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Jeremy Betts May 21
I guess my calling is free fallin'
I realized about halfway back, this parachute will never open
Lost all hope right then
Still forced to listen to a double backed friend playing pretend
As they defend a shallow position
But sure, I'll humor you, go ahead,
Tell me how exactly I am suppose start again
While I dangle here in suspended animation
Somewhere around the middle of my end
And on the day I meet the ground I shall call it friend

Who is God? Where is God? What is God? We ask
Then, we think that this is an impossible task
And we go to Temple and we go to Church
Desperate to find God, we continue our search
Little do we Realize that God lives within
God is not far away, God is just beneath the skin
But because we don't Realize that the way is Self-Realization
We live and die without God-Realization!

Some question, 'Is everything about God, a bunch of lies?'
Others blindly believe that God lives in the skies
Then, some people Pray and live with Hope
They need God so with problems, they can cope
We Pray, we Chant and we all live with Faith
We believe that one day, we will go to Heaven's Gate
And so, we live, waiting to meet God face-to-face
We don't Realize God, we don't get Divine grace!

Only the one who lives with Love and Longing for God
He Realizes God who has a Yearning for the Lord
He questions his religion and puts all beliefs to Test
He wants God so much that he begins his Quest
He doesn’t believe the'Big Bang' and the Theory of the Ape
He Realizes God is in every Soul and things of any shape
His journey of God is a journey of God-Realization
He Realizes God after his Self-Realization!

God is not God, God is SIP
The Supreme Immortal Power that brings life to our Lip
Because we believe in lies, most of us slip
We don't love God enough, we don't get a grip
We are lost in this material world on this earthly trip
We don't go in Quest of God,
We don't go aboard the Divine Ship
When we start to live with the name of SIP on our lip
Then we will begin towards God, our

To Realize God, first, We must Realize, 'Who am 'I'?'
We must Realize that one day, this body will die
We are not the mind that we can never find
We are not the ego, Let's leave this lie behind
If we are not body, mind and ego, then, who are we?
We are none other than God's Divine Energy
When we Realize that We are a Spark Of Unique Life, the Soul
Then, we will Realize God, We will achieve our Goal!

It's strange but True but God stops us from God!
The belief in 'our' God stops us from Realizing our Lord
We just blindly believe in the religion we learned in school
And so, We don't Realize God, We live and die a fool
All Religions are good but we need Spirituality
Like after school we graduate from a University
We must let go of the myth that the Scriptures tell
If we want to Realize God, We must get out of this spell!

God is not God, God is SIP
The Supreme Immortal Power. Let's learn this and flip
God has no beginning, God has no end
God is birthless and deathless, Forever, he does extend
God is the Soul that gives life to You and Me
God is in every molecule, God is energy
This world is nothing but God, Everything is an Illusion
Everything in this world is God's manifestation!
Why should I worry, it was just a Dream
It is not real, no need to scream
A Dream is an Illusion, though vivid it may seem

But Life is different; Life is real
Don’t we all suffer, don’t we all swirl?
Very few go deep to discover the treasure, the pearl

What is this Journey of Life on earth?
What is the Purpose of our human birth?
Is there a way to live with Joy and Mirth?

We all live with suffering and strife
We laugh, we cry, we endure Life
But we don’t cut through to the Truth with a knife

Just like a Dream, Life is an Illusion
Very few of us get this Realization
We don’t use our power of Discrimination

Just like what happens in a Dream is not true
Life is nothing but an Illusion too
I am not ‘I’ and you are not ‘you’

Little do we realize what is our role
Dreams and Reality will take us to the goal
Which is to discover we are but the Soul

When are we going to start our Quest?
Not just Dream, but get out of our nest
Realize Life is an Illusion, get to the crest

Just like Dreams are not real, so is Life
Needlessly we suffer, we cry with strife
With misery, pain, sorrow, life is rife

But we can be Happy if we Realize the Truth
Overcoming sorrow, getting to the bottom of the root
If we realize it’s a Drama, we can enjoy the fruit

Do you worry about the Dream that you saw at night?
You wake up to realize that there was no fight
Life is good, it's shiny and bright

But Life is different, we continue to cry
We suffer, we question, we look at the sky
We cannot differentiate between the truth and the lie

Just like a Dream, Life is an Illusion
It is a long Dream that ends in disillusion
Because of ignorance, there is no Illumination

We think Life is real, it’s not just a Dream!
And so, we suffer, and so we scream
When we realize the truth, life will flow like a stream

If only we Discriminate and open our eyes
Life is just an Illusion, once we realize
We can be in Bliss with nothing to analyze

Life is a Journey, we come and we go
Little do we understand this earthly show
Our goal is to realize the truth, and not just know

We are not the Body that goes to sleep
We are not the Mind that makes us weep
Nor are we the Ego that wants everything to keep

When we realize what we are not
In Thought no more will we be caught
The Truth in front of our eyes will be brought

The Journey of Life has a Purpose
Not to jump like a clown and make Life a circus
Once we realize the Truth, we will never be nervous

We all commit the Greatest SinWe don’t realize that God is within
How will this battle of life we win?

When Dream and Reality, we contemplate
And the difference between the two, we discriminate
We will arrive at heaven’s gate

Did you decide your human birth?
Did you decide how you came to earth?
No, it’s Karma that governs the earth

When we realize that the earth is a stage
The Drama unfolds by Karma, page by page
Then, we will be free from the misery cage

Those who realize that Life is a Drama
Those who discover everything is Karma
Realize that just like a Dream, there is no trauma

Just like a Dream, Life is an Illusion
Once we get this Divine Realization
We will know that everything is a Manifestation

We are different Souls, so do we see
The Truth is that weare Divine energy
Everything is one, there is no you and me

Life is like a Dream, when we realize this
Like after a Dream, there is no unhappiness
But for this, we need Consciousness

As long as in ignorance we are bound
We will suffer as we live on the ground
Till the ultimate truth is found

What is the Purpose of reading this book?
It is to change your Life’s outlook
But first, you must be free from the ignorance hook

So, it’s time to start
And pull the myth apart
And this is to learn the Spiritual art

The Ultimate Truth is everything is an Illusion
Even Science has declared with Discrimination
This world is nothing but a Manifestation
Jeremy Betts May 1
I've fought a lot to get it out, tried to keep it out, but I can not
I scream and shout,
Even post realization that it's all for nought
Had an ill advised, never properly revised, recurring thought
Form an in home gym enterprise to exercise demons on the spot
More issues to stack like russian dolls is all I ever got
Caught each slow kiiller by keepin' it in house to follow the origin plot
Scrip changes happen often regardless of what me, myself or I want
Zero red yarn supplied, can't attempt a connection with any new dot
I play my part in my story as the man forgiveness forgot
Both what I keep in and what spills out identified as the source of the rot

uv Mar 28
A Labyrinth is enjoyable when you know there is a way out
Its colours are enticing when you know they will fade out
The glamour might intoxicate
The novelty might instigate
But as time passes
The colours, the glamour, the novelty of it starts to suffocate
In "Labyrinth," I delve into the fleeting nature of allure and novelty. The labyrinth serves as a metaphor for life's journey, where the initial excitement of finding an exit is soon overshadowed by the realization that the vibrant colors and glamour will inevitably fade. As time passes, the once-thrilling novelty begins to suffocate, highlighting the transient nature of superficial attractions. Through this poem, I invite readers to contemplate the importance of seeking lasting fulfillment beyond fleeting pleasures.
Kasansa Kuya Jun 2020
a malignant haze
hitherto unnoticed and henceforth witnessed
the struggle of the enlightenment
I think people may feel this in these uncertain times.
Jeremy Betts Feb 21
My worst fear realized
Beyond scared & paralyzed
the moment I recognized
the signs in the fading eyes
of a lover as she re-lives the lies
& cries herself to sleep with sorrowful lullabies
Ones only heard by the clouds and the stars they pass by in the night skies
The ones just as lonely and as distant as a sunrise
on the moons romanticized dark sides
mingling with the anticipated replies to the backlog of "why's"
that don't even bother with fly-bys
Somewhere out past where hope dies
Where both love and hate are lobotomized
then cannibalized
even weaponized
for passion triggered crimes
leaving no one surprised
Where the only allies one finds
arrive in disguise
as the best of times
as the worst of times
building up to a multitude of inevitable good-byes
How was I to vocalize
a mess of this size
when I don't have the ability to visualize
even loosing such a prize...

The realizations smarts me in the chest
The horrifying transparency falls out from under my teeth
Without the clash, I am lifeless
Left crippled
Watching it crawl away
Through blackened eyes
Grizzly and ugly and growling
I have never been beautiful enough to be art
I have never been gifted enough
To make an art of it,
My circumstance
Curled up in my work clothes on soundproof sheets
Preparing for The Slumber
I hate college and I don't know what I'm doing!!
Joshua Phelps Jan 27
I don't want to die,
Don't want to say goodbye

But sadness destroyed
my confidence and now

I'm back down hiding
everything deep inside.

How can I go on?

When I don't want
to live, don't want
to try

When everything around me
has turned into one big

Do I exist just
to get torn
and drug down

Is my life just
one chaotic thunder,

striking every last
chance down before I can
grasp it,

or is it my new normal,
and I haven't accepted it
Who are you and Why are you Here?
Why did you come to Earth, my Dear?
Begin your Quest, do not Fear!

After 40 years, I started my Quest
I had the Guts to put all Beliefs to Test
The Reward was Worth it, it was the Best!

I am not ‘I’, I Realized the Truth
I Searched and went to the Bottom of the Root
It was my Quest that gave me the Fruit!

I am not this Body, this Body will Die
The Mind, I cannot find! How can it be ‘I’?
The Ego says ‘I’, but it’s a big Lie!

We think life is just to have Fun
We live and soon, life is Done
Like mad people, in this Race we Run!

What is the Truth, Why this Human Birth?
What is the Reason we Came to Earth?
The Quest will help us Answers, Unearth!

It all begins when we Start our Quest
Many Questions we list and we don’t Rest
One by one, the Answers Attest

To get to the Truth, we need a Master
An Enlightened Guru will take us Forward Faster
It is the Master who is our Spiritual Partner

It all begins by Overcoming Ignorance
Transcending the Ego that Creates Arrogance
The Truth and the Myth, Realizing the Difference

Therefore, first, there is Purification
And soon there is Illumination
And finally, there is Realization

The first Realization is, ‘I am the Soul’
This, in the Quest, achieves my Goal
But what in my Purpose does this Play a Role?

The Soul is nothing but a Spark Of Unique Life
I Realized this and now I am Liberated from Strife
Otherwise, with myths, our Life is Rife

The Realization helps us move Ahead
And Ultimately, in that Moment when we are Dead
We are Liberated and United with the Lord, it’s Said!

Our Purpose is to become One with God
To Realize, within is the temple of the Lord
The Quest helps us see how our Beliefs are Flawed!

We always thought God was in a Temple or Church
And then we started the Quest, the Search
To attain the Divine, we had an Urge

Are we just meant to Live and Die?
First, we must find out, ‘Who am I?’
We must Discriminate the Truth from the Lie

We may appear to be made of Bone and Skin
But the Truth is that we are the Divine that Lives Within
Alas! This Ignorance is our Greatest Sin

It is our Mind that makes us Blind
It is the biggest enemy that Makes us Grind
In the Purpose to find, we are Left Behind

So, first, we make the Monkey Mind a Monk
It happens when we remove from it All Junk
Till then, it seems we are Eternally Drunk!

The moment we transcend Body, Ego, and Mind
In that moment, Life’s Truth, we will Find!
We will attain the One for Whom we Pined

When we move from Mind to Consciousness
There are no thoughts, there is Thoughtlessness
Then, there is Peace and Love, Eternal Happiness

Then, we Realize there is no Heaven and Hell
These are lies that People Tell!
There are no Devils and Angels that Dwell

We are Liberated from that Life Race
Where we are running to be an Ace in the Chase
The Quest helps us Live with Grace

In the Quest, we Overcome all our Trauma
When we Realize that Life is a Drama
Everything that happens is Controlled by Karma

At first, we would Cry and look at the Sky
We would just Suffer and ask God, ‘Why?’
Till we Realized the Truth, Who am I?

We Realize two things we don’t control on Earth
We don’t control Death, we don’t control Birth
It is then we learn to live with Mirth

We Realize we are not the Mind and Ego, ME
We are not the one in the Mirror whom we See
Then, we are Free to Be who we are Meant to Be

It is in that moment that all Miseries Cease
It is the Quest that gives us Peace
We Realize all this, Piece by Piece

At first, we had believed, ‘I was I’
The Quest revealed that this was a Lie
I am the Soul that will Never Die!

It is the Quest that Cuts all Strings
It Liberates us, the one who Clings
It helps us fly, it Opens our Wings

We Realize that Pleasure Comes and it Goes
But Eternal Bliss, Forever Flows
Upon going on a Quest, this Truth Glows

The Mind that otherwise says, ‘I am Everything!’
It is exposed, it is a Rascal, not a King!
In fact, it causes All Suffering

It is the Quest that Makes us Shine
We Discover that within, Lives the Divine
Then, there is Eternal Sunshine

Without the Quest, there will be Death and Birth
Ignorance will make us Return to Earth
The Quest Liberates us from Rebirth

How can you remove the Darkness in a Room?
Can you Sweep it away with a Broom?
The Quest brings in Light, that will Eliminate all Gloom

We all arrive from the very same Womb
But Foolishly, through Life we just Zoom
And Ultimately, we reach our Tomb!

Without a Quest, life is like a Circus
We are Clowns living without Purpose
It is the Quest that makes life, Precious

Start your Quest or you will Suffer Again
The Mind will pour Thoughts like Rain
And it will Push you down the Drain

For Thoughts don’t Knock, they Enter the Door
Uninvited they come and Push us on the Floor
The Quest Pushes the Mind out and Shuts the Door

We all live in this World and Crave
Of the Mind and Ego, we become a Slave
It is the Quest that makes us Brave

The Quest begins when there is Yearning
The Yearning is what starts our Learning
It creates that Passion that keeps us Burning

Otherwise, in the Mind, we are all Caught
In Toxic Emotions, in many a Poisonous Thought
The Quest ties the Divine Knot

When we start our Quest we Venture
Then we let go of Worldly Pleasure
And we achieve our Life’s True Treasure

Without the Quest, there is no Light
We live with anger, jealousy and we Fight
The Truth remains Far, Out of Sight!

Ignorance causes all the Blunder
It creates misery, it Creates Thunder
Realization makes us Surrender

Are you looking for Happiness and for Bliss?
The Quest will lead to eternal Happiness
Start it now, it’s not something we should Miss

It will start with Self-Realization
And Ultimately, lead to God-Realization
March ahead without any Hesitation

It is the Quest that will give us the Purpose of Life
It will Liberate us from Misery and Strife
We must cut through the Myth with a Sharp Knife

So start a Quest, don’t just Live and Die
Find out life’s Purpose, ask the question, ‘Why?’
Do it now! Start with, ‘Who am I?’
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