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  Nov 2019 chelle
Crown Shyness
So crisp are your lies
For they are easily broken
You try to avoid the demise
For what you have stolen
"You know you are guilty"
chelle Nov 2019
Im old shes young
shes in im out
My time is almost over now

Im weak she's strong
Shes right im wrong
Wrinkled face gives me away
chelle Nov 2019
The fire that stings
And burns throughout
Only brings guilt
And makes my tears shout

Help me help me
Im sinking here
Someone save me
I have only fear

Im afraid to stop
Im afraid to not
Im getting tired
Of this fight that I've fought
chelle Nov 2019
Once upon a time
I loved you more than life
the feelings were returned
and you made me your wife
Then you fell away
your eyes being to stray
So I went my way
Now here we are today

I love u more than life
And miss you more than air
Always thinking how it might be
If we were still a pair
Our pepper would feel better
Our son would still be free
We'd prolly have a little doggy
And I would still be me
chelle Nov 2019
Repetitive screams of demons past
Failed scenarios and self doubt
Being able to see the light and not feel warmth
Reaching for that saving hand that streaches down
Only to watch this now my last chance to live
I fade from life as it disappears into the murky abyss
Knowing this is my last breathe
What is on my mind at this moment?
A sorrowful countenance revels so much regret
I wish... if only... one more chance? Please?

I understand all in that last moment so clearly
As if looking from the outside in
I understand and know
And all that is heard is a loving and strong voice say
"Talitha koum"
chelle Nov 2019
Joe Joe...whatcha know?
Certainly nothing of love.
You're much too much too low. 

Joe Joe who do u know
It certainly cannot be me 
For if it was you'd be to slow
To catch a catch like me.
Im too good for you.
chelle Nov 2019
In and out (dirt, that is)
Sick and ewwww
Stink and stick

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