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Heather 1d
The thing I want most in this life is stillness
To loose the urge to run
Stop the constant cogs of change
But it seems the harder I push content
The heavier it becomes
Heather 1d
Even in the places I go to escape you
I find you
I’m brought to tears in the middle of the dance floor with all of the motion, and lights and sound and smoke swirling around me
I feel the tangible space all around my body
I feel the weight of being without you
  May 29 Heather
The ashes of the past
cover me pale from head to toe
I don't belong here
in renditions of times ago
Heather May 28
How many chances at love will I get
Before I’m too bitter
Like an overripe apple
No longer sweet and crisp
Heather May 28
I wonder if everyone feels this heavy
If midday naps become a constant escape
From the crushing desperation they live with
If the only time they feel light is drifting through their dreams
Heather May 28
I’m scared to turn 30 without you
A decade you never stepped foot in
Time keeps slipping away
I used to grow with it
But lately it feels as if it’s growing around me
Heather May 27
I could spend eternity
Sitting in the pouring rain
But it would never rinse you from my skin
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