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Seeing you at first glance
Hearing your laugh
I’ve never felt this way
I thought it was normal
But it shouldn’t hurt this much
Taking this long to forget you is the hardest task I’ve ever had to do
I’ve had my chances but I guess the amount was limited
I should have shown that I cared
I should have embraced you
But I didn’t
I heard about your confusion and tears
I hurt you
The pain inside from the mistakes I made are unbearable
The reason I went to the other side of he world was selfish
I tried to forget you
Three months of crying and anger
You’re far from reach
But even if you were next to me
you’d be further than you were before
Even if you gave me another chance
I don’t think I’d deserve it
I crossed lines trying to forget what I could have had
Hurting others in the path should be unforgivable
People know I fear the word love
But if I were to truly say it
With real meaning
I’d say it
I’d say it to you
Only now can I realise what it means
Not nothing meaningless
But something that hurts for years knowing you can’t have it
Some thing that makes you laugh
Smile and dance
Something that gives you true happiness
I guess there’s not much else to say
Hopefully you find some one who appreciates you
Someone who doesn’t take more than one chance to realise it was meant to be more than just friendship
But also I hope you find someone who truly respects and appreciates you for the person you are
I don’t know when I’ll get over you
But words on paper seem like a great place to start trying
Cuando yo te miro
Eres la cosa mas bonita
Nadie es como tu
Ojala que tambien piensas que somos amigos
Seria triste perderte

Me disfruto de hablar contigo.
Ya se que estar saliendo con un Chico mayor
Y solo quiero que saves que eres un gran amiga mia.
Not only do they see
Or make life so interesting
Their also a way of showing yourself to some one
The colours of the texture
Sometime their too dark or too light
But sometimes their unique
Unique in a good or bad way
But the way I’m talking is good
Yours are something I have now words for
It’s not the colour
Or maybe it is
I don’t know
It seems to be something from a movie
Your eyes aren’t of this world
That are magical.
Sadly you aren’t mine
And sadly I’m too far away for me to express my feelings
Although we are in the same building
It’s a maze to get to your heart.
But that’s another story
A different story.
Your rosy cheeks
Your flawless features
And your beauty mark
Oh how it amazes me to see
See how perfect you are
The art you make is stunning
Your are amazing
Although love would have been expressed to you before
I no longer feel it
I do not know why
I feel the word friend is great
It makes me happy to know
To know that friendship is something I’ve obtained
but my views sometimes change when I am around you
Your laugh is a dream to me
But I feel like I should keep this emotion away from you
Just in case I lose you too.
How do you forget?
Forget something you love so much.
My love for you is too much.
I already want it gone
Something like you and me
Would never happen.
Watching you as you watch me.
Why is it making me hurt?
My love for you is too strong
I am weak.

Answers need to be given for what I know
To forget what we once had, a kind of friendship.
Nothing to you but something to me.
The sight of your eyes are stars
The stars to my night.
Now they are gone
None can replace what was once there.

The feeling of love
A word so easy to say
But hard to obtain.
Haven’t you ever thought how?
How other people do it?
Love one another.

Each person has a different story to tell
Some of wonder
Some of drama
Some of love
And some of heart break.

I wish I could travel in time,
To where everyone else is.
I’m still in the past.
I’m not on the same page,
Maybe I’m too different,
Or everyone’s more different than me.

I don’t want to be a burden.

Love is too strong, there are ways to stop it,
But as I’ve said before I am too weak,
It is a part of me
But I always try and hide it,
So here it goes
Canda Munani (I love you)
Your glassy exterior makes you wanted
Your looks are deceiving.
My taste buds tingle to your smell,
I scoop you into my mouth.
Your warmth shows creaminess
Your taste is indescribable
Sweet and gooey
It is hard to believe you are made of nuts
I’ve had a lust for you for a while
I finally have you
You are mine.
It digs deep
Unpleasant and hurting
I want it gone.
You are a star
Amazing to see
But too far to touch
Or be close to.
I wish for my mind to be
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