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Mykenzie Apr 2018
I could ask you to stay,
But there's really nothing left to say.

This breakup has been emotional and long,
But I know I'm strong.

I guess we naturally grew apart,
But it still hurts in my heart.

We went days without speaking or sending a text,
And I could only wonder what was next.

There were times we couldn't look each other in the eye.
How did we get this far, and why did something so special have to die?

As I write this, memories flood me.
They remind of all we used to be.

Even when things were bad, I never thought this relationship would end.
Our broken hearts I thought we could mend.

Now you've left without a goodbye.
I've got no energy to even cry.

I knew it was over when we started doing things on our own.
You got so distant and I was alone.

I tried getting you to notice that I was still there,
But you made up your mind and didn't care.

There are many nights when you're all that's on my mind.
I hope happiness is what you find.

There are days when I just can't get out of bed.
But "try" is what you always said.

So every day I try to put on a smile.
Even if it's not a real one for a while.

We were together for so many years, so do you ever shed tears?
I know I've got to let you go,

And someday I will,
But mixed emotions are what I feel.

We both made our fair share of mistakes.
It feels like I'm drowning in sadness, anger, and resentment, all in different lakes.

I honestly wish you nothing but the best
As my strength and endurance is put to the test.
Mykenzie Nov 2018
Insert 'Only' at any place in the sentence:
"She told him that she loved him"
Yes, English can be weird. It can be understood through tough thorough thought though.
If 'womb' is pronounced 'woom' and 'tomb' is pronounced 'toom', shouldn't 'bomb' be pronoused 'boom'?
Australia has 3 'A's.. each pronounced differently.
In every other language (Other than English), pineapples are called ananas
The following sentence has 7 different meaning based on the stressed word:
"I never said she stole my money"
Cough, Rough, Though, Through. Why don't these words rhyme, but for some god forsaken reason, Pony and Bologna do?!
Word: Queue
Pronunciation: Kyoo
Write down 5 letter. Only pronouce the first.
Laid is pronounced like paid, but not said. Said is pronounced like bread, but not bead. Bead is pronounced like lead, but not lead.
Mykenzie Mar 2018
You are ever changing.
But I am never changing.
The change is inevitable.
No matter how hard one tries.
The world is ever changing
Mykenzie Nov 2018
I'm exhausted,
but that is ok

I'm used to it..
I'm here...

It's all in your head...

Mykenzie Oct 2018
They say eyes are the windows to the soul.
Is that really true?
When eyes can be manipulated
as easy as me and you.
I have always loved my eyes
perhaps becasue they change colors.
They turn from Blue, to Green, to Gray.

But then I saw your eyes.
Just a simple brown.
But in them I saw love, and hope,
and all good things that live in the world.

In your eyes, I saw the person I wanted to be...
and because of your eyes,
my world is changed.
I am changed.
And you are here, with me.

You say you love my eye, and I love yours.
Soo maybe mine
are actually for you.
When I say eyes can be manipulated, I mean that contacts can change the color of one's eyes. And the optical illusion pictures manipulate eyes.
Mykenzie Feb 2018
There are so many way
to put on a facade.
The most common one
is to pretend you are happy.
To pretend that you don't cry yourself
to sleep everynight.
That you wake up with a smile,
go to bed with a smile,
and go through the day with a smile.
But that isnt how it always is.
but that's what some believe.
There's a lie, in believe.
Mykenzie Nov 2018
I fell in love with you
like the sun sets or rises,
like someone falls asleep.
then all at once.

And before I realized it,
you were my world,
while I was nothing but a speck to you.
Mykenzie Sep 2018
Fill the cracks
with Gold,
Like the Japansese
Because there is a lesson to be learnt
within all the brokedness.

I am not broken,
I am making room for the lessons.

Inspired by a member named AS
Abigail Sheard.
Mykenzie Oct 2018
“First love never dies”
But it will at the end of the day.
Time heals every wound in our heart
And to make us whole and happy again.
Mykenzie Dec 2018
First are the most important,
because they are the most memorable.
Mykenzie Feb 2018
She looked past all your flaws
Past all the mistakes you made
Past the fact that you broke her
Past all the times you hurt her
And after all that
She still loved you
And the worst part was
You could never love her
Like she loved you
Mykenzie Apr 2018

I once was this beautiful bright flower,
then he came along and plucked me from my spot.
He stuck me in a vase,
watered me,
nurtured me.
Then forgot me.


I was the blue sky,
and he was the red sky.
We could not stay away.
Then he bled into me,
and I turned to purple.
He decided, purple wasn't for him.
Then he forgot me.

Mykenzie Nov 2018
As thanksgiving approaches,
I count my blessing
1 by 1,
2 by 2,
so on and so forth...

But when it comes to you,
I find myself counting you as both a blessing,
and a curse..
Mykenzie May 2018
I turn to see you
You're not there
You took a piece of me when you left.
I gave it to you, thinking you would stay
but now you're
And with you,
went my favorite part of me.
Mykenzie Aug 2019
Grown Up is all she wanted to do
to be a big girl was  going to be a dream come true.
Well she grew up and reality hit.
"Yes i can go on a roller coaster by myself"
"yes I can have a phone"
I get all these privileges.
But Im not a little girl.
I don't have the sweet innocence of a child.
I don't have the mind of a child that doesn't care what people think because I care.
I don't want to but I keep going back.
Now the big girl wants to backwards and be a little girl.
A happy girl  
A free girl.
Mykenzie Aug 2020
Hearts are broke

Hearts are fixed

Hearts never beat

Hearts are weird organs
because everyone says follow your heart

But its not the heart leading you,
its the brain.
The brain cant be broken  or healed.

The brain works before you're ever born,
and in  most cases,
does not stop until 7 minutes
after your heart

so maybe my hearts not broken,
my brain is telling it to be,
so i think it is

but really, its not
and im ok
Mykenzie Jan 2018
we are a fire;
we are flaming with red-hot passion
and we burn
and burn
and burn

we are a fire;
and it only took a spark
for us to light a wildfire
and we burn
and burn
and burn

we are a fire;
we need oxygen to live
but we are too close to breathe
and we burn
and burn
and burn
Fromt the very forst book of my favorite poet, Catarine Hancock. The book is called "the boys i've loved and the end of the world"
Mykenzie Dec 2017
The truth be told
I love you.
The truth revealed
I do.
The problem is
We are best friends
So this, could never work.
Your heart belongs to another.
While mine remains unclaimed.
I wish you could see
What I conceal from you
Cause some part of me wonders...
Would you feel it too?
This pull we have to each other
That started something so great.
A powerful bond,
Tight and strong.
So is it ok,
If I dare say,
Is it possible we could be so much more?
Mykenzie Oct 2017
His smile could light up a room,
and so much more.
I could think about his smile,
and find myself smiling as well.
His touch sent me into a frenzy
His presence,
it was the worse,
it made me forget everything I knew.
and left me thinking about him till I drifted off to sleep,
then, I would dream,
of him, and me....
He's my everything.
Mykenzie Oct 2020
I am ok

When its storming outside,
I am OK

When its foggy and cold,
I am OK

even when it feels like all hope is lost,
I am OK

Even when Im not,
I will be OK
just a  quick write
Mykenzie Mar 2018
I believe in the ever after
I believe in the here and now
I believe that you and I
Will make it through somehow

I believe what I do
And what I do not see
But mostly what I believe
Is what I believe

I believe there is good
In the heart of man
But I believe in an instant
We can let the evil in

I believe if we aren't careful
All this will come undone
And if we don't let love dry long enough
It will begin to run

I believe there's an answer
If you look hard enough
Which one you come up with
Is a matter of the heart

I believe if yours is beating
To the rhythm that love makes
There's not a thing that you won't do
To give that love away

I believe in the power
That a hug can hold
And I believe you can achieve anything
If negativity is let go

I believe there's a ring
That holds a special key
And once you open that door up
Then you too will believe
All that I believe
Mykenzie Aug 2019
I don't know what to write
because when I write about your laugh
I miss the days when we would laugh endlessly.

When I write about your eyes,
all I can see is is the light blue that I could get lost in

Every single time.

So I don't know what to write,
because I only want to write about you...

But I can't write about you,
without hurting myself more
Mykenzie Dec 2017
Call me a name,
**** me with words,
Forget about me,
You say it's what I deserve.

I've had my pain,
all from you,
Now I'm done.

I've moved on,
though you still haven't.
I really don't care.
Mykenzie Jan 2018
I don't understand how you seem so perfect.
I don't understand how your smile can light up a room. (And so much more)
I don't understand why I feel this way.
You're a friend, nothing else.
So why do I find myself thinking of you,
when I shoud be paying attention to my classes?
Why do I find myself doodling your name everywhere, and hearts?
Why is this happening?
I don't understand....
Mykenzie Jan 2018
The other day, Someone told me that I changed over summer,
I said that I didn't. They're crazy, I'm just the same.
I guess they were right,
I have changed after all.
I am Independent,
I am strong,
I don't need anyone.
I'm not holding anyone in my life anymore,
nor do I plan on it.
I can handle myself,
for I am not a child anymore.
I guess that he was right.
I have changed,
maybe for the best,
maybe for the worst.
I dont know yet.
But I'll find out soon enough.
So here's to the future,
and the new me.
Mykenzie Oct 2017
You asked if I ate tody,
I said yes, of course.
I lied.

You asked if I've cut recently,
I said no.
I lied.

You asked if I was ok,
I said yeah, I'm fine.
I lied

You asked me if I was happy,
I said yes, knowing it would make you happy.
I lied.
Mykenzie Nov 2018
If each of us were born unique,
Why do we try to be the same,
If this world was made with meaning,
Why do we treat it like a game,
Why do we define our value,
When we look at our reflection,
As we change our bodies in ways,
The world has taught us is perfection,
Why wait in line for iPhones,
And wear clothes we can’t afford,
Why are we competing with each other,
When there is no grand award,
We need to stop and remember,
Even though we all are human,
That a mirror shows just skin,
And is only an illusion.
Mykenzie Nov 2018
in three words alone
you could either destroy my life
or build it
Mykenzie Oct 2018
I want to write so badly,
About so many things.
But my mind just shuts the door sometimes,
It's decided to hide my ideas from me!
Mykenzie Oct 2017
'I'm fine'
I say as I'm all alone,
'I'm fine'
I say as I cry till I can't breath
'I'm fine'
I say as the blade glides across my skin, smooth and pale
'I'm fine'
I say, knowing this is the end
It's slowly killing me, and I can't stop it.
Mykenzie Mar 2020
I miss you
Your obnoxious laugh
Your double knee

I miss you
The rotating doors of girls
who planned a future w you

I miss you
My uncle, My bestfriend
My role model, My idol

I miss you.
Sergeant First Class Tyler Durden

Gone to soon
Mykenzie Feb 2018
i use a fake smile
I hide in stories and poems
I get sad easily.
if you think i'm gonna change for you
you're WRONG
Im. Not. Like. Them.
Mykenzie Apr 2019
First loves are important

They show you what you want,
and they serve as your guide post.

You compare every love to that first one,
and you'll never forget it.
Mykenzie Oct 2018
i had always dreamed
of creating the most
beautiful masterpiece
yet today i've figured
that could never be reached

i've tried to paint you
in a picture
but that would require
not yet created

i've tried to write
a poem
about you
yet you're unwrittable
Mykenzie Apr 2018
There he goes walking with his friends
Little does he know he's got my heart tucked in his back pocket
I stand there waitin' for you to notice
That I'm crushin on you, boy, and I just can't stop it

He flashes a smile and I melt like butter
He speaks to me and I can only stutter

Here I stand staring at my feet
When he walks by, can he hear my heart beat?
It's got its melody when he's around
He picks me up when I'm feeling down

When he looks into my eyes and smiles
Can he see how much he drives me wild?
He's adorable and wonderful
Incredible and unbelievable

I wish I could tell him everything I feel
And hearts not the only thing I want to steal
His breath, his kiss
I wanna be the one he'll miss

When he closes his eyes
Wanna be his last goodbye
His most treasured
Mykenzie Feb 2018
Innocent girl,
afraid of the world.
They have no idea what goes on in your mind.

They can't see the cuts.
They can't hear your thoughts.
They can't see you're at war with yourself.

"You're too good."
"You'd never do wrong."
"You're so innocent."

They can't see you're dying.
They can't hearing your crying.
They can't hear you screaming for help.

Innocent girl,
when will you tell the world,
about the pain you feel.

They don't believe you could hurt,
They don't believe you could bleed,
They are sickened by your "perfection".

"You've never been depressed."
"You're mind is so clear."
"You've never known struggle."

Innocent girl,
when will you show the world,
the scars you have from losing your mind.
Mykenzie Oct 2018
Up becomes down
Red becomes blue

I'm just not the same
Without you
Mykenzie Mar 2019
When you google 'What is family'
You get the following description:
"a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household."

But is it really?
Can you really be family if you never talk,
even when living under the same roof?

Can you really not be family,
when you talk 24/7 and help each other with everything,
but you're not living under the same roof,
so you're really not family.
Mykenzie Sep 2018
A pretty girl with a pretty face,
the demons she was still trying to chase,
gripping her heart,
and clouding her mind.

darling its all in your head

Where an escape is impossible
to find.
Mykenzie Nov 2018
I wish I could see myself through your eyes
and convince myself I'm beautiful
He always calls me beautiful and gets mad when I say that I don't think I am.
I wish I could see what he sees.
Mykenzie Oct 2018
want to
know that
I fi died tonight,
Who would cry tomorrow
Who would stand in the cold,
and listen to the minister speak on my behalf
Who would write letters to my parents, apolagizing,
Who would leave bouquets of  pretty flowers at my tombstone
Who would stand tall, sturdy as stone, and suffer in silence
Who would mourn for a day then go on about their lives
Who would see it in the obituaries and only shrug
Who would only notice it after a month,
or three or twelve or eighteen
How many strangers
wouldn't care....
I wonder.....
Mykenzie Nov 2017
I write,
not because I want to,
but because I need to.

I write,
because after I'm gone,
everyone will see who I truly was.

I write,
because I can get everything down on paper,
but it hard for me to explain it verbally.

I write,
because it's the only thing I'm good at.

I write,
because I need to get it out,
and you're not here to listen.
Mykenzie Aug 2021
i write,
my reasons being selfish

i write,
just for me

i write,
as an outlet

i write,
for reasons that may not be so selfish after all
Mykenzie Oct 2018
Razors pains you
and rivers are damp.

Acid stains you
and drugs cause cramps.

Guns aren't lawful,
Nooses give.

Gas smells awful,
You may as well live.
Mykenzie Dec 2017
You led her on,
Made her believe that you loved her,
Made her believe you cared,
Made her trust you and open that door she had closed so tight.
She let you in,
And you let her down.
She fell for you hard,
You said you would catch her,
So why did she hit the ground?
She believed in you,
When no one else had,
And this is how you repay her?
This is so sad...
You led her here,
With words of love
And acts of romance,
Just to leave her there,
Her heart torn in two,
To fend for herself,
And find someone new.
Mykenzie Jan 2019
They say
Life is a gift
That you should cherish it
Because you only get one life
One chance
Life will give you gifts
Like a family
But not all gifts are good
Life will throw curves at you
Like school
Broken promises
With each person
Is a life
With different thoughts
Different beliefs
Different families
Different feelings
A different way to view things
Like challenges
And life
Some might love life
They see the good in life
They see it as a gift
They love others
They love the journey
They smile
They laugh
Their sweet
Their kind
These people are on a boat
Floating ahead to see where they will go
But where they are now
They celebrate
That’s how to view their life
Then you have the others
They see life as a curse
They see the bad in life
They don’t talk to others
They hate the journey
They cry
They scream
They’re shy
They’re broken
These people are in the water
Drowning in their sadness
The water in their tears
No matter how hard they try to swim up for air
A wave of their guilt
Brings them back down
But isn't that just life?
Mykenzie Nov 2018
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
You hear that?
With every tick is I miss you.
With every tock is an I love you.

Tick, I miss you. Tock, I love you.

Every waking second, all I want to do is talk to you.
Every waking second, all I want to do is be with you.

It's cold outside right now.
The silence is too deafening. But I am simultaneously reminded by the thought of you.
It's too noisy in my head right now.
All I could hear is tick, tock, tick, tock.

Words may not express every waking second that I miss you, or I love you.

My dear, if you do hear me saying these words, give the clock a listen.
With every second you'll hear a tick.
With every second you'll hear a tock.

If when the time comes that I am not able to say these words, give our dear clock a listen.

And whatever the clock is saying, is what my mind is thinking, and what my heart is feeling.

Tick, tock, my love.
Mykenzie May 2018
To the ones who feel as if they are worthless, you are worth everything and more.
Keep on breathing, even if its hard, even if you dont want to.
I know how it feels. Im always here for you to talk to if you need someone..
I love you all
<3 Danielle
Mykenzie Aug 2021
it’s been awhile  since i’ve felt

felt anything

felt anything strong enough to write

but here i am, wanting to restart

restart my life

restart my feelings

it’s been while,

hopefully it will be no more
Mykenzie Mar 2019
Love will remember
From start to finish,
beginning to end
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