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Naomi Jul 2019
Our love is real, don’t discredit that
But our scars are deep, and unforgiving
Our trust has wavered and fallen
And my eyes have no more tears to shed.
An ache in my heart consumes me
And keeps me down
Now looking into your eyes, I see the love behind them
But there is two of you, I also see the distaste
I hear it in your voice
I feel it in your touch
Do you feel the same from me?
I think, that our love story has ended
It’s gone on for too long
The love in your eyes won’t let you leave
And the distaste hates me for it.
What should we do?
I don’t see a way to repair what’s left
It’s like we’re living in what we want the other person to be
But in reality…
I think it’s time I leave
The love is always there
Licking the wounds of a forever broken heart
I hope for our; my sake
Time will heel these wounds
Love Always,
Naomi Jun 2019
Dear Pie,
For the rest of my life, I will love you with all my heart.
You're my everything.
My heart, my soul, my world.

What I'm actually reading:

Dear Pie,
For the rest of my life, I will love you, with all my heart.
Unless, you ever disagree with me, then I'll decide how much heart you can have.
You're my everything.
Give me everything.
My heart, my soul, my world.
Give your heart, your soul, your world.
You can have back whatever is left, when I'm done.
Sometimes actions speak louder then words.
Naomi Dec 2018
The ground starts to shake and a slow enormous roar rises and fills the air.

Moments pass

Winds whirl, ripping the strongest trees and tossing them aside.

Then the eye and all is calm.

The sun shines down through the grey sorrow filled clouds.
A beacon of hope in blue sky.

Lightning strikes and fire rages and devastates.
Stopping at nothing, to leave nothing in its wake.


A flood of sadness over takes me. Drownding I fight to breath in between waves of emotion.

Im alone,  always.
Naomi Dec 2018
I'm so deep in the throws of addiction.

Look at my perfectly blended eye shadow.
Purples and blues swirl into something that matches the other.

"I love you" his words echo in my pounding head.
But I'm just the other women.
His first love doesn't breath until the seal is cracked

My addiction is him, his addiction I can't beat.

Look at my beautiful full lips.  They whisper promise of love and happiness.
Fuller now,  bruised and miss used as the sweet taste if blood lingers on my tongue.

I wish your kiss flowed to me,  as easily they do the open mouth of that glass vessel.

Your gentle hand caress my body with the gentleness shown to your bottle.  

With every sip,  another betrayal on my heart.

In my head I know to run fast, but my feet stay glued, as my heart won't let me leave.

My hopes and dreams consumed by you.  A future unseen without you.

An unforgiving present,  and a painful past.

I love you too.
Naomi Dec 2018
Hello,  I am a puddle person.
I'm certainly not the only puddle person, of course.
And I often think I'm more puddle then person.

I lay on the floor still.
People come by and see themselves reflected in me.
Sometimes they step in me,  and drops of me splish around and evaporate.

I'm content being a puddle it's, comfortable.
People are aware of me whether looking at themselves, tip toeing around me or jumping in.

I am NOT invisible.

Love me or hate me this puddle person isn't going anywhere,
until I become more puddle then person.

— The End —