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B Nov 2015
It seems to me as though people don't take the chance to get to know other people anymore. It's all about physical attraction and getting with that one person that everyone wants. Maybe we know each other's names and maybe where we're from, but do we know each other's pet peeves or biggest fears? Hell, do we even know each other's favorite color or birthday? The answer to that question is no. We don't. But one thing that I've found is that you'll never know someone better than that person that decided to sit next to you on the airplane on your way back home for the holidays. Maybe airplanes aren't the most intimate place to have deep conversations, but you're stuck with that person for god knows how long and chances are, you'll never see them again so why not open up and ask this person questions about themselves? I've met many different people when I've traveled by myself and I couldn't be more grateful for the opportunity I had to get to know these people. Ive met an old man from Australia who couldn't keep his mouth shut about a girl he had a crush on when he was twelve. He crashed his bike while she was sitting on his handle bars after they snuck out of their houses to see each other. I've met an older woman who found my college textbook about Confucius to be one of the most interesting books she's read after I let her borrow it for awhile. I've met a teenage girl who was traveling on her own to go see her family in Italy and told me about everything that she wishes to accomplish one day. I've sat with a boy I've met previously once before who I never knew had a thing for old cars and loves cold weather. But you know what the best thing is? You finally notice how people look at you. That old Australian man, yeah, he had the goofiest smile I have ever seen after I told him that he had one of the sweetest love stories I've heard in my entire life. Even as he shut his eyes to try to take a quick nap, he was still smiling. And when I could feel the older woman's eyes on me while writing my paper about Chinese philosophy, I caught her with bright eyes and the slightest smile on her face when i turned to look at her.  That girl traveling alone, well, I don't think I've ever seen a bigger smile after I told her that she's going to accomplish great things in her life. And that boy I sat with, couldn't stop smiling no matter what I said. Every time I'd turn to look at him, I'd catch a glimpse of him smiling before he turned his head to hide his face. All I'm trying to say is, I wish that maybe one day, I could get to know you as well as I know these people I've met on the airplane. I wish that maybe I'll finally have the chance to see the way you look at me.

B Nov 2015
Instead of saying
"he loves me, he loves me not"
while picking flower petals,
I said
"he loves me, he loves her, he loves me."
He loves her.

B Nov 2015
You wrote our story on my skin with your fingertips, except our story wasnt gentle. It was full of cuts and bruises and that's why I have so many scars

B Nov 2015
Fall in love with the way his voice shakes when he tells you he's scared to lose you
Fall in love with the way he smiles when you kiss his cheek while he's trying to sleep
Fall in love with the way he gives you goosebumps when he whispers sweet nothings in your ear
Fall in love with the way his fists clench when he gets frustrated because he can't explain how much you mean to him
Fall in love with how he plays with your fingers when he's lost in a conversation with you
Fall in love with the way his voice can calm your most vicious demons.
Fall in love with the way his lips melt into yours every time he kisses you
Fall in love with the way he brushes your hair out of your face so he can get a better look at you and tell you how beautiful you are.
Fall in love with how much he annoys you and pokes at you, but makes up for it by drowning you in kisses.
Fall in love with the way his laugh travels through your entire body, exciting every nerve.
Fall in love with the way his eyes light up and his lips curl into a crooked smile when you tell him that you love him
Fall in love with the way he falls asleep with his arm wrapped around you and pulls you closer when he wakes up for a quick moment
Fall in love with every piece of him
B Nov 2015
I hope she makes you feel weightless. I hope she makes you feel warm. I hope she makes you smile. I hope she does everything I couldnt
I hope she doesn't make you sad. I hope she holds your hand so tight that nothing can get between you. I hope she kisses you softly
I hope her heart aches when you're not around. I hope her lungs collapse when you leave. I hope her bones shatter when you scream
I hope you remember who loved you more than life and would do anything for you. I hope that's enough to twist your insides into a knot.

B Nov 2015
Maybe I'm losing you and maybe you're losing me too, but the thing is, you won't notice you're losing me until I'm gone. And once I'm gone, I'm not coming back.

B Nov 2015
I want to crawl into the creases of your lips and memorize the way they say "I love you"

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