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Zambra Gutierrez Jul 2011
The scenery couldn’t have been built better for the perfect kiss.
Instead of a kiss she finds what fear fears.
The wish of flying free always ends in flying alone.
Has freedom ever been found to bring bliss?

As the sun shadows tears of disappointment and grief,
She falls from the sky she had put herself in.

An illusion made because of a few words, a few smiles?

The burden of a woman has always been
The same of a man.

One paints a picture of the perfect paradise
Never once deviating, never changing.
The other paints black the picture of a paradise once made
In hopes of never falling again.
Zambra Gutierrez Jul 2011
It was a sweet summer breeze brushing on a delicate flower sight
It was the moon coming to its highest point, illuminating darkened skies
It was the rain pouring down on deserts dry
It was a bird elevating on his first flight
It was the sun rising on a winter night

There is nothing like which will ignite
What in me came about tonight

It was Magic,
That kiss.
Magic which only shows when it is love outright

My White Knight.
Zambra Gutierrez Jul 2011
Did you even get to hear that sound?

How it drowned out

The running water beneath my hands?

That silent sound of pleasure?

I can’t even recall it anymore.

This is what you couldn’t understand.

All I hear now is her screaming;

Betrayed, and yet we just stand there.

I’m acting faster than I can think.

You’re falling with groundless lies.

Excuses gone with one blink.

Do you hear her screams of pain

Through words of fury?

Me by her side, you see,

I’m not one to get burned by Mercury.

And you will be the one to blame.

I’m always behind glassed security.
Zambra Gutierrez Jul 2011
She puts on her bathrobe.
like he hadn’t just seen her.
They walk to the open door.
He turns around.

“So”. Here come the words of closure.
“I think it’s needless to say this stays bet-“
She knows. “Don’t even mention it.”
maybe if she says it fast enough it will seem as if it was never said.

He holds a blank expression.
Hope? She leans in.
His hand on her lower back.
A kiss so fast, her eyes weren’t even capable of closing.

A sigh ignored. “I’ll see you around then.”
She knows. It is not an invite.
“I guess…” A nostalgic smile ignored.
She closes the door.

He doesn’t know.
He has no clue.
Zambra Gutierrez Apr 2011
Along with effortless words
Laughs of remembered enjoyment
Silences so painfully loud.

The ordinary conversations,
lighting up every
shadowed corner.

                    fights       fights

reasons with
          defies contentment
      ­                                           distance
                                                        ­      sound
                                                     ­                    touch
          defies what I've come to call
                                                                ­                   love...
when it's nothing but
                                                             ­                    complex
                                                         ­                     convenience.
Zambra Gutierrez Feb 2011
Among the crowd there was a still man. Bewildered he seemed; his eyes not moving though confusion engulfing them. Compelled I was to offer aid but something in his stance stopped me. Described in it were rage, disappointment and the slightest hint of hope. Ecstatic the crowd was and yet he wasn’t able to let himself join the atmosphere. Fabricated around him was an invisible bubble of mental isolation. Granted through my conclusion was that his mind must have been going a thousand miles per hour.

Hesitation again making me balance on the tip of my toes, moving me forward but not quite advancing. Instead, I chose to swing backwards and snap back into my life; his life was none of my business.

Jaws were clenched as I walked back to my car and I realized never before had I actually believed those words. Keeping my thoughts locked up, I felt eyes burning into my back.

“Looking at me, sweety?” A deep voice startled me. Momentarily paralyzed I was. Nervousness gave me chills down my spine. Opened my car door as I ignored the threating voice behind me. Pressure quickly surrounded heavily around my wrist and pulled me right before I could sit on the white leather seats of my car.

“Quiet! Don’t you dare scream” he said. Rapidly, he took out a knife from his back pocket, barely visible.

“Succulent, I thought I wasn’t going to enjoy myself tonight… the first one failed to show up.” Terror filled my lungs, clouded my mind and filled the air around us; it was almost tangible.

Unlike stories I had read, this man couldn’t appear much more trustworthy and calm. Vulgarity seeped through his pores, however; this judgment further proved right when his hand slowly raced up my inner thigh.

“Wait…please….”, I couldn’t manage to spit out anything else. X-ray vision I bet he wished he had by the way he was staring at me. Yet he subtly interlocked his fingers into mine but firmly squeezing my hand.

Zooming cars was the last I heard as he dragged me into the street….
A writing challenge. Each sentence had to start with the letters of the alphabet in order. A, B, C, D…etc. It was fun though. 2.4.11
Zambra Gutierrez Jan 2011
The point is reached where
You wish details weren’t so evident to you
Where you wish you were the type of person
That could turn their head around and
Give the ******* to the world,
Instead of dwelling over the “what ifs”.
Where you feel trapped by society’s invisible rules
Set by fear

Where not even
Sleep is an escape and
Written words become
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