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Zoe Mize May 2013
I'm letting go
I need to move on
I need to be free
And, yes, I need to fly.

I'm not a caged bird
I don't have wings.
I don't have feathers or black eyes
I don't get to take to the sky.

But I can get into my car
I can take to the highways.
I can move faster than you.
Yes, my Ford is old, but your Chevy has broken down.

My heart is closed and gaurded by walls.
There is no way for you to get it back.
Can I express to you that I no longer care?

Feel free to let me be.

I'm going to drive down to the Alabama coast
I'm going to pick up shells on the Gulf Coast shore.
I'm gonna dance with a boy that I won't have to think about changing his mind.
I will let my feet sink into the sand.

I'm not a caged bird
I don't have wings.
I don't have feathers or black eyes
I don't get to take to the sky.

No, but arms can carry me in the waves
I can move with the currents and not get dragged under.
My legs can move me running on the shore.
I don't have to worry because all my worries fall.

So, please, by the gods, let me be.
Let me go free.
Accurate to my "love life" only a little whiel ago.
Zoe Mize May 2013
broken hearts and broken glass
we are left with mason jars full of acid whiskey.
such a pain. such a waste.
such a poisonous taste.
nothing left for me to say.
You are nothing in a grander scheme of things
but to me you rule the world.

I know she's great to you;
I know you love her, too.
You'd never say it, but I know.
I know becasue they told me
you said it would last.
but I know it breaks your heart,
even though it's passed.
Time says so much.
not to waste our time.
If it's not meant to be, that's fine.
That doesn't mean I know what to do
Because for so many reasons
I'm in love with you.

At times we're perfect
Like a picture of a movie scene.
And then you think how I've hurt you.
that feeling stings
I have sung many songs of I'm sorry.
But there's nothing I can do.
Even though I'm in love with you

If you love her,
go ahead and love her.
I want your pain to fade.
But I know I do.
I love you.
No amount of pain or time will change.
No matter what you feel in exchange.
Do you love me?
Is that feeling still returned?
Or will I have to learn to move on?
I broke you!
Bent you to the point of break!
I ruined what we had and I can't say thanks.
Because I don't know if you love me back.

You two seem to be the best.
Yes, I hate her fully,
Why don;t you see that now?
I know she's not to you a face in the crownd.
And though I've caused you pain.
And though you've broken me too.
Darling, I'm in love with you.
Zoe Mize May 2013



the world fallls
and the world is dark and the world is cold
and it falls

darling dance and don't fear falling
don't be scared to fall




And Life Can Be easy.
All You Have To Do
Is Not Be Afraid To Fall.
Don't Be Scared To Go

Zoe Mize May 2013
You are not the only one left.
I know how you feel.
I can'ttake it back.
I can't say that's it,
but I know what lonely can be.

I've been lost before.
I am lost again.
I know what I can do and what I can't in the end.
I have lost a fight,
And I have lost a war.
i have lost myself before.

So don't think that I don't understand.
I may not always be your kind of man.
I feel it in the bone and I feel it in the dust.
Yes, I know, that the gears will rust...

But sometimes it's worth it
to fall down.
Sometimes it is wroth it to dance arround.
Sometimes it's worth it to lose yourself,
Because sometimes it's about somebody else.

Lost myself, I have.
Lose myself, I will.
Dance and bound is my soul and will.
Don't think that freedom comes free.
Don't think that a life cannot change you or me.
Zoe Mize Apr 2013
he is here
i feel him now
i know that he is watching
and i know he is disappointed
i feel him ask me
i feel him breathe
i feel him want me
and then i feel him turn

and so he walks away
he goes from me
and that is how it happened
my life no longer mattered
Zoe Mize Apr 2013
Heavy is the sound of running.
Running is the blood of mine.
No one can know what is coming.
The words must not be said!
The cage must not be broken!
The Titans must not escape their prison!
I cannot! I cannot!
I must stay here!
Quiet and lonely with my fears!
The Gods must not know!
The titans must stay!
From this path I must not stray!
Oh the pain and the harm is nothing to these!
The pain and the hurt that I cause thee!
And no little cut or bruise or ache can ever remove the three, for they are there and there they must stay!
For the Titans must stay in their cage.
Zoe Mize Apr 2013
She rolled in on burning tires.
Her eyes dark and devilish.
Fire blazing- burning bright.
A Wytche's spell shall bind the night.
So shallow the pools with the pearl on the surface.
The glaze of light the finds thy eyes.
And the Wytche's spell is in your mind.
The dark and light shall bind.
The life of the Gods and the light of their minds.
The Wytche's spell shall cast tonight.
The Wytche's words you must recite.
The Wytche's dance must take flight.

The Wytche's love
The Wytche's light
The fallen wood
The darkened sight
The hallelujah of the song
The dancing flames go on and on.
Getting ready for Beltane!
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