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Zenobia Dec 2009
Life is really such a strange place
You have different issuses and problems
You don't know how to face

Peoeple tell you "take one problem at a time"
By then, you've lost your marbles and your **** mind

One minute your learning to talk
The next your learning to walk
Just when you think you've mastered all the task
Life turns around and kicks you right in the ***

It's really a strange life we all try to lead
But somehow, it's really a life we all seem to need

(uc) by: Zenobia Lee/ LadyZ710
Zenobia Dec 2009
Your brother's keeper
Let the truth be known

Co-operate CEO's, Politicians, Government Agencies,
Drug Dealers, Preachers, Terrorist, even your Neighbor

Who do we trust
When it's all in the name of greed
For the love of money, power, and prestige
When does this all stop being a game
That we live so selfishly by fame
In putting together
The Master Plan
In robbing the sick, the poor, the elderly
All who our blindsided of a scam
With business as usual
It's all about me and mine
Have we lost our way to committing more crimes
Or is making a deal with the devil
The only way in this lifetime

(uwc) by: Zenobia Lee/LadyZ710
Zenobia Dec 2009
To All God's People

In your time of need
Lies the comfort in knowing
God will lead the way
To better days
Whether through the darkest of times
Shines the light to find
The courage you need
To another bright day
God will show you the way
To a pure and clean heart
Of forgiveness, courage, and stregnth
That out of the goodness
In us all
Is the gift of Love

(uwc)  by: Zenobia Lee/LadyZ710
Zenobia Dec 2009
I feel the heart of your love
It captures me like a soft breeze
Wisks me away into perfect harmony
True and Pure

For the love that you give to me
With your arms opened wide
I feel alive
With your kind of love, I am satisfied

For all that you have given me
When I was blind to so many things
You lifted me up out of darkness
You, set me free

I'm forever, oh Lord, thankful
For your many blessings


(uwc)  by: Zenobia Lee/LadyZ710
Zenobia Dec 2009
War against Terrorism
War against Cultures
War against Humanity
War against Moral Values
War against God's Holy Word

With the many different faces of war comes
Consequences of all our daily actions
We settle for mans word of the true ways of living life
For in this, the power of evil shows no mercy
A closed mind, leads blinded confused hearts into darkness
No man will ever be free of his war
Cause the war we've created is against ourselves
Untill we believe "In God's Holy Word"
We our not living with the truth on our side
Having a lot more "Faith In Him"
Is having no more war with ourselves
The tears will keep falling from our eyes
Until we believe in the light of his love in our lives

(uwc) by: Zenobia Lee/LadyZ710
Zenobia Dec 2009
Look at this face before you
Tell me what you see
Do you just see the color of my skin
Or do you see me

Look at this face before you
Am I really that different from you
Can you see what's in my heart
That feels the same way as you

Look at this face before you
It sheds the same tears
From being torn apart
When you label me with your fears

Look at this face before you
The next time you judge me
Cause it just may be the hand that reaches out first
In your time of need

Look at this face before you
Then ask me my name
Not my color on a application
It is not the person of who I am

Look at this face before you
My heart is open wide
To share and give love
The best way I know how

Look At Me!  Look At Me!
Tell me now, what do you really see
Am I so different from you
Or will your eye's remain blind
And not see this beautiful face,
Before You

(uc) by: Zenobia Lee/LadyZ

— The End —