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Zoe Mize Apr 2013
I told her what I wanted.
My darkest flying dreams.
I told her what I needed;
That all was not as it seemed.
And I waited for her to say "okay, I won't tell a soul".
But she never said it.
She said what I had told.
Now they all know.
They know my little secrets.
The cat lost it's tongue with simply a word from me.
That cat and her tongue.
Like death with a voice.
None of her business.
Not her choice.
Maybe the cat should be for supper,
or maybe breakfast in the mourn.
Down, little kitty, this is a war.
She needs to learn not to tell my business to people... Never trusting her again.
Zoe Mize Apr 2013
Take a breath, slowly and softly.
Know that I love.
Know that I would die for you.
Take in that breath, knowing that I'm here.
Zoe Mize Mar 2013
The goddess in the earth
the love in the wind.
I know that the world winds
and I know I may not win.
I feel the great waves
as they hit me on the shoulders.
That is how the day began.
That is how the life ened.
That is how the life was born.
Zoe Mize Mar 2013
I don't always know what to say
and sometimes that's not so okay.
But we both know there's love in the hearts.
We both know that we care.
The wind sweeps your hair a bit worse than mine
and all we can do is smile and wait.
Your eyes make me smile
and your smile makes me laugh.
My heart starts beating faster than the rest.
That scruff on your cheek is so nice to feel against my own.
So let me remind you again.
I love you.
Zoe Mize Mar 2013
Let all the dreams say
                       By all the light of the stars
                                         Let all the love of my heart take wing in the dawn.

For shame do I go.
        With shame do I walk away.
                               But never again will that happen.
                                                             Never again will I leave your side...

And darkness is broken in the midnight cave.
                           In light of the lanterns we walk away.

                                                                          So we'll walk away.
Zoe Mize Mar 2013
It's so cold inside.
I can feel the ice break
and I feel the earth quake.

I know without a doubt that you hear me when I cry.
I know how to die.
And yet, the unknown is fine.
And yet, the hate is sublime.
I know that music is unsung tonight.
And I will go to the light.

That which is not spoken can still be heared.
It's not about the word in the end.
The emotion- devotion- is the winner in mind.
No matter what this won't change.

I know without a doubt that you hear me when I cry.
I know how to die.
And yet, the unknown is fine.
And yet, the hate is sublime.
I know that music is unsung tonight.
And I will go to the light.

And finally in the cold and dark,
I will show you my broken heart.
A letter in the chest.
I'll wear my best dress.
I will do my best.

*Leaving life.
I wrote this for my boyfriend. I am not being over dramatic, but I'm trying to let him know that I do understand... <3
Zoe Mize Feb 2013
My tears brim over
I know nothing else to say
I will enter night
A poorly written haiku.
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