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"and there is still hope for redemption in a sinner like me."
As I stand
in the rain,
of water
play and
roll down
my fingers
and into
the ground,
I feel like
A stray cat,
A runt
By his mother,
Or like a fish
In less water,
I flop on the
And catch
My breath
In between
I’ve been on the tight
Rope lately,
And every time I fall
The net of old habits
Saves me with an embrace
So warm and familiar,

I let my fingers
Fall through just to see
How the other side
Would feel like,
Silent and cold,
Another familiar feeling

Cold bottles and
Lighter fluid,
Today I accidentally
Let the cigarette bud
On my legs run
Their course,

While I wonder how
She’s doing,
I wonder if there would
Still be passion
Behind every kiss,
Would the wind carry
Her scent towards me

I’m just an infant,
And it dangles keys
To catch my attention,
While her eyes glow
As we match the beat
That red cells carry
Through my veins,

But it was up to
And time has
Been a great enemy,
Betrayer of the

Holding my head
Down towards
My mistakes, like
A dog it walks
Me through
The side walks
Of my apartment complex
For everyone to see.

I’ll hold unto
That shame in my
Briefcase along
With others,
I’ll put on a
Great smile
And baggy clothes,
And i’ll hop on
the summer breeze
Like dandelion seeds
Towards new beginnings
I imagine it
must be interesting,
Lovely even,
To be able
To grow old
With someone.
It must take a lot of courage.
the neighbours cat stalks birds in my garden
the fledglings are so innocent
-they have no idea a tiger wishes to eat them.

always in a room without windows
a straw up his nose
a bottle of Jack Daniels
on the moveable food tray.

Harry, he

lived his life like a hurricane
violent and fierce yet
in the havac he caused

the lone wolf,
never a destination
all he owned was time



the neon sky, dark,

afire with visions
of  the wounded women
partially wrapped in night, hears

the song the sirens sweetly sing

so he chose to fly


above the high wire trapeze,
grasping for tranquility with a straw
and with ease
he follows the shadows
into rooms without windows

a solitary wanderer in the heartland

the man who chose to fly

strange fish, my friend,


I salute you.
Do I want to be your lover?
Yes I would love to be your lover any time
And do anything you ask me to do for you
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