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WhatIHopeToFeel Feb 2020
When you're deleting messages
They tell you how many they're getting rid of
32994 between us
Telling each other we love the other
Fighting because I asked you to leave
Because I found out about her
It makes me sad
Cause I thought it was my fault
But you messed up
And he knows he has something
He wont let me go like you did
WhatIHopeToFeel Feb 2020
Do you ever miss someone who doesnt deserve it
It comes and you don't even realise it
And you're talking to someone who makes you feel
Like you're the most beautiful ever
But your heart hurts and wants
For some who doesn't deserve it
Why won't it learn
Why can't it
WhatIHopeToFeel Feb 2020
I hate that I can't listen to my favourite songs anymore
Because I love them cause of you
So a knot turns in my stomach
But is it cause I miss you
Or cause I'm dissapointed
In you
And me
WhatIHopeToFeel Jan 2020
Today I heard if you stop smoking for 28 days
You're more likely to quit then other people
Is that true for love
Maybe if I don't see you for that long
Don't allow myself to feel for you
The love
The pain you made me feel
I could get over you
But do I want to?
WhatIHopeToFeel Jan 2020
It's odd losing everything you lose
Cause it hurts your heart
Just as much as the pills you can't stop taking
Even though you've taken enough to do the trick
WhatIHopeToFeel Jan 2020
I'm not sure what I find most beautiful
Looking out the window in my journey
Seeing the world go by and turn
A thousand lives I'll never be part of
A world I'll never really belong to
But love being an audience to,
Or the paper with nothing but words
The spectacular times playing in my head
While I pick a song that better enhances it
This world beckons me in
I'm watching but somehow still apart of the drama.
Hmm which is more beautiful?
Or are the both equal in their own way?
WhatIHopeToFeel Dec 2019
I've officially hit rock bottom
And they burned the ladder
So I can't climb back up
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