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Audrey Mar 2018
Your vibrantly colored smile slowly faded to grey. I watched as you seeped back into the folds of the outer-sphere; the universe was spread across your eyes.
Audrey Mar 2018
My happiness relies on how much I sleep
and the dreams I get to keep
Audrey Mar 2018
"Oh, I love you, will you tell me your name?"
"Hello, I'm good for nothing. Would you love me just the same?"
Audrey Mar 2018
"And in the end,
we were all just humans...
drunk on the idea that love
that only love
could heal our brokenness."
Audrey Mar 2018
For most, love is abstract splotches of paint scattered about poetically.
For me; love is geometrical figures and a rule book to follow.
Audrey Mar 2018
How unaware one must be
to only realized
that they are submerged when it's too late?
Loneliness creeps across the floor.
At first, it's only around your ankles; making it hard to follow others without feeling like a nuisance.
Then suddenly,
not a day has gone by
and it's pressed against your ribcage.
Everything is tightened.
As it becomes harder to breathe,
the weight of the body becomes more noticeable.
When you've finally decided it hurts too much to breathe,
it coils around your neck; only choking you for the satisfaction of discomfort.
Audrey Dec 2017
Earthquakes in my head oh how they wish me dead.
Migraines banging against my skull
then i fall.
Sea of angst, hear my plea! Stop letting jealousy wash over me.
Sympathy, don't leave.
Kindness, steal my heart.
........I don't want to fall apart........
Shatter the windows, shake the halls.
Tsunamis rage on and on.
Critics smirk and poets dream
while i sit on the floor and SCREAM.


Earthquakes in my head, oh how they wish me dead. Maigrains hitting against my skull, then i fall.
Every day is like a hurricane.
Emotions raging on and on.

Can i feel just one moment of peace?
i think i just heard a voice softly speak:

                     "Be still and quiet
that's the art of the silent.
Feelings can become too strong.
                                                         ­           just
                                                                ­                 let  
                                                           ­                           it
                                   ­                                                           all
  ­                                                                 ­                                    fall
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