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ZR Simon Dec 2012
Every night I dream of death
Visions transfixed by burning flesh
All those I hold dear
In moments rich of sadness and full of fear
Silently perish upon the dark canvass of my eyelids

Every day I see Death's shadow
I feel his presence deep in my marrow
He means no threat upon me
Just serves as a reminder of my mortality
So every night after my dreams of death
When I awake with a pounding heart in my chest
I go to take a deep breath
And relish the fact that its not my night to die
ZR Simon Nov 2012
I toss and I turn
Thinking of everything
And nothing at all
ZR Simon Nov 2012
Would you be so kind to give a old man an audience for a moment?
In the winter of my life, I went home.
   Where would that be?
Pittsburgh, it was a cold place.
   Well you did say it was winter
No child, that was a metaphor.
It was cold, and unfamiliar to me.
   How so?
Well, all the time I spent there throughout my long life, the old was respected.
    What do you mean?
The buildings were old, but beautiful and they were preserved to tell their story, as were the people.
     So what changed?
When I went home, everything was new. The old beautiful buildings were gone.
Gone. They were replaced with plain buildings that bore no story. The people were younger then too.
   Is that a bad thing?
No, not bad. Sad.
   Why is it sad?
I didn’t recognize my home.
   But surely one’s home is always recognizable.
Not for me, not anymore. It was alien to me. The beauty of my home had been removed.
   I like the city.
You do?
How old are you?
  21. How old are you?
Thank you Nurse, for giving an old man an audience.
  Are you going to sleep now sir?

A Couple of years ago, in school, I had an assignment to write a conversation poem. This was the result
ZR Simon Nov 2012
Its Late
or early
there’s no difference anymore.
Sleep is a ghost that taunts,
a memory that haunts,
and a feeling that I can't quite remember.
I move towards it,
never getting closer
always the same distance away.
I want it,
my eyes
are heavy,
but still
its too far out of reach.
I can't ignore this.
I can't rest.
Too many thoughts,
too many feelings,
rocking me at my core.
All I want to do
is lay down,
close my eyes,
and drift off
into a deep
Where all my problems
and worries,
cease to exist,
if only for a few hours.
ZR Simon Nov 2012
We said our goodbyes
Under a full moon glowing in the sky
with every tear we shared
Our two hearts grew lonely, no longer ensnared
You looked at me with a tear stained face
my heartbreak devoured my soul with haste

It all seems but a lifetime ago
The seed of closure will never grow
And though my days are now numbered
I spend my nights gazing, not in a slumber,
Up at the moon, my glowing compass
Waiting to be guided back to you,
In this lifetime or the next that is nigh
ZR Simon Nov 2012
forlorn nights in cold, dark homes
dying embers of a life once known
pools of thought cloud the mind
time is meaningless;
we all will die

there's no light
save for the stars,
glowing escorts to the beyond
always gazing
always bright
waiting to be wished upon every night

countless people across the world
watch the stars and wait to behold
a greater truth;
a pure beauty,
a solemn confirmation
that someone,
is looking up at the same stars,
taking in the same wonders
posing the same questions

feeling the same *loneliness

— The End —