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JaxSpade Mar 2020
She wore these glass slippers
That matched her dress

And I could see through her transparent zippers

Her flesh

She revealed her beauty concealed
Behind a wide smile
While her eyes killed

And she smelled like a lilac kiss

She must've read my mind
Because she knew my wish

As we slide across the ballroom dance
We marinated in the romance

But after the song dissolved
The clock struck twelve

And she left
Mar 2020 · 52
Atomic Rain
JaxSpade Mar 2020
Moments of fire
In a passionate rage
She's my desire burning away
I can't stop this feeling
Begging for yours

And I can't help revealing
All my love

This fire is an atomic rain
Au revoir
The cold and pain

The mackerel sky
Is a thoroughbred
Racing higher overhead

And I keep falling
Into your eyes
They just
Caught me
And pulled me inside

This fire is an atomic rain
Au revoir
The cold and pain

Into your arms
I melt away
We make fire
In a poetry

And i can't stop this feeling
You create
I just want to kiss your pretty face

Moments of fire
Burn away
The flames grew higher
Than we could ever pray

This fire is an atomic rain
Au revoir
The cold and pain

We made love over again
And I can't help revealing all my love

And I keep falling into your eyes
No one can make me feel
just like you have

You're my desire
Burning away
We lit a fire
And made love in the flame

This fire is an atomic rain
Au revoir
The cold and pain
Mar 2020 · 21
Poetical Suicide
JaxSpade Mar 2020
All these words jumped off a cliff and splattered here

I was looking at a few mangled
Split open in the catastrophe

Which ones could i salvage
They were all so damaged
I couldn't tell if some were English
Or some kind of Spanish

But there was blood
They called ink
And the paper was a skin pink

Splattered all over the earth
I began my search
Picking up the pieces
Of any kind of word

I was looking for one
That would cut like a sword
But i was so desperate
I just picked up as much as I could hoard

I had to find some storage
Because there's not a whole lot of space

I didn't get discouraged

I decided to put them in poems
So they could flourish

The only problem was
No would read them
because they were too boring

And that was end of my beloved vocabulary
The words died
Without even being buried

So I went to the cliff
And i dove into the abyss

Because I'd rather be dead
Than to be without poetry
JaxSpade Mar 2020
How did it all turn out

Did you dare to be happy
Have comforted yourself
Did you find your smile
Are you comfortable now
Did you revel in success
Did you buy the biggest house
Have you made yourself beautiful
Did you expand your wealth
Are you happy
With how everything turned out
Do you have enough

What do you want now ?

Do you have enough
With how everything turned out
Are you happy
Did you expand your wealth
Have you made yourself beautiful
Did you buy the biggest house
Did you revel in success
Are you comfortable now
Did you find your smile
Have you comforted yourself
Did you dare to be happy

How did it all turn out
JaxSpade Mar 2020
The rain sleeps in the bed of my sullen eyes
And the lighting crashes inbetween the synapses in my mind

Losing Eden
I remember the way Eve looked
When she died eating

Her face used to be
Redolent roses
On the palette of her cheeks
A soft cotton sweet

Her ******* were the purest peace
She had a heart of gold
Before she sold it to the beast

And as his thunder rolled in the deep of the cold
I lost the glow in the woman given to me

She gave
And I did eat

And that's when we became human
After we consumed some of the wickedest tree

That's when the rain came
And slept in my eyes swollen veins

They were black skies
Embedded in the darkest gray
That sang an orchestra of pain

It was just one mistake
Perfection had to make

Because it's just too hard
For our flesh to obey
The One who'd create

The Snake🐍
Mar 2020 · 23
The Frog Life
JaxSpade Mar 2020
I just wanted your dress
To hit the floor when we kissed
I just wanted you to slip into something more comfortable
So i could take it off

I just wished
You felt the same about me
Before you left

That somehow i would be someone
You wanted to know best

I just wanted your dress
To expose your *******
So i could pet them with the wet of my lips

Because i miss
Your poems
your mind
and your wish

I just wanted to be your prince
But im just a frog
Mar 2020 · 23
Glass Slipper Girl
JaxSpade Mar 2020
I told her it was her eyes i liked
And the way her hair shone in the sunlight

But I lied

It was her lips
And the way she kissed
That left me weak in the knees
And made my heartbeat quick

I liked the feel of her waist
Even better than way she'd taste

Feeling her curves
Pressing against my nerves
While i was lost in her gaze

Into my ears
I heard a soft whisper

She said she loved the way i danced with her

That night at the ball
After midnight would fall
She'd be gone

Less a glass slipper
Mar 2020 · 19
He Wears A Sugar Coat
JaxSpade Mar 2020
Here come the handcuffs
I guess my words were too strong
For your weakness

Are you in fear how I speak this

Perhaps you need to censor
The whole **** ship

I saw a man steal the paint
Off another mans palette
Because he didn't like his story
Or the way he'd tell it

Imagine the art you make
And having another man
Tell you how to sell it

Here come the handcuffs
Take creativity and lock it up
It must be a crime to be so passionate

Make it do time
With all the other rhymes

That were just too much

For another mans mind
To respect
Mar 2020 · 17
The Sinners Grief
JaxSpade Mar 2020
It wasn't my life
There was nothing here for me
To call my own

Just a pile of years
Cluttered with time
Spending my fear

Begging for a home

They were never my possessions
All i ever owned was the obsession
Yeah I owned a few prayers
But no one would ever listen

It wasn't my life
It was always his right
To treat me like a *****
And pet my head lice

I was caught off guard
And I lost the good fight
Because i was caught
Like a deer in the headlights

Frozen in time
Wondering why
This light is so bright

It wasn't my life
I would never create an image of me

It was always his
To take or give
Day or night

It never was mine
And now he'll take it back
For I gladly surrender it outright

It wasn't my life
When the Lord
Cut the silver cord
With his knife

It was always his right
To create the story he likes
And even though I may not
Like the story he writes

If I don't obey and abide
I won't be by his side
And I can't be one of his Israelites

But it was always his
It was never my life
To give or sacrifice

I'm just a man
Caught in a history
Given a gift of life's misery

It remains a mystery
How a life that is given
To live in a world of sinning
Could be offered an infinity

I'm sorry Lord
I apologize
But It was never my life

You gave

It was always yours
So I lay it at your door
Now I'll rest in peace
And say my goodbye

To what was never mine
Mar 2020 · 35
The Eyes Of Lucifer
JaxSpade Mar 2020
******* on my lie
I fooled her eyes
And like a lollipop
She licked the sides

Slurping up my slys
I hid the surprise
Of deception
She licked it all night

Everything she wanted to hear
I said
She kept eating out of my hand
So I fed

Lie after lie
And I painted her eyes

So the only thing she could see

Were mine
Feb 2020 · 28
The Hand That Helps
JaxSpade Feb 2020
The hand that helps
Is encouraging
When it's felt

Lifting someone up
After they fell
Is an act of love
That comes with a hug
And leaves with a smile

The friend that helps
Encourages your health
And you should help him
Because sometimes he could help you
More than you could help yourself

It's encouraging when felt
Positivity picking you up
Out of your hell

The act of love
From someone else
Is a boost of adrenaline
A hundred miles an hour

The hand that helps
Caresses the heart
And blesses the soul

Take it when you see it stretched out
Offer it when you see someone struggling
With the rest of the world

Because when we lift each other up
We need not worry

How we fell down
Feb 2020 · 84
Our Attempts of Faith
JaxSpade Feb 2020
Is it so hard to love
To give
More than enough
To live for

Is it so hard
To believe
You were bought
So you could willingly slave for the Lord
And reprogram your robot

You were a thought
God sought
For his army of justice

It's just us

Is it so hard to love your neighbor
Love your enemies
And labor for the love

It is

So hard

When you're flesh and human

To love
The habitat
That manufacturers demons

After the Good
Went bad
We became Man
And Woman

it's so hard to love
When it's so much easier

To give up
JaxSpade Feb 2020
This program is corrupt
I could smell the smoke
Of burning electronic
Before i threw up

Another malfunction
Malformed in conjunction
With some burnt hair on my girlfriend
Who said Trump is the best President!

But the media said no he's not

I've got a corrupt program
That somehow deleted 30,000 emails
After November guess what we'll remember in 10 years

A stain on a blue dress
A bullet made of pen
A peach with orange hair

This program is corrupt
What we'll remember
Will already be past


Swamped in corruption
While we pay the tab
Dec 2019 · 103
A lil moon shined
JaxSpade Dec 2019
She said there's blood
In your eyes"

"I said no

That's just the moon shining
That's just the *****"

I was feeling so blue
I drank the whole universe
Because I had nothing to lose"

"She's said no
That's blood

I can see you're a fool
Cut by a woman
Thinking love was true

I bet she sold you on forever
I bet she said I do

Before she left you in moon shine
With your heart in a noose
I bet she's bleeding too

"Naw it's just me
I guess you could see
The blood in my teeth

Dripping the truth
There's blood in my eyes
Blood shot
And shined by the moon

Every one can see
The red I bleed
But all I really need
Is a little moonshine
And a pair of shades

She said no"
You need me
Dec 2019 · 58
Make Believe
JaxSpade Dec 2019
If I could just pretend to live
I could die inside my head

Because my body is just a host
For the soul of my ghost

On the other side
Living in someone else

I am the figment of my Gods creation
Inside his devils throat
There I am paddling

Through the darkness unfurled
Into the belly of the beast
Where I am swallowed

If I could just pretend
I'm somewhere else
If I could just lie to myself

I could pretend I'm in heaven
As a Holy ghost

As the perfection of a man
Hidden from the worst

If I could solve in my imagination
And proper my education
Perhaps I could learn some appreciation

I could embrace the succ
And decipher a new interpretation

If I could just lust for the love
And just pretend
I'm good for someone

I could die in their arms
If I just pretend to live
Dec 2019 · 65
Playing With A Fool Deck
JaxSpade Dec 2019
In the art of sublime thoughts
I hear the last shot
Ring a rang
In the barrel of the tarot
The cards turned their arrows
As the last card said
It was then I heard a sparrow
Chirp on a scarecrow
That couldn't scare the thoughts away
The cards on the table
Finished their fable
As the last one played
My last look at the deck
Before the noose wore my neck
I saw the jack of spades
In the art of a sublime poet
All his words went away
And before the world knew it
He disappeared in the fluid
That flowed in the back of his brain
Ring a rang
It was the last sound
That was never heard again
The only sound left in the room
Was the dropping of his pen
Dec 2019 · 117
Nothin' ~ Something
JaxSpade Dec 2019
Here goes nothin'


Farewell to flesh

My rotting sole

My rotten soul

Every where I used to walk

Now where will I


Am I just a ghost

Shrieking through walls

Drinking boos

And suffering wrongs

Here goes nothin'


For the cause

Where will I live

If I don't

What kind of mind

Was installed

Who am I really

If I was at all

Here goes nothin'


For the world

And is it worth

A street of gold

Farewell to flesh

And my liquid soul

For every paid interest

It cost a fool

Here goes nothin'


For the rules

If there weren't any

What would I do



Farewell my skin

My eyes within

No more wrinkles

Or time to hold

Here goes nothin'


What I know

Compared to the one

Who made it all

Farewell to creation

You better not fail

If you do

No one will care


Here goes farewell


Something of my flesh

For a never-ending goal

Here goes nothin'

Dec 2019 · 239
Helix Aspersa
JaxSpade Dec 2019
I love the way you

Do it




All the time you..

Harmonize me

With your


I love the way you

Do it



You paralyze me

And I



But I don't need to

I love the way you

Do it..


With my soul

I love you baby

The way take you it



So slow

The way you're moving

Across me

In the night

Through the morning

I love the way you

               Adore me

You're so tantalizing
They way you take it



You poetize me

I love the way you


And grow inside me

They way you do it

        Is tranquilizing

You take me to another world

The way you do it

      I love you baby

The way you

Take it



Dec 2019 · 163
Heartless (10w)
JaxSpade Dec 2019
I couldn't break a heart
For I owned one not
Dec 2019 · 70
Mirror Mirror
JaxSpade Dec 2019
Beauty is in the eye of the mind

Even if you're blind
You could see inside
How the heart could be a prize

Underneath the paint
Beyond the canvass
Where the textures were born
And where the true colors harvest

Beauty is the state of mind
That keeps the beholder honest

It is the true love that gives regardless
Of what the outside world ponders as flawless
JaxSpade Dec 2019
Waiting for the world to happen
There's a whole lot of distant staring

A cold fog galavants around town
And thickens in the glaring

The glass of my eyes crack
As the world looks back
And asks
Where I am going

But I couldn't reply
Because of my
Lack of

I'm just waiting for the world to happen
I hear its going to end in some dramatic fashion
Yeah I've lost my passion
And everything I write deserves a trash can

There's a whole lot of distant staring
And a whole lot of prayers for someone caring

I hear there's hope in the end
If I just pretend
There's a god out there
To help me with the coping

Yeah I wish I was joking
While I'm waiting for the world to happen
I was hoping I could hold your hand and
Disappear in the moment passing

I know I sound creepy
To want a woman who needs me
Because without one I feel myself weaken
I'm like the last of the mohicans
Hoping to last longer than this weekend

Waiting for the world to happen
I wish I could be like everybody else laughing
As the world revolves
I resolve to just forget about it all
While I'm photographin'

Waiting for the world to happen
Dec 2019 · 254
Rain sleeps here
JaxSpade Dec 2019
The rain sleeps in the bed of my sullen eyes
Dec 2019 · 228
Mother Earth
JaxSpade Dec 2019
The loving nature of this earth
Provides us never-ending love
Yet humans abuse her gift
And they are destroying all she gives
Her beautiful face lays battered
As she loves us unconditionally

Shouldn't we love her back unconditionally
And take care of our lovely earth
We could save her from the batter
And fall into the deepest love
All we have to do is give
For she surely deserves this gift

We all like to receive gifts
And to give them unconditionally
Everyone has something they could give
To the reception of our earth
There is a plethora of love
Even for a world so battered

Bullied, bruised, and battered
Seems to be the common gifted
Where is the abundance of love
To share with our planet unconditionally
Poor mother earth
Begging for us humans to give

Reach deep in your heart and give
For no mother should be battered
All men should love this earth
And the creation of God's gift
As he loves us unconditionally
We too can share this love

It is written, God is love
And it has always been his nature to give
For he first loved us unconditionally
Let us never succumb to satan's battering
But rather receive Gods blessing and gift
With open arms we shall love our earth

Love should never be battered
Give our mother a gift
Of unconditional love for earth
Dec 2019 · 92
Lacrimal Vase
JaxSpade Dec 2019
Tears are only secretions from a troubled eye
A hordeolum bespectacled lack of lye
In the lachrymal lakes of a punctum stye

This is what she said to me, a scientific lie
She explained to me, o'er again, the reasoning why
Tears are only secretions from a troubled eye

Mine had wandered into logs and knives
And they pulse the tears of meandered cries
In the lachrymal lakes of a punctum stye

Forgiveness is a forgotten try
Boy cried wolf and science vied
Tears are only secretions from a troubled eye

Pleas and knees swallow pride
Tears fall deep and losses die
In the lachrymal lakes of a punctum stye

Two of hearts must say their goodbyes
As love was lost for science to find
Tears are only secretions from a troubled eye
In the lachrymal lakes of a punctum stye
Dec 2019 · 467
Snowman From Hell
JaxSpade Dec 2019
Hard times fall
Like the winter snow
Each flake melts morose

Gaze here I
As a snowman
With eyes
Melting away my soul

For It's so hard to get by
And I keep wondering why
I even bother with my carrot nose

Hard times fall
And now I dissolve

Into a puddle
Dec 2019 · 234
Dogged Dazed
JaxSpade Dec 2019
She knifed my heart
In just a few words
She said everything
I didn't want to hear

And she was happy

I casually took out the knife
   This had happened before
                And I knew what to do
When you're cut on the inside

Just mentally close your eyes
           So you wont see her lips
And mentally close your ears
           So you won't hear shidt

Smile and tell her you agree
And support everything she just said

About somebody else
You wanted to be

So bad
Dec 2019 · 70
Shooting Star
JaxSpade Dec 2019
The stars won't shine tonight

One is gonna fall
One is going to burn into the night

Ice cold
Shooting star

Leaving us

Thank you
For visiting the universe

We loved your shine
But we know

You were just a meteoroid
Dec 2019 · 73
In God We Tru$t
JaxSpade Dec 2019

Who is my God
What do I want more of

To survive

Whether I
Toil or spin
Or leave my mouth dry

More money

Or is it my God
That replenish supply

Which keeps me alive
Whom should I depend on
When demands come by

My God

Where lies my thirst
For whom will quench my life

Which one will leave me dying
If I don't

Nov 2019 · 314
...with a side of fire
JaxSpade Nov 2019
Wishing to be warm
They thought about each other
In each others arms

Embraced in the warmth of heart
Ignited by loves fire
Nov 2019 · 224
Two As One (Katautas)
JaxSpade Nov 2019
Holding hands in love
We share in each others heart
Beating two as one
We are each other
With each providing a heart
To produce one beat
Nov 2019 · 573
Katauta and Sedoka
JaxSpade Nov 2019
Katauta is an unrhymed Japanese form consisting 0f 17 or 19 syllables in a 3 lined poem 5/7/7 or 5/7/5
These were usually lovers poems
Katautas were considered half poems

A pair of Katautas with syllable count 5/7/7
Is called a sedoka

Standing in your glow
In the aura of your smile
Makes me feel love in your light


Embracing your heart
With each pound against my soul
Fills me with your love

Your rose petal lips
Were so soft and full of love
Kissing me under the stars

Under the half moon
We stood together and stared
In the twilight of our eyes
Examples written by yours truly
Nov 2019 · 282
Cinquain Prayer
JaxSpade Nov 2019
Almighty God
Empower me with strength
Cure my insatiable weakness
Through Christ
1 noun
2 description of noun
3 action
4 feeling or effect
5 synonym of the initial noun
22 syllables five lines unrhymed poem
Syllable count 2,4,6,8,2
There should be a turn by the 5th line or just before it
This form was created by Adelaide Crapsey
Nov 2019 · 90
It's how we learn (10w)
JaxSpade Nov 2019
I fail read backwards is "life" misspelled due to failure
Nov 2019 · 129
For The Love Of God!
JaxSpade Nov 2019
My lips are moving but there's no sound
I've gotta room at the top of the world tonight
But I ain't coming down
I'm in the half life of my disintegration

Fading out

The end is meeting the beginning
And I'm screaming out

The silent sound

Why am i here
And who dared allowed

Zippin' my lips
Cover my mouth
I am a sinner
And no ones proud
Who let me in here
To be crowned

A dunce in the corner of the world

Who is responsible for my fall
Why would a creator
Create me at all

I've gotta room at the top world
But I ain't coming down
My lips are moving but there's no sound

My God can you hear me
At all

What am I here for
And how many more days
Do you want

What kind of designer
Would design my fault
And stick me in a demons
Blackened heart
Why would you cage me
In the devil's world
And smash my heart
By a beautiful girl

My God
My Lord

What? could you possibly want me for¡
Nov 2019 · 327
An Audience
JaxSpade Nov 2019
I wanted to make a paragraph

I had a few sentences
That would make their appearances

But no one wanted to see the act

So I put down my pen
And decided to end

The one thing I could have
Nov 2019 · 65
The Picture I Hung
JaxSpade Nov 2019
I was on the level
But you tilted the bubble

There was a lean
That accounted you crooked

And I couldn't straighten you up
Nov 2019 · 90
Clock Wise
JaxSpade Nov 2019
I was rewinding the clock
All those ticks that talked
Trying to turn back time
But the hours climbed
And I ran out of months

Yesterday's laid in cemeteries
With flowers on their memories
But all of sudden today forgot

That for all the tomorrows
There would only be sorrows
For all the yesterday's lost
JaxSpade Nov 2019
You said the sky was blue
Yet it was me
The sky was grey
And it all rained

Down on me

The change of color
Your eyes would paint
A different lover
Than me

Was it the weather
That changed
The hurricanes
Or the way you looked at me

You said the sky was blue
Yet it was me
The sky was grey
And it all rained

Down on me

Your change of heart
Tore apart the artistry
And the lover you sought
You left cause you thought
He would be better than me

Was it the weather
Or the choice of color
You wanted to change
Or was it just another lover
Your eyes wanted to paint

You said the sky was blue
Yet it was you
That colored it grey

And it all rained

Down on me
Nov 2019 · 120
JaxSpade Nov 2019
¬ °
I'm a ghost
Afraid of my own shadow

I see alive people
And they look so hollow

When you look into their mind
You could see the other side

·And the fire in their eyes·

I'm a shadow
Afraid of my own silhouette

I see dancing on the walls
At end of a candles wick

The frightening flickering
Leaves me shivering

I'm an anomaly
Afraid of my own entity

Nov 2019 · 80
I'm in love with an arrow
JaxSpade Nov 2019
Arrow in my heart
I'm not living

And I'm giving away my hope
If someone should take it
I think it's broke


The arrow darted
A few days ago

I saw it come
But I couldn't run

Against Father time
I'm just too slow

Arrow in my heart
Is the knife to my throat
Slitting me in half
Hanging me
Till the end of rope

I'm giving away my status
As the apparatus
For the joke

It was on me
My fantasy was hope
And I gave that away
As I broke

The arrow wanted
Me more than the world

And In my heart
My lovers target
Has hit the bull
Nov 2019 · 234
JaxSpade Nov 2019
Every day gets heavier
N it's hard to lift

All this weight is
Crushing me

N my strength has left

I wanted to lean on you
But no one was there

I just fell
       N fell

N I'm still here

Every day gets heavier
My legs can't carry it

I hit rock bottom
N now I'm under it

All this weight is crushing me
These pounds of energy
Sweating through the pores
Of my flesh fervently

I'm exahausted
N it's hard to want this

If this is all that there is

Every day gets heavier
How much longer could I carry her
Before she crushes my exterior
Into my interior

N here comes one more day
To add one more brick of weight

Into a collapse of my survivability
Nov 2019 · 81
Something The Night Did
JaxSpade Nov 2019
The guards lost·
Against her lips
She infiltrated his
·Something the night did
On the battlefield~

Love is a casualty
A pain in the faculties

It's a stake in the heart left
Beating erratically

The guards lost·
Against her kiss
Her tongue bludgeoned his
·Something the night did
On the battlefield~

Love is a battery
An assault on humanity
Breaking so many hearts

The guards lost·
Against her hips
And he infiltrated with
·Something the night did
On the battlefield~
Oct 2019 · 191
I was looking for you
JaxSpade Oct 2019
I was looking for this girl
Who wouldn't mind my love

And spending some time

Where we could be us

I was looking
And searching
But I couldn't find ya'

Maybe i Passed you up

I don't know
I was looking for this girl
But she never showed

I keep looking
Maybe she's up the road

Waiting to spark a conversation

I was looking for this girl
Who had a smile
That pierced my heart
And wanted to know how
If we could be together
Till the end of forever
And never be apart

I was looking for this girl
But I never found

And that's just the way it is now

I'll have to stop looking
For someone
That won't ever be around

You see...

I was looking for this girl

                                         But I..

                                         Gave up
Oct 2019 · 138
A Light In the Addict
JaxSpade Oct 2019
Alone in a poem
Only for one

His eyes so dolor
No one had come

He wrote what he felt
And his heart came to melt

When nobody cared
What he wrote for the crowd

Alone in a poem
A poet at home

Yet no one would know
The elysium he owned
Oct 2019 · 153
I m b e c i l e
JaxSpade Oct 2019
I'm a fool
Neva kno wut to do
I listen to the sermon
Then I make my own rules

I'm such a fool
But I act so cool
When I don't kno wut I'm doin
No matter how much I'm schooled

I listen to the teacher
And then I break the rules

I'm a fool
I'm such a stupid fool

I don't kno nuthin'
Now what am I gonna do

I can't learn anything
I ever want to

Cuz I'm a fool

A fool

Neva kno wut to do

I listen to everyone
But nuthin' gets through

Because I'm so stupid
I'm the dumbest dude

I listen to the preacher
Yet the devil consumes

I'm such a fool
Such a godt ****** fool

How could Jesus love
        Such an imbecile
Oct 2019 · 80
I Need Your Smile
JaxSpade Oct 2019
Save me from
Cure my desperation
Despoil my sadness
And take away the world

Love me
Like a mother does a child
Put your arms around me
And hold me still

I need a smile
To change the way I feel

Doleful and funereal
Crestfallen and miserable

Save me from from

I need you more than anyone else

Could you love me somehow
And save me from my woes

Take away morose
And my heart that's broke

Could you give me some hope
So I could cope

I need your love
I need your love
Oct 2019 · 211
Happy Endings
JaxSpade Oct 2019
Happiness is a warm
Yes it is..


Take away all my pain
All of my troubles gone
                      To the winds

For the love of happiness

Is a warm
Yes it is..

No more crying
No more shame
Love is going to
Take it all away

And I won't need to pray
                  For a better day
I could just shine my light
                    Some other way

Happiness is a warm
Yes it is..

     Love instead of a destiny
In the wicked world of men

The warm of
           Yes it is..

Taking away everything
               That feels so bad
               Erasing all the sad

      Warm gun mama

Love in my hands
       Take me away
From this wickedness

Take my soul
Save my head
From all this hatred
             Growing here

Happiness is a warm
Yes it is...

Oct 2019 · 74
Dreamzzz of..
JaxSpade Oct 2019
Charcoal eyes
Dipped in red
Chocolate flesh
Melting on my lips

Who made the night
Who hung the stars

They were all aligned
            In a lovely form

Temptress whispers
In fashion and force
Made their entrance
With passion adorned

Charcoal eyes

The way her dress
   Had hypnotized...


And I cried for more

Who made the night
Who hung the stars


                     Be yours
Oct 2019 · 90
You're Not Alone
JaxSpade Oct 2019
So sad

Captured in sullen
And crestfallen
Take my hand
You're not alone

Sometimes life
Can make you crawl

So sad

Captured in a moment
And despondent      
Take these arms
And hold them  
You're not alone

Sometimes life can
Break you down

So sad

Captured and disheartened
And beaten
Take my love
Wrap it around you
You're not alone

Sometimes life can
Be too hard

So sad

Captured and disconsolate
Damaged and meloncholy
Take my shoulders
And lean on em'
You're not alone

Sometimes life is
Oct 2019 · 165
Body Language
JaxSpade Oct 2019
She painted a picture
Of a whisper
It was colorblind
And void of any texture
She hung it on my inner ear
And I heard it speak a thousand words
In secret
I replied with my eyes
And she read what was inside
As we remained
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