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Zenobia Jan 2010
When earth shatters at the door way
Cracks slowly widen
My heart does not waver
God is by my side
My tears flow to moisten the ground
To make the mud come together
Rebuild the walls that have fallen
My heart does not waver
Cause through all the heartache and pain
My God will lead the way
I place my hand in his
To lead me out of the darkest hours
My heart does not waver
Though love ones around me
Go to a better home
My heart does not waver
It shall be through the memories
That the Love of them
In the light we will shine on
My heart will not waver
No Fears, No Hatred, No Fist To Throw

God Is My All
My Heart Will Never Waver

(upwc)  2010-  Zenobia Lee/LadyZ710     1/14/2010
Zenobia Dec 2009
The abstract of your young mind
Has painted you into false conclusions
Tilting on highs and lows
Of denial and delusion
Having taken a bet to far
You know not what you say or do
Misguidedly triggering a..."forest of a tale"
Brought you under a misconstrue spell
It has you on a floating scale
In high def echo, in a state of confusion
I want the one I know best
Before he takes one more wrong mistep
Into the wilderness journey
That will fall dark into a hole
Locks them in
Make sure it's the choice you want to travel down
Cause it's a long lost lonely road
Where the traveling will limit your lens
Into a forest you'll go
And never come out again

Come Back Out Of The Forest
Into the posibility of...Hope

(upwc) by: Zenobia Lee/LadyZ710
Zenobia Dec 2009
Look into the face of the innocent
See the purity in them
The faces of no deception, no misplaced reactions
Just the innocent of a child born with love in their heart
To give to you and I

Look into the face of the innocent
Cherish this child, lead and guide them
Through a world so complicated of mistrust
That what justifies the meaning of Love
Is the greater good of one

Look into the face of the innocent
You'll see Love all around and within them  

(upwc) by: Zenobia Lee/LadyZ710   12/13/09
Zenobia Dec 2009
When you discover the world around you
You also discover all within it

      Selfishness, Greed, Hatred, Infidelity, Abuse, Sickness, Waste,  Homelessness, and War

We bare witness to all these things
But selfishly ignore them,
In route to prospect of all these evil forces that misguides us

For better or worse
It scopes our daily lives with inconvient truth's
The mental or physical rightousness
That lies in the truth of disparage  
History of our actions will go noted
In the days and years that come about as such

You can not tell life what to do
You must surrender it all into the hands of God  
That he protects you from the shame, one must feel deep inside
Waivers us from all our faults and sin alike

Trust in the inner voice that speaks to you and believe
For God's truth is yours if you want it
Set your intentions to heal thyself and other's
Peace be still in you, with love for your sister and your brother

Or let your misguided judgement, and false preservations follow you into your own judgement to...Hell!

(upwc)  by: Zenobia Lee/LadyZ710        12/13/09
Zenobia Dec 2009
Now I lay me down  to sleep
For a wishful peaceful dream
Of you and me
To capture a vision what it would mean
Having you lay next to me
Warmth of your body
Close to mine
Holding me so....heavenly divine
I feel your breath upon my neck
Something stirring inside.... oh what the heck
oooh, now I know this is just
Ah.... dream

(upwc) 2009 by: Zenobia Lee/LadyZ710
Zenobia Dec 2009
If you blame it on the rain
Better hope your not in pain
You'll get the thunder and lightening too
High winds and floods
Comming after you
While politcians court their lobby mistresses
They drown themselves in a lot of mischief
No banding together to get it passed
"A Health Care Bill"
We the people want at last
Many folks need it desperately
Now and in the future generations will seek it
From an illness to close to deaths ear to call
Blame it on the rain to surely fall

(upwc) 2009-by: Zenobia Lee/LadyZ710
Zenobia Dec 2009
In my eye's you've been half a circle
Not yet fully grown to be whole
Troubled heart...with mix messages of your youth unfold
Trying to fine a structure in your young life
Being rebelious, as most teenage kid's do
Attention drawn onto you
Seeking your own independence
Leads you to choices of big trouble
Not wanting to obey and play by your parents rules
Is a disobident child being a fool
Every course of life we've fed to you
The importance of being true
Eveything and everyone you feel, is against you
Deep down I understand your pain inside
I once was a teenager too
You have to show up and not continue to deny
Cause no soft landings will be the cure you seek
With being a follower and not a leader
Is like being a puppet on a string
It takes away your chance to stay free
To get respect, you must show respect
Or else sign the deed, me
You will regret your own unplanned...."Agenda"
When you get locked up
To only throw away the key
You'll be just another young teenage black man
In the system, with a number

(upwc) 2009,  by: Zenobia Lee /LadyZ710
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