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Ash 14h
in sudden grief and desperation
words I cannot even bear to dress
in floral or elegant prose
escape from me, in a wailing breath

where have you gone?
Cat 3d
When you died;
Everything was different.
How I moved, thought,
And saw the world
Changed forever.

A switch went off in my brain that day
and a fog machine turned on.
And as I try to walk through daily
I become disoriented,
Stumbling through the best I can,
As the machine continues on.
But the fog is getting thicker;
And It’s getting hard to breathe.

I’m starting to get scared,
That I’ll never make it through.
But I’m even more afraid that
Once the fog clears,
There is nothing but dead air left.
Hey there.
It's been awhile.
The ink dried out in the corner of your smile.
The pages got all wrinkled
like the edges of your eyes.
And it's been at least 4 years since I've seen blue skies.
But look at that there!
The pen is in bloom.
It's ink spilling out as the sun does at noon.
And I can't wait for you to sit there
in your rocking chair
and read Sunday's cartoon.
And you'll ask me what I've wrote
I'll give you a quick note
and we will spend the evening on the swing.
You'll drink your teas,
I'll watch the bees,
and we will spend our eternity in spring.
I know you are all cheering on for me. I'm glad to be back.
Kayley Godek May 24
A Prayer
Breathe in
Please, God, let this night never end.
Breathe out
I swear I’ll love him forever.  
Breathe in
Bargaining is a step in grief processing, right?
Breathe out
His fingers tips are magic wands.
Breathe in
Maybe your freckles are a map.
Breathe out
I want to bite his nose.
Breathe in
No, dont think about tomorrow.
Breathe out
I can taste the tears on my lips.
Breathe in
Can he hear how loud my heart is pounding?
Breathe out
On his back I silently, repeatedly write “I love you.”
Breathe in
Theres too much space between us.
Breathe out
God please, dont let this end.
Breathe in
Is he trying to fall asleep?
Breathe out
I dont want to sleep.
Breathe in
Goosebumps and sweat, contradictions.
Breathe out
Nothing exists outside this bed.
Breathe in
He smells like heaven and cinnamon.
Breathe out
If tonight must end please god dont let me wake.
Breathe in
The panic starts to set in.
Breathe out
I can see his heart beat pulsing on his neck.
Breathe in
His heart is beating as fast as mine.
Breathe out
My hand cups his beautiful face.
Breathe in
Yet I cant look, not yet, he’ll see the fear.
Breathe out
Dont fear.
Breathe in
Be brave.
Breathe out
Matching his urgency in our finger tips.
Breathe in
Finally look into those golden eyes.
Breathe out
Time stops, breath catches, pure bliss is mine for the moment.

Breathe in, breathe out.
caitlan May 17
April 23.
My birthday is tomorrow;
I took off work to celebrate.
My boyfriend and I are going to get lunch.

“Administrative Professionals’ Day” is today.
My coworkers get a cookie text
From my manager—
That’s an 8x8 square of cookie
Topped with saccharine frosting
And edible paper.

The printer jams.
Someone heats up fish for lunch.

Time drags on.

On my way home,
I pass by the cemetery.
A woman sits at the edge of the garden
Where her baby is buried.
She adjusts the Easter decorations she set out last week.
Pastel-colored eggs, a small rabbit.

Near her, his younger brother wanders about
Picking dandelions and
Hopping over graves and
Waving to passing cars.
The child touches his mom’s shoulder
And points out a bird.

They look at it together,
Then get in the car.

Time passes by.

Tonight, I think I’ll make pasta for dinner.
There’s half a jar of red sauce in the fridge
Perfect for one meal.
There won’t be any leftovers,
But that’s fine.

After, I sit at my computer.
My friends are around to play games tonight,
So I nurse a *** and Coke
And hunt ghosts
Until my eyelids grow heavy.

Time flies.

Finally beneath cool sheets,
I reflect on today—
April 23.
My birthday is tomorrow;
I took off work to celebrate.

My boyfriend and I are going to get lunch.
ZR Simon May 15
Middle of the night
Alone with my thoughts
treading water in a sea of darkness
All around me is silence
But inside, I can't make it stop.
Ash May 13
the void where you once stood,
out of sight, but i knew

from here, you lived only in whispers
in the same breath that escaped,
i heard it, echoed on the wind

from afar
i have never known grief like this. for all we quarreled, the years we spent without a word, i never thought that would be the last. but i remember the last time we joked well enough - go get ‘em in hell, T. i’ll see you there
Bekah Halle May 10
Grief is like being drunk...

Hungover with grief; the heavy cloak of love
Cutting you off from reality,
Cocooning you, all the while changing you.
Surrendering the struggle, to survive
Paradoxically helps you thrive.
It all seemed to go by so quick
Like the second hand on a clock
It felt so surreal like a tick
All I hear is a click, like tock

The morning of seemed so bright
We said goodbye as normal
And then came the night
When everything felt so formal

There was a knock on the door
Followed by the drop of a glass
But it wasn’t the drop of wine that hit the floor
It was tears for feelings that would never surpass

In a few months she would have been a bride
How is it fair for one to be deprived
What more could I have tried
Now the clock is stuck at 4:45

Time itself knew to stand still
So, each day I take a walk
To a little spot up the hill
And each day I sit and stare at the clock
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