.. burn you too..all at the same time.. as the black mirror is looking at you.. your eyes will go red.. from the electrolytes..your body will grow.. you'll be part of a cult.. and there you shall hold.. a wasp nest.. evil has found you.. it's all in your ear.. in your mouth.. up your nose.. there is no to fear.. for you have become a dark force.. for you to ruin lives.. everything you do.. will be just fine.. find your friends, and try to end their lives.. for you have met the devil.. to start your best life.. hold them up by the throat.. watch them slowly die..give them hell, and just look into their eyes..and soon they'll all be gone.. you should you take the whole town out..for I will join you.. let's turn everything inside out.

— The End —