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Jeremy Betts May 22
Tried it
Can't do it
Can not be done
So it can't be undone, I'll prove it

Picture this for a minute
Picturesque hides what's not picture perfect
Don't run
It may pay off to listen to the verdict

Incompetent parents apparent
Cinderella's sisters type fit
Concrete clown shoes
Encased in discount mob cement

Bounced check
Inherited emotional debt
My symbolic account
Won't reveal, just conceals most of it

A Zeppelin wreck
Unnecessary resentment, no regret
I 86'd forgiveness
And I'm not looking to forget

The living, breathing embodiment
Of "The crime doesn't fit the punishment"
"Be wary the quiet ones"
I also embody that statement

I am what they meant
A broken degenerate
And no matter my efforts
It's as permanent as I get

I hope this clears things up a bit

They say if you really love them,
You have to let them go.
Nothing of the past to condemn,
Done here never to know.
No questions to be asked where to,
True love a sacrifice.
To always regret what we know,
I, ****** tasted from spice.
Yes, the high never worth the fall,
I know risk all too well.
Let my soul weaken not to brawl,
Shamed secret not to tell.
Say not my love to falter, won,
I dare not go back my tomb done…
Jeremy Betts Mar 7
It'd be easier to go dumb
Braindead for fun
Explore comfortably numb
In a rarely clear cranium
Wide open space for wild thoughts to run
But now for the unforseen repercussion
Situation recognition
I can ONLY run
No place to hide, not a single one
Wrestlin' fear and confusion
With an empty win column
Lost it all, never won
Disproportionate portion
What's been done,
Can not be undone
Sit with the problem
In complete isolation
The expectation?
Come to some useful revelation
The pressure feeds off the anticipation
The anticipation breeds a host and parasite type immersion
But reality rushes in with it's own complication
Breaking then adding it's own tension
Followed by a surge of logic and reason
As I,
Yet again,
Come to the same conclusion
The sum of all my fears run the asylum
And I've been locked in here with 'em
A casualty of my reality inside a broken system

SelinaSharday Oct 2023
Hey.. keep
that shinning personality glowing
You are my Sunlight..
The one who loves.
whos a
different outside of the box
my comedian. Whose
so much fun..
It rips my soul seeing you in Pain when that happens..
These words are sent from Poetic Mother.
Of The Poetry writer, the comedic, art drawing Son..
Your a unique soul..
May the flow of wisdom.. flow within You and bless you with Faith
Adding wisdom and a rich foundation of knowledge..

Hey You..
Hi armor one who hides his pain and covers
his aches with smiles..
I see your heart I see your soul.
I see your a created unique Mold.
Gather gratefulness and wash in it plentifully.
Within every inch of your spirit,
bath in the ingredients of bounce back.
Giving your mind over to Peace.. Order your heart to allow
Mercy to be in full control..
Waves hey son..
Loving you is strings of blessings..
The links and cords of greater blessings.
like sowing good.. In rich soil.
Rest from all turmoil.
Your Heavens Son..
Your works aren't done..
Encouragement, acknowledging, and praying
Falling Up Aug 2023
Sitting here, waiting
Which is basically the equivalent
Of grating
My forehead
Against a cheese grater.
For seconds minutes hours.
Soon, there'll be nothing left,
I'll be an empty shell of myself.
My bored tired pieces scattered all across the floors
As I wait
and wait
and wait
For something that I really should've ignored.
Broken Pieces Aug 2023
What's it like to die but still breathe,
To walk, talk, live, while being dead underneath.

I want to die but physically I'm here,
I'm alone in this feeling, I fear.

Sure, others feel the same,
But no one close by can share my shame.

Let me go, free to die,
Let me go, stop chasing the ghost tide.
Dani Just Dani Aug 2023
The way your eyes glisten
when you smile,
Remind me of the white
sand back home,
Warm to the touch,
getting washed ashore
With the reminder of foam
and one more night.

The sea rocks itself to sleep
while you talk,
Even in times of storm
you would give me peace,
The sun comes up
and comes down when you
Say the word
and can’t seem to keep up with
The way your lips curl.

The way you walk,
the way you think.
God, if there’s a god
he must have been proud
Of making you.

The sea will come for me,
drown me underneath
the weight,
tell me that
what I’m feeling is wrong
But how can I be wrong
when all of that stops when you talk.

I can’t keep up with you,
and I probably never will.
But if you gave the word,
if you told me you needed
me for a moment
I would miss an airplane
to be there for

Even if I’ve seen this everywhere,
in movies
in books,
in songs.

I will never get to love you
how I want
to love

And it’ll always be my fault.
ky Jul 2023
Stop leaving hints.
I get them;
I just don't reply anymore.

I guess it's because you claim everything
in that last message you sent
was a lie.

If that's true,
it means you won't always
be there if I need you,
and that I was never as important to you
as you said I was.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, please
stop leaving the little hints.
Show me that you've moved on.
Prove to me that I never cross your mind
that you're completely over me.

Just get out of my life.
Dhimss Sep 2022
Soulmates and twin flames were lost on me
But I remember telling you about a red string,
A line that tied your toe to mine.

I heard a snip, then a snap.
Efforts to mend, always end in knots.

We're done
We're done.

We're done now.
Back at it again.
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