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I have stabbed the moon.
My world, plunged into darkness.
I am not blind; but here; I am made to be so.

The clouds of misery distort my hopes.
Surrounded by what I cannot reach.
I am not broken; but here; I am made to be so.

The hollow emptiness from each breath.
The voices of millions sound viciously cold.
I am not defeated; but here; I am made to be so.

The wooden shell rots and decays like flesh.
I am nothingness that lingers like cancer.
I am not dead; but here; I am made to be so.
Sometimes I wonder when you'll stop moaning.
Sometimes I wonder if your lips can actually shut.

Then I block you out. The moaning ceases.
You should not give advice.
You ignore the advice we give, yet you lecture those who do not follow what we say to you.
Hypocrisy in its finest hour.

You moan in your monastery of life.
Yet freely dish out words of wisdom like your a God.

It's people like you, it's people like you.
Afraid to change; yet first to judge.
I sigh.
All I can do is watch and bite my tongue
Until it bleeds.
Because your words are like bile in the throat.

It's people like you. All the answers are in front of you but too lazy to do anything.
You are the insult to those who work.
You are the insult to those who try.

I can see words dribble out your mouth, like a leaky pipe.
Too bad I can't hear you...
Oh disappointment dad, how you haven't changed.
You are still guttless and horribly deranged.
Faces have aged and we are all wise.
Disappointment dad, you cram yourself with empty lies.

Oh disappointment dad, you claim to work so hard.
Forgetting the world, you say you have becomed scarred.
But the ones who are scarred are the ones cleaning your mess.
Selfish and blind, your words of woe fill us with protest.

Oh disappointment dad, can't you listen to the world.
Your life is ever so more becoming twirled
I can leave through the door at any moment, and wouldn't care.
Oh disappointment, why don't you show me you still have a pair.

Excuses will only get you so far disappointment dad,
And truthfully less I see you, it makes me glad
Maybe one day you won't forget about me,
Maybe one day you'll chnage and be free.

However realism is my gifted teacher
And it has taught me about people like you; the preacher.
I can accept you'll always be singleminded
But Disappointment Dad; I refuse become blinded.
I love him.
But secretly I adore you.

We are different.
But you and me are parallels.

He is complex
But you just understand.

He is all style
But you are substance.

He is all facts
But you are creative.

I don't know what do to.
But I know I'm lying.
I am naked.
My body covered in colours. Vibrant in disguise.

If cut me back, you'll see I bleed shapes.
Triangles above your head.
The squares of my world.
The prisim trapped inside a prison.

I am the font print you never use.
But I am document you always open.

Where do you stand?

I can't hide the roadblocks anymore.
The open road needs to be free.
I can smell the sweat of you stuck between my skin.
Moulding with mine.

You have seen me.
And now I am stained in you.
I am the zombie that cries.
My eyes flood,
Blood pools grow in an infectious style.
I scrape along the floor, my knees are flaking.
I am the zombie, who is alone.

How paradoxical.
I am the zombie with no other to turn.

The dead brain stuck in my skull is telling me,
telling me to feed.
But my urge has gone, to feed is pointless.
The zombie with no purpose, no conviction.

Oh zombie with dertmination and purpose.
How do I return to you?
How to infect again, bite into another to feel
As I do.
How do I crawl among the other zombies,
For them to understand.

I must infect myself once again.

I am the zombie that cries tears for ******.
They are the tears of the ******.
Listen to them weep.
Love is the foundation of the universe.
Force so powerful we simple immerse.
Ourselves into its awe and beauty
Love is our calling, our highest duty.

In this life, Love stands on its own feet.
And destined to show us the place we meet.
We fall so fast we don't expect to be caught
That we question everything, every thought.

But love surprises us in a golden fashion.
Such vibrant colours, such vivid passion.
With each love offers something different.
Each one with its special moment.

There is one type of love which changes you.
It takes all the bad away and comes to your rescue.
They are out there waiting to be found.
That this love is perfect, all round.

Do not negotiate with the terrorists of your heart.
For they are malicious and do not understand the anguish you experience day to day. Your heart is not to be played with, nor is it fair you play with hearts that don't belong to you.

Do not negotiate with argumentive terrorists known as individuals. They thrive on your will to break and snap like a sugar stick. Remain calm and smile, it kills them inside.

Do not negotiate with pessimistic terrorists known as your mind. You are beautiful, you are not fat, you do not have a stupid laugh and 99.9% of the time, it's going to work out in the end.

Do not negotiate with passive terrorists who will not take a stand. If they choose to live their live like that, that is their choice, do not hang up on the worries of others. Do what makes you happy first and foremost.

Do not negotiate with spineless terrorists who hide in the shadows of others. One day they will realise, but you cannot tell them. So let them be.

Do not negotiate with emotional terrorists who hide many secrets. They will tell you when they are ready. Do not force information out. You are not a terrorist.

Remember that you are everything different to the terrorists.
Remember free thought is your greatest gift.

Do not negotiate with terrorists who use the misery of others for profit. Help the unfortunate, you will never know when you'll make someone's day. 20p can change the world.

Do not negotiate with the children of terrorists. Children can be cruel. Yes. But should the opinion of one child make a difference to you. No.

Do not negotiate with the terrorists of your soul. Do not let them guide you into unhappiness. Those who have, you can read the lines in their faces; they're permanent scars. Be brave, be bold.

Finally. Do not negotiate with yourself. You know what you want, who you are, what makes you tick, what makes you cry. Do not question yourself.

— The End —