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 Nov 2019 Jermon
Rachel Gosby
I'm Fine.
I'm beautiful.
I'm healed.
I'm blessed.
I"m feeling great.
I'm not lost.
I"m not confused.
I'm not living in fear.
I'm moving forward in life.
I'm not broken.
I'm not hurting.
I'm not suffering.
I'm not stressing.
I'm not giving up.
I'm am trying harder.
I'm a winner.
I'm not weak-minded.
I'm not negative.
I'm more positive.
I'm fighting for myself.
I'm not angry.
I'm not disrespectful to others.
I do make mistakes.
I fix the mistakes I do make.
I don't feel guilt.
I don't care about people judging me.

Listen to me when I'm saying what I'm saying.
Listen to me
 Oct 2019 Jermon
Druzzayne Rika
The black ink pours in
The white page is pure gold
Wisdom seeps through
Transforming the lives
And the knowledge speaks
To the people in every fold
 Oct 2019 Jermon
Rome burned
In a red iridescence
The houses burned
As did the ruins
And everything seemed perfect
For Rome burned
In sunlight
And reminded us
of everything we were
And promised to us
Everything we will be
 Aug 2019 Jermon
 Aug 2019 Jermon
Its been a while since I held my pen and wrote
It was a very difficult, long bumpy road
Nothing seems to matter anymore
Its a never ending cycle oh I’m sure
And the lie I keep telling my self
“Tomorrow is a better day”?
Oh what a waste of time when everything is gray.
 Aug 2019 Jermon
rose hopkins
A flickering smile
from a stranger
with your blue eyes
I get a sense of you in me
like a butterfly
that flutters by
on the Summer breeze
"Be what you be
see what you see
one life, one reality."
my son, a free spirit, passed over in 2016. I wrote this in 2017 . He is never far from me x
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