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Ishudhi Dahal May 2020
Gah !
Homework dairy full
Coursework all over head
Reached home and
leaned freely on bed
So he start to procrastinate
feel diZzy doing assignment
Whether it’s of
Mathematics and environment
Moral science or health
For him
It’s a serious disease
destroying his ease
Postpone and delay
Pupils copying in relay
Uncaring the bumps of humps
Brother helping sister with her homework in bus -
To complete before reaching school gate
But he procrastinates !
Procrastination is the serious problem ! Leaving for tomorrow is probably the worst option!
Copyright © IshudhiDahal
Ishudhi Dahal May 2020
Without you ,
How can there be sunshine -
In my eyes
Who can be there
Where my left ventricle lies
Complete but incomplete without you
I am sad happy but not happy sad
I am roughly fine but not fine
So you are the one all I own
Starting from dusk till dawn
Just mumbling
Ishudhi Dahal May 2020
( Who can feel ? )
The struggle of people
Starving for food shelter
You ?
who gobbles peanut butter daily
You ?
Who’s having breakfast lunch dinner supper
You ; today salad tomorrow malt
Their ; empty sugar flask and salt’s
You ; mac Donalds pizza and rice half boiled
They ; rice flakes and no stock of oil
You ; Levi’s jeans and hilfiger’s belt
AC car and box bed
They ; old jeans you threw
Rope belts and bottle shoe
No bed to keep the head
Empty belly cheeks all red
Who can ?
I am little off these days ! So I was inactive for few days !
Ishudhi Dahal May 2020
Thousands of creature
Created by god
Among them one is bird
Parrot peacock pigeon penguin
Redhead rooster raven robin
Company of parrots aching stomaches
Waiting for corn to come-out from mustache
Yes we all know
****** of crow
eats once in a day flesh or rice
and not let other flocks do twice
Peacocks busy showing plumage
Eye-catchy and has win over all age
when we trynna see from beach
Penguins start disappearing in sea
Pigeon dove showing love and peace
On starting of dusk and merely on dawn
Rooster ‘****-a-doodle-do’ sound
Red head flying showing red head
Raven robin having good date
Ostrich , Danfe hornbill and all
Loved from different nooks by people
Tanager tattler trush and teal
Spiny babbler only in Nepal
So birds name  are in our heart
Thank you Charles Bonaparte !
I love birds !
Ishudhi Dahal May 2020
The more you get hydrated
The more I flow
I am only the one
Who starts from your head
Goes through nose
And settles in your mouth -
If lips are open ;
If not
Touching the edge
down your chin
Feeling the throat-beat
Covering your chest
I perch in navel  
I am sweet for those
who earn me by burning
Maybe sour to em
Who make by looting
make me roll isn’t easy
make me do so
majority of em run for gyms
Hardly any shovels and heaps
There’s my attendance
In presence of hammer or tongs
Or in conclusion of any decisions  
When yelling **** and bull story
Or while you forget to clear the history ;
I flow and I flow again feeling your body
Making you feel , to feel some air ,
Compelling you to off your hoodie
I am in love and in hate
I am sweat !
Copyright © IshudhiDahal
Ishudhi Dahal May 2020
( Mathematics was easy ) x2
When we used to spell it maths
Till it was limited to addition and subtraction
Instead of calculus and integration
when there’s  algebra and equation
Yes it was easy
When ‘’ ! ‘’ was just exclamation mark
‘e’ was just an alphabetic art
Till sin, cos and tan were
Homophones of sign , cosh , ten
Confusions didn’t arise at that age
Gauss , Pythagoras and Simpson photo;
pasted on General knowledge (book)
It arised when their creation were hard to acknowledge
It was easy
When circle was just a ring
No formula and any mugging
When ‘c’ was nither arbitrary nor proportionality
When relation was just connection
Function was just operation
No hypothesis and theorems
Mathematics was easy !
Copyright © IshudhiDahal
Ishudhi Dahal May 2020
When I remember name crazy
I put a name of you
I still remember
Dad taking us school
In his old red Kawasaki
Me sitting on the tank
you murmuring ‘ la la la la la ‘ from back-seat
Used to have different beds
rotation always
Pillow fights
Claiming parents ‘I am right’
Your sheets always clean
And me exchanging it
Secretly and rapidly
Fights apart,
There used to be
Nuisance talks between two heads
Sometimes eating all chips
And meanwhile sharing breads
( I used to lie before ) x2
But you looked cute in red
Those days,
Showing less love and more hate
Showing less love and more hate
But deep inside god knows !
You know I love you ! But you never know how , when , where , I will show !
Copyright © IshudhiDahal
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