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56m · 10
Escape Act
Onoma 56m
lightless cessations


against the crumpled

lightning of roots.

sparking its sensitive

wires that blow open a

casket like a safe.
1d · 30
Cold Spot
Onoma 1d
a cold spot

in a



can be felt

more often

than not.
Onoma 3d
there's always another version to put

out--deny identity among the crowd

one generates.

--are you who you say you are?

is the constant question circulated by the

crowd--one to another, as a version of the

same one.

as one would say: peace be with you, in

church--to the ones nearest.

except this is a multiplicitous self-interegation--

which refuses identication, therefore peace.
Onoma 4d
melancholia loses its voice after

the unbroken rasp of its whispers--

are stripped naked by the oppressive

vapors it possessed to temper.

lordly & nonemergent--walked thru

the walls of its mansion, into rooms

that bear the sound of drizzle.

hallways of bounding sunlight, stunted

by dense clouds.
5d · 41
Yinmn Blue Room
Onoma 5d
an inexhaustibly long queue of

devils, decked out with their spin on


mugging their motherless faces--

all holding a  bouquet of black velvet


some noshing on them, some thwapping

the devil in front of them over the head.

filing one by one into a small yinmn blue


to take headshots for sacred auditions.
6d · 110
Accompanying Piece
Onoma 6d
a table knife files its teeth

across a stale loaf of bread.

left imbedded enough to

be concealed by the crust.

its handle juts out, reharnessing

a grip that is no longer there.

a dusting of breadcrumbs line

both sides of the knife, &

an absentminded return to visibility

on the table.

a clock hanging on the kitchen wall

fixates on this discarded still life--

concentrating its repression.

bending the nail that sends it to the

floor--as an accompanying piece.
7d · 33
Aberrated Peak
Onoma 7d
a ravening intensity wants an

ongoing plane after peak experience.

there's a lopsidedness that slinks off

what evenly secures bliss.

this faithful deformity starts to show

up earlier & earlier--before arriving.

thru the inevitable dread of what it

will throw off.
Apr 21 · 108
A Tap on Dark's Back
Onoma Apr 21
there's a tap on dark's back--

ad infinitum.

it always turns around in response.

as if at the edge of a bed--the stimulus

of this gentle touch is the light it can

see coming.
Onoma Apr 18
let X=(a sky)=(The Sky)...flying monkeys

clogging it, duress above a forest


whacking wings & weighted feet descending

thru the pieced puzzle of top tier leaves.

raining sloshes thrashed with *******--

the sound of their flock's forced entry.

free for all guttural whoops on the forest floor,

formidable wings spread and withdrawn every

which way.

no apprehension of Oz's legendary four to be

had, just a new settlement long after their ruler

turned into a puddle of water.

let X=(a forest)=(The Forest).
Apr 17 · 48
A Hag's Last Birthday
Onoma Apr 17
eaten by her own stride, city blocks

half-lit as country lanes, her gloomy

covenant with diurnal & nocturnal

coup de grace.

a notch taller than short, stick-thin,

dragging around a hag's last birthday--

face bald as an egg.

tattered habit--cowl over her head...whose

black cloth drapes down as if producing

antiquated photographs of oblivion.

a strong wind gust rips back her cowl--

loosing petals from the cherry blossom

wreath she wears, as it rests crookedly.
Apr 17 · 48
Peeled Away
Onoma Apr 17
as a serpent sleeps ahead of the


limp under flashes of yellow.

stretched to meet the ground it will

cover throughout its incarnation--

without moving.

its blood icily curled up into drifting

*****, trickled over by warm effluxes.

a stone in its mouth, a rose in its stomach.

peeled away.
Apr 16 · 65
This Visitor
Onoma Apr 16
this outward ****** that visits

us--after cold buckles when its

interminable rites have been read.

this visitor--right from the heart,

going right for the heart...throws us

into that central fire.

April is concomitant with the abrupt

feel of flame, all dormancy goes up.
Onoma Apr 15
Persephone sits under a leafless

tree, sprouting infantile green.

her back against the trunk, her

knees square against her *******.

her dress adjusts like an eye, to fading

hues seen after change.

she's surgically bisected a pomegranate--

with the intimate caress of her right

pointer finger.

counting the gory plumps of its seeds.

her legs start to rattle as if in ******--

she crushes the pomegranate between

the palms of her hands.

having tallied those freshly admitted below.
Apr 14 · 47
Stalled Light
Onoma Apr 14
stalled light--

a pallid break not to make


forever this--bedridden grey

staring out from the world.

clay roused from cinders--twitching

before disjointed  movements.

similar to 19th century electric

shocks administered to deceased


a realm of colorblind variances to

wakefulness--densify the fog of these


whose trailing opiates of sleep rapidly

play their eyes beneath lids--smudge marks

on a colorless palette.
Apr 13 · 39
Omni's Strange Brew
Onoma Apr 13
wasps tap at windows with

long poisonous splinters, blanked

backward by a clear barrier.

not often detracted.

sideswiped by illustrated

howls blown as gradients of


spitting sparse raindrops, &

wearing the fragrantly cocktailed

rub of a garment out of doors.

vivid to the sense of smell, as if

brought indoors.
Apr 12 · 33
Shadow Marionette
Onoma Apr 12
a shadow marionette of an

anthropoid, is controlled by superstrings.

it is bound to the outermost groove

of a blackhole, whose last audible

recording sounds from it.

exclusively sent down to the surface

of deep sea oceans across the earth.

occasionally overawed fisherman will

see the performance of its danse macabre

when dawn's most brilliant.

becoming incontinent when hearing the

extinction of sound via song.
Onoma Apr 11
letter block houses form a word--

every time one of its occupants guess the

word death is thinking of.

absurd as in their manner to define--

these naked giants that rise with the salt of

the earth & fall with the rain.

unable to miss one another thru tinsy niceties

& fashionable rags.

hide becomes the operative word, like: applause

to a live audience.

spot-check survival prods at their peace--as auric

toxins coarse & compile like bowel movements.

as if they're put to: The Question by Grand Inquisitors...

tortured until they confess: I'm fulfilled.
Onoma Apr 10
an archway with ivy bangs, glass cuts

another archway with ivy bangs.

dangling from the foreheads of a gothic


magnifying feet that have masticated

undergrowth & path.

the metamorphose of a human animal,

whose keenness still rings in the ears--

while ****** into the pressure of the tunnel.

a soundproof & sound-enhancing paradox,

that spacewalks limbs.

coupled with the aerodynamic windbreaks of

cars, riding the back of its modest overpass.

then the emergence to a connective forest

path--as if cleansed before a consequent

Apr 9 · 32
Minced Eyes
Onoma Apr 9
a spider's minced eyes--

studded gemstones

whose beaty twinkles

reflect suspension.

immaculately pinned to

the molding that draws

down the line of a corner.

in a room where two walls

meet--the imperceptible

musicality of its web, playing

a number to be consumed.
Apr 8 · 56
Giacometti's Studio
Onoma Apr 8
Botero's ballooning

figurations parade

into Giacometti's studio.

greeted by emaciations

that seem cast in disheveled

Onoma Apr 8
as with a vomitus

start from bed--

the melted voices of

the mind moonlighting

the wee hour of a body.

sectioned off from what

retired it--so countercurrents

of alarm may impress

something that has happened.

though not yet.
Apr 7 · 53
Onoma Apr 7
ruling planets cut thru

the screen of midday's midnight--

juggernauts with blowing foghorns.

super-schizoid percolations of color...

the earth herself posing as a spinning

sitter, whose turns are fed to the

paralytic lucidities of turns that will be.

yet there's no turning to be had, when she


the screen suddenly seals--midnight's

midday...& thru the screen's holes

serpentine wavicles enter the potentia

of billions of breathers.
Apr 6 · 45
Funnels it Complete
Onoma Apr 6
the amorphous

evolutions of a single

cloud are made to

happen at once.

until it breaks out of

the sky's barrier--as

a negative space.

which funnels it

Onoma Apr 4
the sun takes the shape

of a spinning pottery wheel--

hands of dark matter

fielding palm & finger.
Onoma Apr 2
sallow outer shells of lamplight

shiver fragile lines of light--

to the wall.

hardly palatable to the clam juice

residuals of late light, airbrushed

by a rain even more coy than a

fine mist.

as afterbirth-roots are fleshed out

by a chill, insisting on leaping

backward more than a few weeks.
Apr 2 · 74
Decay & Delectability
Onoma Apr 2
twelve pointed hats

lower over the silver pan

of her High North reclusion.

set down.

she stir fries the vegetative

chants of a clockwork coven.

an aroma fills the forest...

the unachievable balance between

decay & delectability.
Mar 31 · 52
Blocked Information
Onoma Mar 31
the ground/sidewalks/streets

are usually checkered fluctuations

that accelerate into vortical pits.

then are spit out.

as if not being where one is--

consequentially proceeding toward:

having not been.

yet, as it seems currently...the weight

of the entire world settles, & an

existential foothold shoots blocked

information thru the crown.
Mar 31 · 55
Underworld Mending
Onoma Mar 31
a raven is stitched as

with the leatherbound

trackwork of a baseball.

its beak is like a mangled

dagger, resembling uncut

fingernails for a lifetime.

its eyes are enlarged tapioca

*****, bursting milky residue.

it perches on tree roots--as

it suckles on soil & attempts

to rip its wings from underworld

Mar 30 · 47
Nightly Bluffing
Onoma Mar 30
the thick of thick,

thickens---the thin of

thin, thins.

as said, in all--as a tree.

as trees.

subject to inkblot cavities of nightly


encompassed by wind--

what the invisible relies on

as a sound which's more

than a single sound.
Mar 29 · 42
Plasmic Belly
Onoma Mar 29
the sun's obese, plasmic

belly--is getting flowers

stuck to it like barnacles.

a buddha that'll undoubtedly

laugh them off.

an aeon from root to pistil.
Mar 29 · 35
Banish Vagaries
Onoma Mar 29
kingdoms of reality

banish vagaries & laud


so passable with slight


by hawkeye sanity.

as with the accountability

of a thing--to be left as it

was left.

until kingdoms of reality

are lain siege--gross in

apparency as rubble to

mind, mind to rubble.
Mar 28 · 42
Spit & Silver Platter
Onoma Mar 28
boar by name, inscrutable.

bit off its mouth, with its mouth--

to get to an apple seated on its

drooling tongue.

enchambered by tusks...violent

snap jaw breaks thru eyepopping

****** paralysis.

somewhere between spit & silver platter...

game & fixings.

the boar was wrenched from the terminus

of sleep--to put back to sleep the festivity

of its flesh.

once made aware of it.
Onoma Mar 26
the sound of grainy footage

popping like rice crispy treats--

as time says: ahh.

these open vaults that spare no

detail, change underlying with


easily recognizable neighborhood

composites, cramming a wink

with volumes of standing impressions.
Mar 26 · 44
Crandall Typewriter
Onoma Mar 26
the genesis of a:

Crandall Typewriter,

hits its ornamental lettering

in its cathedral.

retouches of frozen fingertips--

made to return to those irresistible


nook, silken tap--a decisive rake of

blent sound.

seepage of ink on crisp paper.
Mar 25 · 52
Onoma Mar 25
the sun squares off the tiles of northern

European roofing--with the bucking

prims of tucked shadows.

the shred-throat jellied gurgles of

starlings, rehashing into piercing tweets

throughout the whitening gold of dusk.

the central tutelage of a silence, outlined

by sounds of inbreaking traffic.
Mar 24 · 120
Every Ambrosial Brick
Onoma Mar 24
there's an ache for

every ambrosial brick

worked out like a tooth.

so synergistic commons

can band the prolix of

Mar 23 · 53
One Less Sky
Onoma Mar 23
a string of diamonds liquify

from the film of one less sky--

its absence emptying jewel boxes.

subsiding hushes that return

right before they permanently

fade--as the process automatically


slant elegancies of gently ground

diamonds, trying on rain from window

to mirror.
Mar 22 · 32
Phosphene Vase
Onoma Mar 22
a phosphene vase

draws itself--with

a pastel outline of:

violet purple/jade green/

ochre orange.

Venus' long fuchsia legs

kicking out from its lip.

as she takes root--headfirst.
Mar 22 · 37
Pipeline Dazes
Onoma Mar 22
pipeline dazes

draft a billow of


Raphael's cherubs

vacuumed by a giant

Onoma Mar 21
crackles of green storming

patchworks of earth--

simulacra clans of birds

not to be believed.

fast as visions reinforcing

visions of: now is new.

same as the air of its own--

excelling as a perfumer.
Mar 21 · 39
Manhattan's Mindspace
Onoma Mar 21
from uptown to


press themselves

against building


in between the glass.

switching places at the

speed of light.

all the thoughts of a

massive populous.

to codify, as not

to be cracked.
Mar 21 · 56
A Dantesque Floodgate
Onoma Mar 21
a fire the height of a mountain

experiences insomnia on a bed

of ash.

imagine if that mountainous fire

were split in half--verticality met

with an ashen horizontality.

which provides for a Dantesque

floodgate of ascending & descending

Onoma Mar 20
her face is a gaunt rosebush--

whose thornage & leafage

periodically shear off roses.

as if they were a pile on of


she squints thru this with

turquoise eyes, those vivid

breakthroughs you get.

her hair's the long entanglement--

of the rueful moistening of night.
Onoma Mar 20
during the: Teatro alla Scala's

opening night (August 3, 1778).

Antonio Salieri's opera:

L' Europa rinconoscuita, a

chandelier so happened to

crash down...because all the

attendees were staring out at

one another with binoculars.

at the same time.
Mar 19 · 28
Based on Actual Events
Onoma Mar 19
a ten foot sasquatch in

Montana's wilderness

listens to Beethoven's: Fifth.

he once found it an open

dumpster in town.

it was a pair from the 80s--

tomato-red in color, those

cottony earmuff-size ones

they used to produce.

he's swaying back & forth,

throwing around his massive

meat-hooks, the way that great

composer would.
Mar 19 · 44
Masterful Decorator
Onoma Mar 19
Van Gogh's: Yellow House

was one of the coziest dwellings

of all time.

everything was touched with a

warmth, not to mention his

brilliant usage of Japanese

print coloration.
Mar 18 · 102
In a Blackening Locket
Onoma Mar 18
Mara's silvery-white locks

entombed in a blackening

Mar 17 · 57
To Hallow a Harp
Onoma Mar 17
aeolian soundings--

off...from branches

nimble enough to

hallow a harp.
Onoma Mar 16
what is it to be crept

over, while creeping...

perhaps a racoon

playing jeopardy.
Onoma Mar 16
Hamlet is a short-circuited

hand, examining the

coddles of an airy skull.

flipside with the solemnity

of its gesture.
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