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Out of the mid-wood’s twilight
Into the meadow’s dawn,
Ivory limbed and brown-eyed,
Flashes my Faun!

He skips through the copses singing,
And his shadow dances along,
And I know not which I should follow,
Shadow or song!

O Hunter, snare me his shadow!
O Nightingale, catch me his strain!
Else moonstruck with music and madness
I track him in vain!
I've got his pictures
I've got his voice recorded, its cadence
Makes me get insane
As much as the slight wrinkles around his lips

I drew him many times
With 80s songs in the background
I traced his lip line and his tiny nose
I contemplated his pale skin

He's got dark hair and cold eyes
He shows ease and self confidence
But he needs distance
While he talks to me

He won't take a step towards me
Sagittarius guys are always absent-minded
distant and impenetrable. I can't guess
if he knows he pulls my mind like a magnet

He will, 'cause they always do
'cause they're "different", they always say
And I hold his scraps like a pillar
Like a conjurer I let them fade
Let them feed my hate
Feed my disgust, he did
Another successful round
Another face to forget
And your heart lose a piece
For every tear that falls
And when your heart will stop bleeding
Will become a stone
Your eyes on me and time stands still
They won't upset the way I feel
But this repulsion tastes so sweet
It makes me fear we'll never meet
Your crowd submerges me, it makes me wish
I was not here, but I am safe
you will not untie me, I should feel safe
but I am insane, your crowd shouts words
I will never get, my seven lives
my chains to the backdrop, your crowd
submerges me, It makes me wish
I was not here, but I am safe
I never meant to care
Do you remember our words
Do you remember your lies

I know what's in your head
I know what you can't see
“Don't worry come with me”

But you touch every corner
Every corner of this world
And you don't trust me

And you don't trust me
Keeping every shatter of these days
Just to feel alive

Your aura screams I don't care
But you care and you run
And you stopped for a while
Then you looked at my veil
Saw you running again
And never run back

Show me the tip of the mountain
Let me fall by mistake
I’ll keep the snakes
around my legs by mistake

I'll appear, show my spells
Use my tricks by mistake

Draw the chaos for me
Change the world with me

By mistake
Per un attimo fui nel mio villaggio,
nella mia casa. Nulla era mutato.
Stanco tornavo, come da un viaggio;
stanco al mio padre, ai morti, ero tornato.
Sentivo una gran gioia, una gran pena;
una dolcezza ed un'angoscia muta.
- Mamma? - È là che ti scalda un po' di cena. -
Povera mamma! E lei, non l'** veduta.
Cantava al buio d'aia in aia il gallo.
E gracidò nel bosco la cornacchia:
il sole si mostrava a finestrelle.
Il sol dorò la nebbia della macchia,
poi si nascose; e piovve a catinelle.
Poi fra il cantare delle raganelle
guizzò sui campi un raggio lungo e giallo.
Stupìano i rondinotti dell'estate
di quel sottile scendere di spille:
era un brusìo con languide sorsate
e chiazze larghe e picchi a mille a mille;
poi singhiozzi, e gocciar rado di stille:
di stille d'oro in coppe di cristallo.
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