Stupid people on the phones
Call me slander
call me your words
You think I care?
You think you hurt?
You're rudness
and your hate
Just become the butts of jokes
Making my day
Stupid people on the phones
Talk down to me
Make fun of me
You think me stupid?
You think me Niave?
yeah RIGHT
I know more then you think
I can hear you talking
I hear your murmers
Stupid People on the Phones
just remember
you cant see me
While you hate
and slander
and talk down to me
You dont see me
through this screen
you dont see what I do
Stick my tungue out
Stiffling my laughter
******* in the air
So to all you stupid people on the phones
Think twice about being rude
to a sales person
We can be twice as cruel.
To all the people who are rude to me at work.