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B Apr 2015
I always thought I knew what it was like to be in love. I thought being in love meant taking the blame when we got in an argument. I thought being in love meant making him happy even when I felt completely shattered on the inside. I thought being in love meant listening to his every command just to make sure I didn't disappoint him. I thought being in love meant staying behind because I knew he didn't want to worry about me. I thought being in love meant hurting myself to make sure he was okay. I thought being in love was getting so frustrated with him that I couldn't hold in my tears. I thought being in love meant watching him walk out the door and sitting cross legged on the floor waiting for him to come back. I thought being in love meant changing myself in order to be perfect for him. I thought being in love meant carrying the weight of both my world and his on my shoulders to make sure he could stand up straight. I thought being in love meant loving him with every ounce of my being, even though he didn't really love me at all.
I wish I knew what it was like to be in love.

B Nov 2015
I just want to be tangled in your arms with my head in the crook of your neck. I want to feel you kiss my forehead as im falling asleep

I want to run my fingers up and down your bare skin. I want to wrap my legs around yours and feel you pull me closer to you

I want go fall asleep and wake up with your scent filling my nose. I want to see your sleepy stares and tired smiles

I want you to steal the blankets from me in the middle of the night and when I try to pull them back, you wrap them around my shoulder

I want you to run your fingers down my spine and kiss me softly. I want you to leave trails of kisses down my neck and my chest. I want you.

B Apr 2015
I wish someone could have warned me about this astrological being that would change my entire world. I wish someone could have warned me about those calloused hands that have held an inconceivable amount of ***** bottles which he used to repel the voices whispering inside his head. I wish someone could have warned me about those tired, blue eyes that have seen the most unthinkable things which he wishes he could erase from his memory, but the horrid thoughts of his past keep replaying over and over in his mind. I wish someone could have warned me about his bitter tongue that spoke more lies than truths.  I wish someone could have warned me about those cigarette kissed lips that would soon have me addicted to their nicotine.I wish I could quit, but I crave them more and more as the hours drag on. I wish someone could have warned me about how his ears have heard the slam of the door when his own mother left him behind with his ******* father. I wish someone could have warned me about how horrifying his thoughts were that even I couldn't drag him out of the sea of horrible memories. I wish someone could have warned me that I would have fallen so deeply in love with this person that I wouldn't know what to do with myself when I lost him.

B Jan 2015
"Why are you jealous of the moon?"*

This could go one of two ways. I can either be super sappy and try to sound poetic by saying something along the lines of: "The moon is this beautiful force that draws me in. Whenever I look up at it, I'm breath taken and I forget about everything I don't want to think about for a moment. I want someone to feel that when they look at me and the moon has billions of people looking at it in that way. I just want to be adored."

But the reality of it is:

The moon is surrounded by the stars and that sounds a hell of a lot better than being down here surrounded by idiots.

B Jan 2015
I still have blood on my hands from the last boy's heart I tore out who thought he had the chance to get close to me. Well, he thought wrong.

B Jan 2015
Kiss me until
We form
In our mouths
And don't stop
Until the
Sting our

B Feb 2015
You placed a knife
in my chest
and all I could do
was put on a
to hide the pain
I was in,
but you
the knife until
I collapsed
because I couldn't
take it anymore.*

B Jan 2015
If he tells you he loves you but doesn't ever prove it, let him go.
If he pushes you down more than he picks you up, let him go.
If he doesn't make you smile like he did the first time you saw him, let him go.
If he's the reason why your pillow is soaked with tears every night, let him go.
If he ever threatens to leave you because he doesn't get his way, let him go.
If he's cracking your heart a little more everyday, let him go.
If he makes her smile while you're sitting alone crying, let him go.
If he makes you hate yourself, let him go.
If he tries to change you, let him go.
If he forces you into things you don't want, let him go.
If he's the reason for the empty feeling in your chest, let him go.
If he leaves and comes back whenever he pleases, let him go.
If you've given him more than one chance and he ***** up again, let him go.

Letting go is one of the hardest things to do, but sometimes there's nothing else you can do. Yeah, I know you love him. You're more important, though. I promise that you will be okay without him. Don't let him drag you down no matter how much you love him because I guarantee he doesn't love you as much as he claims to.

B Sep 2019
Sometimes it feels like the world is going to end..
Life is hard.
People aren’t who you think they are...not everyone is good
But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be
Jobs aren’t always easy
Money isn’t always abundant
Friends come and go
Relationships end
The only consistent thing in life is yourself
As cliche as it is, everything happens for a reason
People leave your life because you don’t need them
The job you left wasn’t right for you
Your significant other was not your person like you thought they were
You are the most important person in your life
So take care of yourself
Let go of toxic things in your life
Buy that item you’ve been itching to have
Call in from work once in awhile
Give yourself a break
If you don’t love the life you have, change what is in your control
In the end, it’s not going to matter
Life isn’t forever
Be who you want to be
Love who you love
Do what makes you happy
Don’t worry about what other people think
Just give yourself a chance.
B Jan 2015
Parents teach us so many life lessons, but they never teach us about how hard it is to be in love. Being in love is the most beautiful, but most awful thing in existence. Love turns us into monsters. You'll do things you never thought you were capable of. Love will be what destroys you. You think you'll be okay without the person when they leave, but you won't be. All you'll be able to do is wonder what you could have possibly done differently to make them stay, what you did wrong, and how they could have left you so easily if they "loved" you. You'll realize that they were the one who made you feel weightless. But guess what? That feeling with disappear the moment they step out of your life.  You'll feel like you're drowning. All emotions will be drained from your body and you'll feel empty. Maybe numb if you're lucky. Don't worry, though. Things do get better. But that one special person will always hold a piece of your heart. They'll always be in the back of your mind. One day, someone else will come along and you'll forget about all your past pain. But beware. Don't allow the cycle to repeat itself. Take my advice: Save yourself. Don't fall in love.

B Feb 2015
Loving you reminded
Me of a lightning strike;
Metoric, powerful, and fierce.
Everytime your skin
Brushed mine,
It felt like you
Sent billions of volts
Of electricity through
my body  
Leaving no nerve untouched.
Your fingertips shocked my skin
Everytime you put your
Hands on me,
Leaving intricate scars
Across my body.
Your kisses stung, but I craved them.
You were dangerous,
Yet wondrous.  
And I was drawn to you.

B Feb 2015
Love me like a sunset.*
Sunsets change everyday;
the colors change,
the clouds constantly create
new art in the sky,
the sun is brighter on some days,
other times it's cloudy.
Love me like a sunset.
Take my breath away
Keep me in awe
Surprise me everyday
Love me like a sunset.
Kiss me like the sun
Kisses the horizon.
Kiss me until the
stars come out
Love me like a sunset.  

B Jan 2016
You told me that loving me hurt. It hurt to love me and I never understood why until I tried to love myself. You're right, it did hurt. I understand now that it hurts to love someone that could never love you back the way you love them. It hurts loving someone who loves the duller things in life but also loves every ******* thing this world has to offer and there's no way to keep up with them. It hurts because you don't want to hold them back from what makes them happy. It hurts loving someone who's so distant but also needs to keep you as close as possible and you have no idea how to keep them from slipping away. It hurts loving someone who never knows what they want and can never make a decision so you're constantly frustrated. It hurts loving someone who doesn't trust you or anyone that you're around. They don't trust anyone for that matter. It hurts loving someone that flinches every time you try to touch them and you have no idea why. But you know, love is supposed to hurt sometimes. Love isn't supposed to make you feel like you're constantly walking on clouds. Love makes you feel like you have an anchor chained to your ankle and it's dragging you to the bottom of the ocean. Love makes you feel a heavy weight on your chest sometimes and that's ******* okay. I get it, though. Loving me hurt. But loving me doesn't hurt anymore ever since I stopped loving you. So I guess it wasn't me, it was you. Loving me hurt because of you.

B Jan 2015
I am not going to sugar coat it, I hate you. I hate you for making me fall in love with you when you **** well knew we weren't going to work out. Why wouldn't we work out? Oh, because you're a ******* liar. I have no idea who you are. Your whole being is non-existent to me. You're not real. The sad part is, you didn't even fight to make me stay. There's no way in hell I would stay either way, but it would have been nice to know you actually did love me. Obviously every "I love you" was a lie too. I meant nothing to you. I hate you for making me feel important when we both know I am nothing. I will always be nothing. I'm just everyones toy that gets tossed in the corner whenever they're tired of playing with me. That is all I will ever be. I just wish you saw me differently.

B Jan 2015
You meant the world to me. You kept me sane when I thought I might go crazy. You were my escape. I was okay for a little while after you left, but ****. My heart feels as if it has sunk deep into my chest and went into hibernation. I feel so numb and I'm not sure if that is a good thing or not. There's not a lot I feel anymore, but God, when I think about how much I miss you, I can't help but tear up and feel like screaming. It's been three months and it still hurts the same. My heart stopped the day I lost you and it hasn't started beating since. Maybe that's a good thing, though.

B Jan 2015
I had the same dream over and over again and I had no idea what it meant. Someone was trying to **** me in my own home, and everytime they went to stab me, they missed. It was terrifying especially since I had no idea who it was.  The last time I had the dream, I saw who was on the other end of the knife. It was me. I was trying to **** myself.

Maybe I was trying to tell myself something. Maybe  that I do have the strength to keep living.

B Jan 2017
When I was little, I used to pick all of the petals off the flowers in the backyard and scatter them on the grass, on the dirt, on rocks, in the pool, on the play set, and anywhere else you could imagine thinking it would make everything look more beautiful and colorful, but little did I know that I was killing the flowers in the process. I didn't realize I was doing the same to myself until I couldn't give the best parts of me to people because they were already gone. I gave pieces of myself to everyone I ever cared about and those pieces of me died after I couldn't get them back. Don't pluck your petals and leave yourself with a stem. You're so much more than that.

B Apr 2015
I would love if people would send me the story about the first time they fell in love. It doesn't have to be about a person. Please please please leave me stories to wake up to.

B Jan 2015
10:23: Hey, I miss you.
11:47: I hope you're okay.
1:19: Please text me back, I'm worried.
2:10: Come back. Come back. Come back.
3:14: I'm so sorry.
3:26: I love you. Please reply.
3:58: Okay, well I'll be here if you need me.
4:17: I love you.

He never replied, but I'm still waiting.


B Dec 2015
It doesn't hurt. It's more of an emptiness in your chest and you don't remember why it's there. It's easy to forget why you feel like there's a part of you missing because things have slowly been fading away for awhile now.  You just drifted apart for no particular reason. The worst part is remembering how happy you were (SweetPlacidity_)               with them and realizing that things are no longer the same and they're not going to come back. Other times, it's as if they don't exist. It's unnerving how people can be so easily forgotten, how I can be forgotten. But you know,  it was a quiet ending and that's all I could have ever asked for. Thank you for leaving quietly.

B Nov 2015
You wrote our story on my skin with your fingertips, except our story wasnt gentle. It was full of cuts and bruises and that's why I have so many scars

B Feb 2015
Your lips left
on my
so no matter how
I want to
what it felt like
to be
by you,

B Jan 2015
"What do you hide behind your smile?"*
Behind my smile, you'll find the pain of multiple heart breaks.
Behind my smile, you'll find the deaths of people who I still haven't accepted to be gone.
Behind my smile, you'll find an insecure girl who won't allow you to see any piece of her.
Behind my smile, you'll find a lost soul.
Behind my smile, you'll find the millions of times I've said "I'm fine" when really I was in indescribable pain.
Behind my smile, you'll find unspeakable thoughts.
Behind my smile, you'll find the stress of trying to make my parents proud because I'm considered the "**** up" child.
Behind my smile, you'll find my love for sad songs.
Behind my smile, you'll find my love for twisted love stories.

Behind my smile, you'll find things you would never expect.

B May 2016
Your walls heard all of the confessions I whispered to you while you were asleep. They heard me talk about how terrified I was to fall for you. They heard me say that I was scared that you were going to get to know me better and you weren't going to want me anymore the first time I stayed in your bed. They heard me tell you that you made me happier than anyone ever has and that you're the reason why I can finally wake up in the morning and actually get myself out of bed. They heard me tell you that it hurts when you drink yourself sick and I'm worried that you're going to destroy yourself. They heard me tell you that I hate how you bail on me and that it makes me feel unimportant to you even though you fell asleep with me wrapped up in your arms. They heard me tell you that I could spend my entire life with you and I would never get tired of you. They heard me whisper "I love you" for the first time and then later heard me say it over and over again until I fell asleep with my face buried in your chest. Your walls have heard everything I never had the guts to say. They heard everything. I just hope that they can keep my secrets and I wonder what secrets my walls are keeping, too.

B Jun 2015
I cried myself an ocean and set sail on the rocky seas only to become shipwrecked on an island of all my broken dreams

B Mar 2015
Maybe he left
because he got
tired of plucking
splinters out of
his fingers every
time he touched
me because of
the fence I built
around my heart.*

B May 2015

B Apr 2015
The stars started
in the sky
us the moment
lips collided into

B May 2015
I have moon dust
floating in my
and millions of stars
in my eyes
I'm just patiently waiting
to be
by the sun
so maybe then
you'll finally think I'm

B May 2015
He liked the chase, so I ran as far as I  could, hoping that he would never catch me, but he did. I decided to chase him back, but I don't think he was all for the game of tag. Once I caught up to him, he already had his arms wrapped around another girl's waist with his lips pressed against her neck.

B Dec 2015
I know that one day I'm going to see you at the grocery store or the movie theater or somewhere out shopping with someone who has taken my place next to you. When I see her, all I'm gonna think is, "that used to be me." I used to hold those hands and kiss that stupid face of yours. I used to be the one who could make you smile just by looking at you.  I don't know where things went wrong, or if they ever really did. Maybe things just stopped. My world just (SweetPlacidity_).   stopped.  I wish it could still be me with you, but there's nothing I can do. I just hope she makes you feel weightless. I hope she makes you feel warm. I hope she makes you smile. I hope she does everything I couldn't. I hope she doesn't make you sad. I hope she holds your hand so tight that nothing can get between you. I hope she kisses you softly. I hope her heart aches when you're not around. I hope her lungs collapse when you leave. I hope her bones shatter when you scream. I hope when you see me, your world stops too.  

B Jan 2015
Let me tell you about the first boy I fell for. I mean, really fell for.

He was different. Not in a sense that he was strange or anything like that, but in a way that he was different from most people. He had a similar thought process to me and we actually understood each other. Whenever he would start talking about something that interested him, his eyes would light up and he would put his hand on my thigh, squeezing it whenever his story got more intense. He never broke eye contact with me when it was my turn to speak. He actually listened to what I had to say and no one has ever done that for me before.

I fell for his smile the first time I saw it. I don't know why I was so drawn to it, but I was. It was contagious.

I fell for his eyes. They were dark brown, almost black and extremely easy to get lost in. Everytime he would smile, his eyes would almost completely shut because of how big he was smiling. It made my heart melt.

I fell for how his hand fit so well in mine. Everywhere we went, our fingers were interlocked so tight that nothing could break through us. In fact, whenever someone would get too close to me, his hand would tighten around mine and he'd pull me closer to him. He made me feel safe.

I fell for the way he would look at me. We would be lying next to each other and I could feel his eyes on me. I'd look at him, smile, and cover his eyes with my hand telling him not to stare at me. He would reply with, "Don't tell me what to do. I'll stare at you all I want!" All I would do was laugh and kiss him quick on the cheek.

I fell for the way he touched me. He was always touching me one way or another. He would usually run his fingertips down my side to my hip and up my back. If I got lucky enough, I would feel him brush my hair back and gently kiss my neck. I couldn't help but smile and have the urge to kiss him over and over again.

I fell for the way he slept. Even then he had to be touching me, otherwise he would wake up and drag me closer to him. He looked so peaceful. I couldn't help but kiss his cheek and run my fingers through his hair.

I fell for the way he kissed me. It was natural. His lips seemed to melt with mine and not once did he try shoving his tongue down my throat. His kisses were addictive and I could not get enough of them.

He seemed perfect. Sadly, I didn't find out how big of a ******* he was until it was too late.

B Apr 2015
Hey, I miss you. I don't know why I feel the need to apologize to you, but I do. Im sorry, I'm so ******* sorry for everything. I feel terrible, although I'm not quite sure what I am apologizing for. Maybe I feel this way because I know that you feel awful for what you did to me. I shouldn't feel bad for you at all considering you're the reason why we ended in a bad place. God, even when you're not trying to be manipulative you are. You dug into the deepest parts of my brain and buried yourself in the back of my mind whispering, "It's all your fault." That's all that runs through my head anymore. I guess it was my fault that this happened. I loved you and I apparently that was enough for me to take the blame for everything. I knew what I was getting myself into when I fell for you, but I didn't stop myself. So, I guess you're right. Everything was my fault.
I'm sorry.

B Jun 2015
So I have a theory. You know how they say that when you die in a dream, you die in real life? And you know how they say that when you die, your life replays itself? Well what if you think you're dying in a dream, but it's your life replaying itself because you're actually dead and how you died in the dream is how you died in real life and that's the last thing replaying before everything goes black?

B Jan 2015
I am one of the hardest people to love. If you want a challenge, I guess I'm your girl. There are a few things you should know about me, though. 1. I most likely won't trust you even though you've never wronged me. 2. I'll push you away every chance I get. Don't let me, though. I secretly want you to stay. 3. I get upset over the smallest things. 4. I'm very good at making people feel guilty. 5. I laugh at everything to keep myself from crying.
6. I let all my sadness and anger build up until I explode. 7. I am extremely stubborn and will never admit I'm wrong. 8. I hate being told what to do, so don't try pushing me around. I won't allow it. 9. I am very clingy and protective. There are reasons for that which I am not willing to explain.
10. I figure out everything so don't try lying to me. Chances are I already know the truth. 11. I hate myself. Don't ask me why. Don't tell me to love myself. Don't expect me to love me just because you do. 12. I am very insecure. If you compliment me and I tell you no, it's not because I'm fishing for more compliments or begging for attention, I just don't believe your comment to be true. 13. I can't handle arguments. If we get in a fight, I'll most likely walk out. Let me go. It's for the best. I promise I'll come back. 14. I'll love you uncondionally. Please don't take advantage of that. 15. I like going on adventures and keeping myself busy. Please don't try holding me back. I won't stay. 16. I have days where I won't speak a word. Don't try forcing me to talk. We'll both end up frustrated. 17. I won't let you in easily.
18. I like to know every detail about people, but I won't let them know a thing about me. 19. I get excited over the smallest things, especially sunsets. If I make you drop everything to come look at it, just go with it. 20. Half the things I do, don't make sense. I'll laugh at myself, so laugh along with me.
If there's something on this list you won't be able to handle, don't bother with me.

I won't change myself for you.

B Dec 2015
I remember when I was a kid I used to go into my parents room and pull off their covers so just the sheet was left. I would lift it up above my head and crawl underneath before it laid itself back down. I remember how comforting the smell of fabric softener was and to see the sun peeking through the white sheet. (Love is comfort, you are comfort) I remember loving everything and everyone without a doubt in my mind that they loved me too. (I loved you, and I know you loved me too; although you had a funny way of showing it) I remember rolling around in the grass and searching for lady bugs so I could hold them for just a second before they flew away. They interested me more than anything and I could stare at them for hours. (You caught my attention, but just like the lady bugs, you left too)  I remember  gathering flowers in a bucket so I could pluck all of the petals off and throw them around the yard so that there could be vibrant colors scattered everywhere. (Kind of reminds me of what you did to my heart) I remember the first time it snowed here I made a snowball and placed it in the freezer in hopes that it would last forever.  My mother got rid of it one day and I didn't even notice. (I tried to keep you forever too, but you slipped away without any warning) I remember finding injured birds and keeping them in a box until they were strong enough to fly away. I always loved keeping baby birds and seeing them fly off for the first time in their entire life. (I helped mend your broken heart and once you felt okay again, you moved on to bigger and better things) I remember getting into fights with my sister and one of us would end up hitting the other out of anger, but we'd be laughing ten minutes later about God knows what, forgetting why we were angry in the first place. (We constantly fought but neither of us could stay mad at the other. Maybe that was our problem.) This is what love is.

B Jan 2015
Im tired.
I'm really ********
I'm tired of the lies.
I'm tired of feeling alone.
I'm tired of not being enough.
I'm tired of getting hurt.
I'm tired of being heart broken.
I'm tired of caring too much.
I'm tired of hiding my feelings.
I'm tired of running away.
I'm tired of being used.
I'm tired of being manipulated.
I'm tired of being pushed around.
I'm tired of feeling weighed down.
I'm tired of being me.


B Mar 2015
Love is so twisted. When you fall in love, you fall hard. Your whole being comes crashing down and it seems like your heart is beating so hard that it might explode in your chest. Having every single bone in your body shatter would be less painful than being in love. He's such a beautiful human being that you almost forget how badly he's hurt you. When you look into his eyes, you can see galaxies upon galaxies, but unfortunately, you are only one of his tiny stars in his giant universe.

B Jul 2015
There are two types of love; one that makes you feel weightless and one that makes you feel as if the whole world is sitting on your chest.

B Mar 2015
I knew we weren't meant to be when it hurt more to tell you that I loved you than to think about what it would be like if I lost you.*

B Apr 2015
I was in love with a boy who could calm my most fierce storms that were brewed inside my head, but he created a hurricane inside me when he left, flooding every crevice of my body with the memories of him.*

B Jan 2015
You used to have
in your eyes,
but it seems as if they
have turned to
since she left.*

B Feb 2015
I always tell
that they are not
to come in and out
of my
whenever they
but I do
the same thing.
Except, I don't come back.

B Nov 2015
Instead of saying
"he loves me, he loves me not"
while picking flower petals,
I said
"he loves me, he loves her, he loves me."
He loves her.

B Jan 2015
I got drunk off
His ***** kissed
Which tricked me into
Thinking that what
I felt was

B May 2015
Pretend you love me just for tonight
B Feb 2015
You asked me to
describe the pain
I hold in my heart,
so I walked away
without looking

B Mar 2015
I didn't realize
that loving you
would have the same
effect on my
as having a
few too many
I guess I
should learn my

B Nov 2015
Maybe I'm losing you and maybe you're losing me too, but the thing is, you won't notice you're losing me until I'm gone. And once I'm gone, I'm not coming back.

B Jul 2015
I've got you running through my veins and I'm just waiting for my blood to turn to alcohol because we both know you can't stand to be sober.

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