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God is there for us and he'll never forsake us.
He will be there until the days that he takes us.
He'll continue to be there for us when we're in Heaven.
He sent his only begotten son to save men and women.
You may think that God has forsaken you but that's not true.
God will always love all of us and we need to love him too.
God will never forsake us and when things are bad, he will be there.
Through thick and thin, God will be there because he truly does care.
Reimers May 31
I once feared looking at the sky,
Afraid it would swallow me whole
I always covered my ears,
Believing if I couldn’t hear, words wouldn’t hurt

I numbed my heart, closed every door,
Isolating myself from life’s embrace.
A hollow shell with a fire long extinguished,
But then, your presence sparked a change.

I thought I was beyond feeling or hearing
Yet your touch opened my eyes to the sky.
I hesitated, nervous, but you held on tight,
With a smile you ran straight towards the light

My heart races, unfamiliar and wild,
Your eyes invite me to follow your lead.
I readied myself, slowly walking, running, leaping
What is this sense of freedom I feel, its warm

I don't know where we are going,
But there's no longer room for doubts
With you, I’ll soar to unknown heights,
I'm not afraid to take a step forward
Àŧùl May 9
People are not nice,
They can dishearten you,
But don't be like mice.

Let me tell you a story,
My story of victory,
It's after the accident.

When I was in the ICU,
Thought I won't be consequential,
But I disappointed them.

This young man is alive,
An ex-SBI PO, now a DRAAO,
Oh I worked hard for it.

Did not I, oh life,
I don't play the fife,
You know, right?

Now I talk to you,
Yes, you, the dejected one,
Now I ask you this:

Being a survivor,
If I can be successful,
Why cannot you?
Life-Threatening Coma-Inducing Bike Accident: May 7, 2010
Awoke From The Comatose State: June 1, 2010
Discharged From The Hospital: June 18, 2010
Lost academic time: 5 years
Lost physical capabilities: Can't play my guitar as nicely as I used to, stammer at times, limp a bit, difficulty in balancing myself, memory problems

But I didn't give up on life. I knew that I can do it.

People who saw my mangled state in the ICU and HDU, they suggested my parents to look after me for the rest of their lives. They suggested my parents to get me enrolled in an easier vocational course to weave baskets or sell newspapers.
They disheartened my mother, who in turn thought that I could not do what others can.
But my father always has had full faith in my capabilities and capacities.
I not only completed my Bachelor of Technology degree in Biotechnology from the Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak, but also I went on to complete a postgraduate degree (M.Tech) in Animal Biotechnology from the ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal.

And now I have done it.

Professional Success 1 (SBI PO): July 4, 2023
Professional Success 2 (C&AG AAuO): March 12, 2024

My HP Poem #1968
©Atul Kaushal
The weakness I see in you that mostly affects me represents the true nature of who I might be, it's those parts of myself that I don't want the world to see.

But why should I judge when it lives at my core, am I strong enough to admit I'm not that person anymore?

Why should I judge when I am the same way, I've just learned to hide it in broad day-light myself on fire to be born again free from fear, prejudice, and shame, so I can stand before you and look you in the eye to accept your weakness for they are also mine.

Done by:KCG
To accept the the flaws in others is a form of healing.
If you can't be anything else in this world, be kind.
ardnaxela Dec 2022
Black Colleges
Have been chronically
Hell -

Black culture curates
Common culture.
Black coins buy
Booming business -

Black universities
Brilliance, Undeniably.


Black children

Contain unrelenting
Cause upheaval -

Controlled, creative


Heads held high -
Commemorating heroes.




HBCUs are an essential commodity to a significant facet of our population. Protect them at whatever cost.
ChinHooi Ng Nov 2022
From A to Z
we need
to learn to return
to zero
when we come to a new place
we need to learn to pack up the past
put it away
start over
like a child
getting to know the world
like a sponge
absorbing water of the ocean
like opening your eyes
after darkness has gone
going back to zero
is the sterilization of the past
the emergence of new
If you're seeking forgiveness,
Learn to forgive yourself first.
People won't always forgive you much less stop making false accusations. No matter what you tell some people, they're going to believe what they want. So learn to forgive yourself when needed and ignore the lies of the egotistical people. #AuthorVenJArnold
What is the ultimate life
All about?
It is about being holy
It is about being healthy
It is about being happy
It is about making things happen
With tremendous magnitude
And flowing smoothly
In the right direction
It is all about being effective
And efficient in life
This poem talks about how to achieve ultimate success in our lives.
TheBlackPen121 Apr 2022
Why do I write? I write to share a part of me the world has never seen, I write because writing is in my genes,
I write to share my experience so people know that they are not alone, I write to comfort and give broken souls a home.
I write not for fame or recognition because I know that's not my mission.
I write to let my little voice be heard and free this little bluebird that has been trapped in my heart for so long.
I write to alleviate my melancholious state,
I write to empower, I write to educate, and most of all I write to preach love and not hate.

Done by: KCG
Blessed are the creators
D Cole Mar 2022
Mortal  to my  thoughts,
broken by the eyes of the world,
the warmth in my heart hides from her cold breath.

treading softly, so that I don't awaken her judgemental tongue
I've lost step to what makes me happy,
Just to keep her quiet.
The world will always judge you, let your eyes focus on you and not her.
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