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Jeremy Betts May 31
A pageant of recklessness
A disregarded package of regrets and resentments
Tired and penniless
Unrepairable, no time to do maintenance
Unguarded and anxious
A messenger absent of messages
An organic premise of a pesimess
Heart of ice and might be the coldest
A lot of truth is said in jest
Even if hard to digest
But how is it I'm still on karma's shiit list?
It'***** list might as well be a balled up fist
Split personality,
Both turn against me with the quickness
Okay life, I give in, you win,
You're better than me at this
I've seen enough, I'm done,
Don't force me to continue to be a witness
To this travesty you supplied me with to begin with

I have spent too much time alone to be fit for companionship.
My words taste dry and chalky like the essence of an elementary memory
I reek of attic and grandmas sexiest perfume, stuffed inside a satin jewelry box
The electric hum of our breathing machinery swells inside my gushing veins
I am painful unfit for this human body, my discomfort palatable and grotesque
Tortured by this strained existence, a circus elephant on a colorful ball
I swish my words inside my mouth, not ready to spit nor to swallow
Stalking eyes in silence pools, I watch peers like a fox watches a coyote.
I am an alien, I am painstakingly unfamiliar in every way that counts.
Jeremy Betts Apr 30
An endless search
For before the hopeless
Prior to the pain
Pre drowning in sadness
It must be there
That rare moment of bliss
I can't FUCCKING remember,
"Has it always been like this?"
A lost sliver of memory
Eerily missing the feeling like a lipless first kiss
The want and drive evident
But before it all, most memorable, there to trigger the fall, my evil twin, Sir Anxious
I tear up as I absorb old videos
Finding the smile in milestones of my son, a present I was pleasantly present to witness
"...ah, there it is,
My piece of bliss
An unchecked happiness
Oh how I miss this..."
But I did this,
I have no business
Asking for a witness
Or forgiveness

A new year begins, with hectic schedules every day,
Anxieties overwhelm us- in school; work; in every possible way
Often we tend to focus solely on the challenging and stressful circumstances,
Forgetting the power and the capabilities of God, who can help us

Our doubts and tough circumstances are the results of the the powers and principalities of the evil world,
The spiritual war we face each and every day- between spirit and flesh; it is real
The evil one tries to make us doubt God’s love and provision during the trying times;
To counter it, we must have our eyes fixed on Christ, to be comforted in times of strife

When we come before God to acknowledge our weaknesses and inability to stand by our own strength,
Through His mercy, we are beholden to His love and grace which loosens our soul when we get tense
When countless worries come, we must render these known to God in prayer;
His comforting presence, peace and renewed strength in us shall take away all our doubts and fears

Challenges and anxieties from the world can afflict a believer and cause him to go astray,
But if we exercise our faith through prayer, God will help make these anxieties go away
“My child, for all those times when you were full of anxiety and fear,
It was I, who pulled you through; I have always been near.”

Inspiration: Psalm 94:18-19
TS Feb 23
Trust is a tricky thing.

One person in your life can shake the ground you walk on forever without a second thought.

Your own anxieties bring insecurities that make you lose trust in people. It's not always their fault, but when those sneaking feelings end up being true, ******* it takes so much to come back from that.

Distrust and uncertainty seep into everything moving forward. You can't help but compare and see similarities. ***** the glaring and incredible differences, you will still find ways to not trust him. It's not fair to him, but you feel jaded like it doesn't matter anyway. Continue building those walls and slamming more bricks up there each and every time you have a concern, warranted or not.

You'll push everyone away because you will never be able to let go of those parts of yourself.

Eve K Dec 2023
My heart beats,
My heart rests.
My Arteries gush, my veins flow.
The blood through and through.
My body. It keeps me alive.

My heart is heavy, my brain is light.
I smile a tear in my eye, tight chest light breath.
A warmth buries me deep in comfort.
Music confines my thoughts.

I sink into the feelings as I float through the thoughts.
All is nigh. Yet the future so far away.
I grasp it in desperation, yet I await in anticipation.
What is too come can only be known to those who have already been.
There is no way to know, yet we already do.
Who knows what is to come in the future yet my hopes are high, my expectation nil.
My hands start shaking.
I can feel my heart violently beating in my throat
threatening to choke me.
I can feel it hammering against my chest trying to break free
it’s like playing drums on my rib cage.
my brain stops completely
leaving me alone in the predicament.
I have no time, all my thoughts can be seen.
In the end, I always end up speaking nonsense.
With stutters and stammers interrupting each sentence.
Making them feel awkward and confused
about how to reply
to the nonsense I just spewed.
Serena Sep 2023
i miss being wanted. i know i must have felt it before, because how can one long for something they've never known?
i wish i was able to believe in love outside of view.
but it seems like every new moon i forget your touch
and i'm running through the woods just to make you love me again.
i believe you every time you tell me you could never hate me (how couldn't i)
but sometimes your words don't last.
sometimes i lie in bed trying to make myself dream of you so i won't exhaust you with my cries in the night.
sometimes i want to take advantage of your soft hands
feel safe in your mind
and let you take care of me even when i don't need it.
it makes me feel selfish, to want that kind of love.
selfish is something i long to be, once
Ila Jul 2023
I was on my laptop playing a high stress game
And I switched tabs and saw that telegram had a notif
My heart beat a million times per second
I could feel it beating through my chest
Much like the time we spent in my backseat, professing our love to each other

My heart beat fast
Palms sweaty
It’s a lot like falling in love
But you aren’t here

I check the message and it’s not you
My heart continues to beat as loud and as fast as it was
Am I relieved that it wasn’t you?
Why did I feel so anxious, thinking it had been you
I wished it was you
I really wished

I hoped you talked to me again
And yes
I am upset that it wasn’t you

Why do we reserve things for special people in our lives?
That thing just gets ruined when they’re no longer there

My heart still beats fast
Trying to calm down
I felt all the symptoms of nervousness all at once
I really hoped it was you
But alas you’ve left my life
I should stop hoping it’s you

I am disappointed it’s not you
Please come back.
Please come back. I keep hoping that it's you.
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