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Between dim lights behind and
the streetlamps below, here,
shades of darkness where
my shadow mingles with
those of the chairs and the vase,
the lamp, and the cyclic rhythm
of the shadow of the fan
that slices moments to pieces,
to the music of  the gushing waves;
As you are busy illustrating slices
of life down there, you Señora,
stand illustrated, in these loving
shades of grey and black;
Now the wind travels far
beyond where the sky in her tunic
adorned of stars takes a dip
in the sea; These clouds, like me,
travel miles to weep by this same sea
that washes their native shores.
Sometimes, moments go poetic when we sit down to observe an observer...

Tama Ghosh ( offered ideas for some lines, to which I added dreamy flavours!
 Jan 2013 Zulu Samperfas
When friends are sick
There is little we can say
Words seem awkward and useless
So all we can do is pray

Hello Friends, our dear Timothy is ill
Marian and Hilda deserve a well papa and husband
So if you're pious, atheist, pagan, or some new trend
Let's all pray, wish, hope, or conjure our fill
For a cure for Timothy, our Friend!
Get well soon old man! For Timothy, Hilda, and Marian,~><\|_][{}#%^*+=¥%%%%%!
 Jan 2013 Zulu Samperfas
Anon C
I want to burn in the fire
drown in the water
be buried in the earth
stripped by the wind
to feel alive
charred, living in the sun
lungs purified by the clear blue
body consumed within clay
hands erode in a sandstorm
to feel love
I guess I could explain but then I don't really get it...  I love the planet.
 Nov 2012 Zulu Samperfas
Anon C
For many years
hath I dwelt within a forsaken cavern
seldom light touched mine eyes
vision dimmed, hopes forgotten
passionate love long forsworn

Then what should happen
a most unexpected occurrence
loves hand ventured within my recess
entangled and lost in its own way
seeking his own revelation

Emotions so profound
at last reciprocated
abysmal cavern naught but a memory
as passion at last indulged in
lost eternally in the ardor of virtuous love

— The End —