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Rosa Lovetta Jan 2021
I should really just disappear,
I am worthless,
I am bland,
I have nothing to give nothing to hand,
I am a fool,
A ****,
A tool,
I am no queen, I have no rule
I live for no reason,
No happiness or lot,
Without purpose
Without wisdom
Without thought
Rosa Lovetta Sep 2019
Without goodbyes,
Or  alibis,
I sit and stay in silence,
But in my sleep,
Threw sunken eyes,
I lay and dream of violence
Rosa Lovetta Sep 2019
I lost my legs yesterday,
They no longer carry me or walk,
I lost my mouth yesterday,
I can’t seem to smile or talk,
They jumped on a plane and flew away,
In to the midday sun,
My head and chest,
Lay still in rest,
Without emotions,
Without a thought,
I watched with hollow eyes,
As the yellow lemon sun  swallowed my memories sweet,
And sit in silence now,
On my hallowed feet
Rosa Lovetta Jul 2019
Three words,
Three little words,
They come in different formats,
And can be used in endless situations,
I’ve said them,
And I don’t think you quite understand what I ment,
Those three little words,
Are how I express so much more then language,
When I whisper those sweet words,
I’m not just exercising my mouth,
You know how I’d do that,
And I’m not just expressing my love for you either,
When I say those three little words,
I’m saying that I want to stay with you forever,
I’m telling you i will do my best to make you smile,
I’m promising you, that I’ll be yours until you don’t want me,
I’m offering you my life,
Not just my love,
Those three little words mean that I want to talk to you everyday,
I want to wake up  surrounded by the life we build together,
I want to feel your warmth at night,
I want to cry over our fights, not because of our words but because we aren’t together,
I want to be able to call you home,
And Those three little words are the only way I can say that to you without pressure, without commitment, without guilt,
Because I know you plan on leaving,
Going back to your hometown,
And you aren’t going to invite me,
So instead of saying I want to be with you forever, without  pressuring you to take me along for the ride, and without the guilt of knowing you didn’t want me there, I say those hopeless three little words, and I mean it every time.
Rosa Lovetta Jun 2019
I reached out and grabbed a star today,
I pulled it from the early morning sky,
I took it as it lay,
Without  guidance,
I climbed highest mountain I could see,
Looked into the eyes of time,
And it gave you to me,
Today was not suppose to happen,
I should be long gone,
But I reached out,
And I became the best that I could be.
Rosa Lovetta Jun 2019
“I wish I had more of it “
People say,
Time is a  precious thing,
You can’t hold it in your hand,
Feel it grow or shrink,
But it shapes it’s way around you,
Touching everything,
You only have it when you have nothing for it,
And you long for more of it if ever you have a reason,
Your time with love,
Your time with life,
You spend your time and walk on by,
Eventually your time will end,
And  you will only have been,
But until then you’ll lay in bed,
And wish silently in you’re head,
“ I wish I had more of it ”
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