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Psych-o-rangE Apr 21
McDonalds is the answer
Feel Joy
Feed the Machine

You are Wrong
You have a Choice
Have KFC.
maria Apr 17
I am always just a version of myself.

Have I ever really known the full me?
Not necessarily.
She is but an aggregation of all the experiences she's ever had,
people she's ever met,
memories she's ever made,
even the ones that have been lost to time.

My personality, speech, and mannerisms are all imprints made by passersby.

Need I know the full me?
No, not necessarily.
Like stained glass that misses the details,
I am a mosaic known only in concept and suggestion,
and this is enough as inhabitant of this body,
even if the resident is unknown to self.
MsAmendable Apr 10
And yet more was said
In the space
between the breaths
between the words
Of what you thought you were trying to say,
The way your eyes looked away

Hold your tongue my love,
I already know
Joy cannot come if it cannot go
From little dollies,
To sitting in trollies.
Sitting beneath trees,
In the summer breeze.
Not a care I felt,
Nor a worry to feel.
Just me and my friends,
Imaginary or real.
The delight of innocence,
In the simpler days,

As I ponder back to the simpler ways.
Humble Apr 6
When was the last time you were truly happy,
not merely existing but truly alive?
When was the last time you smiled sincerely,
not that rehearsed facade?

When was the last time you were honest with yourself,
embracing your flaws and strengths,
saying what was in your mind,
genuine and unfiltered?

When was the last time laughter flowed freely,
genuine and unrestrained?

When was the last time you spoke passionately,
about something you love deeply?
When was the last time you loved yourself deeply,
accepting every part of who you are?
When was the last time your heart was in sync with your mind,
free and unburdened?

So tell me, when was the last time you were truly you?
I have blossomed,
I have sewn.
From a girl of youth,
To a woman of grown.
My body
Is different.
To me it's unknown.
Though I feel
Such hatred,
For my newer mould.
But that is okay,
We all must grow.

And learn to love our beauty of old.
Camille Mar 29
The smiles in child's faces,
The laughter in my mother's eyes,
The bright golden sunrays hitting my dark brown hair,
Everybody painted the streets bright yellow,
But you painted it an unfamiliar ,summery, golden yellow.
rstlss Mar 26
the color of
my favorite for as long as my hands learned of brush strokes and canvases

so vibrant,

the color of
my favorite for as long as my hands felt the warmth of yours in a struggle I've never been through

so safe,

My dearest orange,
I'm glad you exist.
last for now aight adios
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