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Hanson Williams Jul 2019
I miss alot of things to complete myself,
A bookshelf is not enough to describe them,
My heart's experience is  still young to say i know me better.
My mind is not tired of searching.

I often get angry at myself for doing this or that,
I don't appreciate myself when I win
A sucker at love I am,
Yes the winner takes it all but whatever.

This journey to self has taken  me a lifetime,
It's some road I have left unmaintained,
I will not make it ******* myself,
I will find a way here...
Hanson Williams Jul 2019
*****, go read to Dad today,
But Mama, I am in class four and I haven't perfected my reading,
Well, Dad is a teacher and he is going to help you pronounce those hard and complex words,
Have you not seen him teach Nancy, Sue and Irene and the rest in Mama Helen's veranda?
He's not like Emily, he will not laugh at you but correct you,
He has some soda for you too, here's a glass take it with you.

Hi Baba?
How was your day?
I have a glass for you.
And where is yours?
Bring the biggest cup, that plastic one you take your porridge from,
Ha ha ha, ok Baba.

In front of you is the young Hanson ready to read to the best dad in the world,
Today's book title is The Secret Seven Adventure, a series by Enid Blyton,
We will do a chapter a day,
Thank you,
Chapter one...

Make it a habit son,
I will get you a new book tomorrow The Wind and The Willows by Kenneth Grahame,
I am sure you will like it,
Its all about frogs and animals you'll see,
Thanks Dad, goodnight....
Hanson Williams Jul 2019
Say sorry to your brother,
He hit me first...
He messes my bed everytime
Say sorry, he is older than you are and besides,it costs nothing to say sorry.
How about I say and never really mean it,how's that?
Then go away reassess this situation come back with an apology if you will ever see your fault.
But Mama...
No buts here!Go!

What did I do to you?
You're the one that always starts the misunderstandings.
Last time we stole Dad's cake you ate the biggest piece and it was my idea.
Well, just go back and say sorry for the next crazy idea that pops up your big head.
But I don't understand why...
You never will.
Hanson Williams Jul 2019
Come Irene!
Get that racquet from the side of the tank.
Your mother brought a shuttlecock from Kitale.
I love this one, its heavy and a bit crooked ... just to my strength,
You see, your late grandmother used the one you are holding and she played off with your grandfather on this compound years ago.

What is this game called?
You just hit this conical shaped ball called a shuttlecock towards me and I hit it back your side
Just make sure this ball doesn't touch the ground,
It's not hard like Table-Tennis.
Here goes...hit it back.
You're getting it... you're doing it right...

I remember it like it was yesterday,
Uncle Michael and I run down the street to play,
We could just run from your aunty,Gillian ...what a fast runner she is!
She wrote to me last week about her cat running around the house,
See, my dear Irene ,even after all these years we still keep in touch,
So keep in touch with Dad wherever you go, remember your brothers and sisters,
I'd love to see you go far, travel the world, Do what you love.

You got a voice in there, 
I've heard you sing from the kitchen window,
Write those songs down in your diary,
Sing to me, sing to Mama, sing to everyone, sing to the world.

Hey Walker, I didn't see you there...
Hanson Williams Jul 2019
Oh father, I liked how you held my hand,
No dance but just that firm grip.
"Hurry son, your mama waits", how opposite,
Scorching sun and wind through car windows.

Forever waits and just sitting there,
Little talks with a wink, a squiggly smile, quite unafraid.
Crosswords, measures, designs, never fade,
"Learn son, the future waits", how true.
That's why, I am so.
Hanson Williams Jul 2019
I will be tall for you baby,
I will make sure that you get to go to college,
Meanwhile, read all you can.
Here, let's try some Egyptian History from that National Geographic Magazine,
Get it from that shelf next to the piano,
See what Howard Carter found in 1922?
Very remarkable, isn't it?

Your time will come,
Make sure you write to me as often as you can,
Tell me what you are upto, what you find and see peculiar,
Oh! I cannot wait to see you with a wife and a son,
You bet, I will be the happiest grandfather around here...

In the spare room,
In the shelf above the door,
Get me "Recipe Book 2"
I want to try a **** this Jamuhuri,
I will call it, "Toad in a Hole"
Mama Helen brought some sausages from town
I know you will love them, no sugar in the pastry this time
I also want a piece

C'mon Tereza, hurry....
Hanson Williams Jul 2019
You're blue and I don't like it,
C'mon son why the long face?
Don't be sulky talk to Daddy, I am here.
You look sick, are you eating well?
Is your mother feeding you well or still on mixture of maize and beans?
I am making a meat-pie with Sheila,
Do come by today for some crossword in the evening, I will make sure you have a bite with ole Dad.

I have drawn some designs for the welsh dresser,
I'd like to make it with you,
Your brothers are all away and this one is still growing he can't hold a plane yet,
Just look at him, he's coming up too fast.

"Ok, will do."
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