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Zedler May 2013
Doubt starts to leave the picture
as I see myself now being with her
and consider the love she delivers
as her voice carries effects of elixirs.

Beauty in every feature.
Every question digs deeper
into finding out who created such
a beautiful creature.

I write this at night.
Read it throughout the morning
and refer back to it when
your day is getting boring.

Longing to show her affection.
She's genuine and my heart
no longer needs protection.

Her syllables make up words
I won't ever forget and the
feelings she's left me with I won't ever regret.

The molecule responsible for making
me fall in love is present again
and I believe it's effects
are being accelerated by oxygen.

Potentially attempting to mend every
crack that's left you broken
and falling in love is something that I've chosen.

Here to lift your spirits
if something negative ever gets near it
and please don't hesitate to call
if there's something that you're fearing.

This one isn't the best.
I apologize if you don't love it
and really am sorry for sounding
so ******* redundant.

Letting myself get carried
away because nothing
between us is official
but I'll continue to write
her poems and title this one
after her initials.
Zedler May 2013
She condensates
a cloud of confusion
while her presence
continues protruding
from thoughts.

Not enough memories so the mind
can only replay the same  clips
and as I start to fall in love I can't
keep her name from my lips.

Only have we met while audio
is being played out of monitors.
Don't want to ruin this yet
so let me slow down as my heart
I begin to monitor.

Studying her words for a deeper meaning.
Consume this love and realize my words are a drug.

Keeping you up from sleep
as it's effects cause
you to grind your teeth.

The past I kicked to the curb.
They yell that my words
for her are absurd.

Admiring beauty.
Hung up on her like
I'm standing on the stool with
the rope necklace around my throat.

No time wasted.
Love is served for dessert
and I want to taste it.

[momma] just listen I'm in love.
You don't have to be worried.
She's beautiful and I know exactly what I'm pursuing.
You don't have to worry this time I know what I'm doing.

Hopefully this situation
doesn't become a mess.
And if it's consolation
just know that none of it is in jest.

Didn't mean to bother you like spam
but if you think this poem is about you
figure it out like an [anagram].
Zedler Apr 2013
If [fourteen] letters deep
causes me to hold
on to the love I wish to keep,
then let emotions slowly corrode
while I walk down this lonely road.

She told me our love was silent.
Phrases in ink became violent.
I thought me and her would be timeless,
forgot to count to a
month and our time left.

No bitter emotions.
Memories span as far as the ocean.
Loves definition includes never being with the one
you want and if it's so then call [momma] and
tell her that I'm in love.

The sun rises earlier.
Summer is in the distance
and your mind relates to the past
for an instant.

Never will it repeat itself.
Hold on to the memories instead.
Remember them from time to time
and lock them inside my head.

Wondering if these poems for you will ever end
and torturing my thoughts in contemplating
if this is the end of perfect story
or the beginning of a beautiful tragedy.

Divorce my thoughts from your mind
and leave my pitiful memory behind.
Her presence is what I lack
and wondering if there's a way of
winning every minute I had with her back.
Zedler Apr 2013
Feel every heartbeat  
rush blood through my veins.  
Quickly grab the needle  
and inject a dose of hate.  

Hate harbored for years.  
Hate towards his peers.  
Hate toward his father.  
Hate towards every failed  
attempt at love.  

Hate as far as his ears can see,  
and just if it isn't enough, snort  
another line of jealousy.  
He doesn't feel so good  
and starts glowing  
green with envy.  

Roll up all that passion  
and slowly start to smoke it,
and you're choking  
on the toxins as their  
effects start showing.    

Start decoding  
every word he writes about.  
Reasoning behind it all.  
He's reached his peak so far  
and probably will experience the fall.  

He's made a lot of mistakes
and writing was his first.
Zedler Apr 2013
Haphazard messages.
Sporadic encounters.
Seldom do I receive a
response after I reply,
but maybe we’re both
just playing to watch
the time fly by.

Even if us talking is some strange
distraction that will only last for a while,
I can’t keep hiding that every word
directed in my direction makes me smile.

Unless this is in fact a game,
in which case this poem
seems kind of stupid,
but someone out there shot an arrow
and now I realize it was Cupid.

A smile so contagious,
her radiance enormous,
and eyes can be described
as something greater than

Excuse the abruptness,
for being intense and zealous,
but her effortless beauty
is abundant; Aphrodite’s jealous.

You’ve caught my attention,
but you might not want to keep it.
And I truly understand if this poem is better
off being deleted.

Please promise me you’ll read it.
It’s 5am right now and I honestly can’t
wait for you to see it.

Allow time to pass and let emotions settle.
Let her love naturally get you
higher than the song of a kettle,
and admire the details of her
beauty as you would a rose’s petal.  

Rejection is what I’ve expected,
but regardless I’ll probably make the stupid
mistake and take a risk.
Even though this record
player is tired of scratching the same disk.

I hope this poem is good enough.
Who knows? Maybe you’ll think it’s nice.
Maybe she’ll make my heart beat again
by melting its jagged layer of ice.

Admitting I have a crush on
someone I’ve only met twice.
Zedler Apr 2013
Failure's in your future
so sit down and wait
until it's delivered.

Let's ****** your dreams
and watch them plummet
straight into the dirt
and wait until they decompose
and cease to exist.


You're nothing but a failure in the making.
Your insignificant accomplishments
have bloated your reality and
have opened the door to hope
that still manages to spill
your mind and
contaminate the truth.


You still live in the same spot.
You haven't left. You've stayed in your own tiny city still
trying to impress the same type of people, but you didn't
expect them to leave so soon. See them move on while they
forget you and slowly your entire environment changed.


We've dealt with your nonexistent career.
Should we move on to your love life? You fell in love over the
summer and after she left you, you became so bitter you couldn't let
go of her memory and decided to ruin her name to
everyone around you. Blowing it all out of proportions
just so you can look like a victim.


So after becoming so involved in your made up reality you
decide to give up on everything around you. You disappear and
nothing holds value to you anymore. Then, you feel like you should
escape your reality and moving two thousand miles away seems
the only way to make you happy.


Oh. But you found love again didn't you? You are on step one aren't you?
She's your inspiration right now isn't she?
She gives you hope and her beauty makes you happy.
The results of this imbecilic attempt leads to your heart
being ripped out of its rib cage and after being crushed by her
foot full of rejection you sit there and your insignificant
hope begins to evaporate.


You lose focus and nothing can gain it back in time
for the most important week of your short life.
You fail as well and
while you struggle to find why
it is that this is occurring an idea
that I have planted begins to sprout.

You've considered it. You've agreed to it.
You can only look in my eyes as I smile.
Climb on the stool and focus your eyes on the ground.

[Expected your own thoughts to betray you and we triumphed]

Never did I regret killing your hope.
Place this necklace over your throat.
The material? I believe it's rope.
Let me tighten it for you.

Zedler Apr 2013
Sleep with my eyes open.
Hearing the redundant
crack as my heart is broken
and keep it submerged in tears
to truly know it's choking.

Losing life
before my eyes
I send my ***** to the sky
and hope to never love until
the day I die.

Admitting riddance
to take care of my heart’s

No one else's love to chase
while ice grows in a particular shape and
formed a cold faux heart to take its place.

Stares grow colder.
False heart gets older.
Mentality changes as
he finally lets go of the boulder
residing on his shoulder.

Family doesn't need him.
If he succeeds they'll need him.
Talk about how they never [leaved] him
and as truth resides in your eyes you
correct, and say [left].

You hear their lies in every single letter that is spoken, but where were they when your heart was broken, where were they when your innocence was stolen. Which one of you helped me look for it? Which one helped me find my dad. Who told me to just forget him. Who told me to just ignore it. None of you taught me to write, but you all wish to take credit and I won't let it happen.

I'm angry release endorphins.
Ignore every family member
until they see me become an orphan.

Hold back all the frozen tears.
They want me gone I overhear
and so I pack it all up.
Leave with no regret.

Family said they'd never
Leave, but I'm the one
who left.
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