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he fell out of love and it broke her
she spends her time
trying to find
the light in her eyes
that once shined so bright
now nothing feels right
her mind is a mess
her face expresses distress
she’s in pieces and still all she can think is
“Is he alright?”
I’ll get over you someday..
NaNi 4d
Its been Over a decade
one would think we’re inevitable
Friends who never became lovers
Bond so strong we’re untouchable
The thoughts crossed my mind plenty
Are we possible ?
We are so farm from love
Yet we are unstoppable
When we’re together , the world stops
Picture perfect no crops
Could we be?
Or is a friendship like ours only once in a lifetime
Friendship until the last lifeline?
Distance has & will always be our what if?
And if we ever did work
you’d have to come find me
Cause we’re a long distance from love
So until then we’d never know

Heather Feb 29
God I wish Narcane worked on you
Cuz I’m dying to get a breath without you clamping down on my chest
mjad Jan 12
You consume my thoughts
You're across the globe, for you it's 8am
I know if I stay up until 3 you'll be awake then

But why why why
Do I do this to myself
I have a man that loves me more than anything on earth
Yet I just want to hear your words
Manipulate you to go from texting to calling
Because I know the things I need to say to get you falling
I want to slip back into the old routine
Of talking and talking for hours on end
You made me laugh like I've barely laughed since
I laugh with my man but it's different with you
You know me absolutely through and through
Meeting in adolescence giving us both an advantage
A sense of vulnerability that any new person just cannot seem to reach
Hurting us both as we know we cannot keep a hold
On the people who give us all of their love
Their life
Their future

But what are we doing
Talking just talking
We know what's off limits
Not tempted not lusting
Just missing the old and wondering
If you feel the same way about us too
Do you feel a sense of why why why
Scared to death of any other feeling
To see you in person would break me?
Would it break you? Or is that what we need?
A moment alone for clarity
To stare and take in what the years have done to us both
Pulled at our skin and our hair but
Not our eyes
Not our souls

We remain the same
Twisting through the air sensing every thought
Knowing every consideration
Time would slow down
We would be patient
Waiting to see who would speak
Would we need a translation? Do you still know everything I mean?
Are you still the same person?
How has time changed our twisting souls?
You're across the globe
Away from me
Away from you
But it feels like nothing new

Just temporary distance
In between a forever affair
New people will come and go and come and go
Yet you and I will stay twisting in air
But I'll marry the man I am with
You might be in attendance
Will it **** you? Will it hurt me?
Maybe eventually
It's a neverending question
How are you? How have you been?
I ask you about her you ask me about him
We stay on the shallow end of the pool
Neither really wants to look the fool
Asking for answers on the deep end

Why why why
Do we do this every year
I stare at my ceiling all night long
One more hour and you'll be awake
But I can't wait
But I have too
He is for me, not you
God this is hard to believe
That our souls are so intertwined you live in my dreams
And I skip through yours

No need to ask we both know it's true
And I can tell it's been eating at you
You've been busy and I've been waiting
And all these empty words we keep saying
Leading up to what we really want to know
Why me? Why you?
When will the years pass fast enough that we forget our past
When will we move on and no longer look back
Probably never

How do we tell who we love
Oh sorry I still talk to you
But not like that I promise
There's nothing amiss
Maybe we're twin flames
Spinning around getting hotter
Burned with each other's names
Psychosa Dec 2023
What a love it must have been,
to have blackened the skies in its absence
and to burn through the nothingness that was once my heart.

The love between us was but a moment in time
but has carved itself a piece of eternity.

When I look to the stars,
I know they belong to you,
for the divinity of your eyes has looked upon them.
And so through the stars,
I shall always find you
looking through.

What a love it must have been.
For though you are now gone,
my heart shall always beat for you,
and even when my mortal body is through,
I shall shine through the night skies,
for you.
Psychosa Oct 2023
Meet me there,
in the Elysian fields that
hold us between a mortal and immortal time.

Meet me beneath the moonlight beams,
and I will wait for you in the moonlit crest banks
as the gentle rains of the night
transform to the thunderous cries of the gods.  

Meet me there, my love.
Beneath these facades of skin and bone,
our souls call to one another.
I have known you in a place beyond space and time.

So come home to me my love,
and let us sail to the shores of our fateful bliss.
I shall love you through the storms of time,
if only you allow me to hold your hand in mine.
Rebecca Sorenson Mar 2022
the sunlight gazes down upon your skin
highlighting the speckles in your eyes
you embrace them with a caring grin
while staring with the ocean tides

you shine like the sun on a stormy night
nonsensical yet charming
and when your eyes gaze so bright
the warning bells scream, alarming

your heat is a soothing fear
drawing me close
blinded by your debut premier
i could only throw a single rose

my light may not shine like yours
and my heat be as striking
but love, this warmth has been through wars
waiting for you, hiding

you are the beauty of my doubt
and the rose to my thorn
to you, i am devout
and by love, i am sworn
Trish Dec 2021
The 9th of December, it is that time of the year
Woke up from sleep and whispered "Happy birthday!"
Allowing universe to do the job to inform you subconsciously
Everything that surrounds me moves so slow till it stops
Wondering and thinking about you unconditionally

A day my mind unconsciously remember
You exist along with all of our good memories
My greatest love and heartbreak of a lifetime
May our string be one highlight of my favorite history in this life
Hoping to see you again in our next life

Next time you greet me must be in pilot uniform
Saying "This is your Captain Pilot speaking for this flight.."
In an airplane that I will ride to the destination
A destination that I hoped to be with you

Till we meet again, my twinflame and everything
I am still waiting here like what I have promised
Loving you and will always be even without a happy ending
Goodbye for now and see you again, my future captain!
Ever since 2019, December 9 never felt like an ordinary day because of the guy I fell in love with. We may no longer in contact nor in good terms but I always wish him a happy birthday and hope he is doing well in his life.
Meg B May 2021
I must’ve known you in a past life
You feel so familiar
Even when I didn’t know that I knew you
I knew
There was something in the way
The warmth radiated from your skin
Caramel macchiato I drank you in
The baritone of your laugh
You were so familiar
Yet we had just met
Your silhouette
Was one I had seen before
But not in this lifetime
Were you mine in another one?
Slipping through my fingers like silk
Always one grasp away
But you’re never gone
The way you remain like the rain
Soaking grass in spring
And I’m thirsty for you
For endless nights talking in darkness
Till light came in again
And never running out of words
But even as we spoke it felt so deja vu
Don’t I already know you?
How do you know me so well?
Like your code is written into my cells,
I feel you on a molecular level
Your soul intertwined in mine
But never fully actualized in this timeline
Years and years come and go
But your “aww” and chuckle never fade,
I hear it like you smiled that way you do
Like it was yesterday
Time a construction that doesn’t function
In the realities in which I know you
I have known you
You’ve been mine and I yours
In lifetimes before
In present, eyes closed I manifest
My me’s and your you’s
Subconscious whispers traveling
Through time and space
Dimensions unknown
But I know
It’s you and you know
It’s me too.
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