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Feb 2019 · 49
Bayley Hamper Feb 2019
He looked at me
All the expressions on my face went blank
The disappointed look that washed his face
Enough to make me cave
I looked at him
A look of hope in my eye
Wondering whether he’ll judge me
Wondering whether he’ll care
I called his name
And his glance showed no emotions
A glance so emotionless that it filled me with worry
I tried to touch him
Tried to check if there was hope
But he looked at me and shrugged
He didn’t want to know me
He didn’t want to talk to me
A devastated rage rose within me
How could he treat me like this
I thought he was different
I thought he wouldn’t care
Maybe he’s just trying to please them
To make it seem like he belongs
Cuz the boy I knew would never turn me away so fast
And for what
A little mistake
A mistake that probably never reoccur
So maybe we were never really friends
I feel the bad vibes radiating off his skin
I pass him and he doesn’t even share eye contact
So should I give up?
Is there a point of caring?
I finally acknowledge that our tenure is over
The bond we once shared is broken
But as I turn around to leave I feel a hand on my shoulder
And for the first time in a while
He smiles at me
And because I can’t stop caring
I smile back...
Feb 2019 · 44
Bayley Hamper Feb 2019
The warm buttery feeling that consumes you
Causing your heart to soften
Causing your smile to broaden
An exhausting exilleration that you can't get rid of
Starts small,
But slowly spreads to all parts of your body

A look that can determine the course of your day
I smile that can cause you to be joyous
An acknowledgement that can make you paranoid
And a frown that can feel you with worry

All these feelings induced by one person
One person whose touch could melt you
One person whose conversation you overthink
One person that sends electric waves coursing through your body

A feeling that hightens all others
Causing envy to grow
Happiness to settle
And sadness to stay aside
The feeling that person invokes
The feeling of love.
This is my first piece... I didn't edit it.. I just wrote it immediately as I felt it.. so I hope you feel it to

— The End —