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Mar 2013 · 877
Your Birthday
Zaina R Mar 2013
Its your birthday today,
The day is almost over,
i didn't wish you and i know i can't.
Yes.. I still remember your birthday,
Yes i still remember how we celebrated it last year:
Wow only last year.. In one year you became so close to me and in that same year so far.
I didn't forget this day and i won't each year.
Its your day and you have every right to enjoy it, but i still can't help but wonder if my thought crossed your mind  and if you still remember our times together.

Happy Birthday.. I will always think about you.
Nov 2012 · 507
Zaina R Nov 2012
I can see you jam at a song, i can see you take me and twirl me around
your expressions on that playful song. This is a new side of you but yet i am not surprised
say it just say it i know you can your face says all..
Nov 2012 · 904
Zaina R Nov 2012
There was a dream.
In the dream he was leaving, but not forever.
He would be back she knew that.
Still, she did not want him to go.
She hugged him, he held her, explained to her, and promised he would be back soon.
Something was still not convincing to her.
He leaned forward and gently kissed her as tears fell from her eyes.

That's all she needed.

Who knew though that in a couple of months she would be the one leaving and this time for long,
But  forever.
How can she explain this to him?
would only a kiss be enough?
They say remember the feeling of your dreams.
The emotion of any dream is the key.
Zaina R Nov 2012
Pictures become burdens.
Memories that where once good end up being times of regret.
I will be careful next time.
I will be careful of who i take a picture with.
People can disappear from a life but their memories remain.
Their stories stay, that's why who you choose to pose with really matters,
I mean what kind of stories will that be for the kids?
Telling them of people who don't matter anymore or of who betrayed or hurt their parents.
Then why let those kind of people in our life?
Nov 2012 · 633
Zaina R Nov 2012
I wish i could see me in your view, through your perception.
How did i look? What was i doing?
I felt a little more than usual,  a little more than whats supposed to be normal.
My heart beat a little more, my smile curved a little more.
Curiosity grew, i wanted a little more.
No. I think i want a lot more.

Why do i go out of my way?
I'm crushing like a teenager?

Forever love, does that exist?
Darkest places could be lit.
Roses could grow in the dessert.
Its like Ecstasy without drugs.
Oct 2012 · 1.1k
What is it?
Zaina R Oct 2012
It's dark
It's flowing
It's hot
It's calming
It's in between, causing friction.
It's wild
It's affectionate
It's touching
It's body to body
It's its tight
It's enclosing
It's gentle but also aggressive
It's fixated
It's unsatisfying
It's greedy but also so sweet
What is it?
Sep 2012 · 615
When It Rains..
Zaina R Sep 2012
Its raining..
When ever i see the rain i will remember you.
Will you?
Its been two days since i left you and now it rains.

Rain is just rain
What about other things.
I might have been selfish, but i was helpless.
Can you reflect on your actions, your thoughts?
Sep 2012 · 574
Zaina R Sep 2012
"Never Touched you"
Maybe things would be different?

I walked away, i let you go.
Fingers slowly slipping away from yours.
I saw you for the last time.
Never will i forget your warm embrace,
Never will you forget my attachment and passion.

Its not about anger or betrayal.
Its about you and me.
What i had for you was so beautiful.
You were so beautiful.
Sep 2012 · 1.1k
His Gorgeous Face
Zaina R Sep 2012
A breathless face.
i forget everyone, the whole world.
The only thing i know and feel at the moment is my desperation to have you all of you.
My eyes fixated.
My body motionless.
Now moving on doesn't seem so hard.
Sep 2012 · 728
Smiles :)
Zaina R Sep 2012
I smiled a lot today.
One day you ruin my night,
Then the next day you make my day.
Always finding reasons and ways to talk to you.
You make me feel content.
Now i know i was thinking to much into it.
All those times you wished me good night, You really meant them.
Sometimes its seems like you can't be with out me.
But i really want it from you.
Are you this attached too?
Sep 2012 · 606
Zaina R Sep 2012
I sit in silence.
Waiting for the sound.
That indication.
A thousand nights of thoughts filled with guilt regret and confusion.
The feel of lose of dignity.
A selfish heart.
One to take advantage of love and attachment.
Wrong decisions were made.
How can change occur now how can control be achieved?
Zaina R Sep 2012
Why is it that no matter how big my problems are or my problems get,
nothing gives me more sadness or difficulty than not hearing from you,
not speaking to you, not being able to look at you?
From all the worries in the world why is your worry the greatest?
My world does revolve around you no matter how much i say it does't or no matter how much i pretend. During the long summer when i though i was fighting everyday and then when you came back and cared for me i thought my struggle was over.
But why do i feel that ever since our feeling came in the open it was not the end, just the beginning.
I guess that's what they mean when they say life is hard.
Just have to find the good in each day
the smile in  each day,
that even sorrows and difficulties should be embraced with happiness, contentedness.
Sep 2012 · 456
On, Off
Zaina R Sep 2012
I miss you.
Do i have a right to say that?

I hate when you do this.
Why all those messages all of a sudden?
Do you think i will forget you.

No contact for days, Then i'm fine
But then when you come back and then suddenly disappear.
I have to start the processes again.

On, off, On off,  Missing you, loving you
And then forgetting you, except but never,
Just learning how to live with out you.

On, Off
Aug 2012 · 700
Color Me Up
Zaina R Aug 2012
It doesn't matter where you go, but who you go with.
If He is not with me then even in paradise something would be missing.
I don't want paradise.
I want the worlds beauty.
The worlds true wealth.
Not the wealth of money and power,
But the wealth of Nature and Spirituality.
Every sweetness, every grace that has been showered down,
Fall upon me.

In the deepest corners and endless alleys i want to find the different faces of the world.
Every cities lights reflect something.
Every person, their life and living add color.
I want to experience those colors,
loose my self in the crowds of those people.
Some say this world is difficult,  dangerous, people ******* and that the sad truths are buried underneath the earths soil.
I say the world is very beautiful.
That this very soil could be a persons first steps,
Of wars fought for freedom,
Or or two lovers coming together.

It's just a matter of searching.
Every place has a story.
Every creation has an essence, an emotion.
This is what i long for.
This is what i dream of.
Aug 2012 · 456
The Perfect Picture
Zaina R Aug 2012
I can see.
I cans see us...

My gaze down,
My body slightly tilted away from you,
A small smile upon my face.
My hand on your shoulder,
My other on your arm
Your arm that's around my waist,
Telling me not to go.
Not to resist.
Not to be shy.
he wide smile on your face,
your gaze does not move away from me.
It knows what i am feeling.
I am trapped in your sweet embrace.
You enjoy this tease.  
The wind blows, the lights highlight our faces, our every line.
The moment is eternal, overwhelming.
I want to run away from it but at the same time i don't want it to ever end.
Aug 2012 · 557
And It Feels Like Heaven
Zaina R Aug 2012
I was your lover, i was your voice.
In the garden where god had made the most beautiful flower you were found.
The ocean springs and the birds that dwelt there could you have heard them?
In the darkness amid, that was filled so brightly with moonlight did you notice my exsistance?  
That day when i cried, when i thought i had lost my dignity, you made me smile and brought me to this day.
This day where all the sorrows from the past seem like a dream,
Like a leaf that just flys past by with no significance, no purpose.
Aug 2012 · 1.2k
The Worst Feeling Ever
Zaina R Aug 2012
Everything has a purpose, a meaning.
Ever little movement has a reason.
I know i understand.
No matter how painful something gets I try to be the best, i want to be the best
The one who never turns their back on you.
But today my dignity and freedom were questioned.
This is something i can not handle, something i will not ignore.
My suffering is justifiable, no blame can be put on anyone or anything.
I deserve what i suffer.
I just need to figure a way to solve it, get ride of it.
Despite everything i still am thankful for what i have even though it may not be enough.
Anger and dissatisfaction is not the answer, but i still can't help but close my room door and cry.
Burry my head in the darkness of my arms and weep,
Sob until it feels as if my flesh is being eaten,
My eyes are turning into fire,
My lungs are fighting for breath.
My heart beats as fast as lighting strikes.
A storm that grows inside me.
I feel shame, i feel doubt i feel trapped.
But i still i do not blame.
The day i do i will lose the ability to fight, to even move.
Everything is in the open now, everything that i tried to hide because of my pride is revealed.
The only good that can come from this is the direction i am getting, the step i have decided to take.
Aug 2012 · 591
Zaina R Aug 2012
A hunger that can not be fulfilled.
An energy that can not be reduced.
No matter what is eaten,
No matter what work is done.
Even if the body is tired.
Nothing works.
How can this be dealt with.
Hoping to one day fulfill and end the aggression,
And the passion that enhances heat, energy, drive and motive.
Maybe the creator is testing, is tempting, because he is slowly being forgotten.
Aug 2012 · 3.5k
Zaina R Aug 2012
What is wealth?
I have nothing, no money, no time.
I have stress, i have worries.
I live in a mansion, i wear good cloths, i have an education.
I don't have him though.
I have the feelings, the emotions. But is that enough to survive in this world?
I am at peace, except for some days.
I have perspective but i have many faults, i tend to make mistakes.
Yet I know how to get lost, i know how to fight, except for some days.
Aug 2012 · 688
The Two Sides
Zaina R Aug 2012
Myself, going about my businesses  but so lost.
That's how you make me.
I owe my beauty to you.
Thinking about our intimacy makes me blush, adds color to my skin.
Listening to our songs make me smile, brightening my face.
Watching you glistens my eyes, softening my gaze.
You create an alter ego too.
Sometimes so happy, sometimes so sad.
I wait for you, i long for you.
Then suddenly ill thinking about you and melt in your remembrance,
feel content with my existence, feel close to you when you are not even present.
Never has this happened before.
Never has come such a desire, such a desperation and attachment.
I had to learn self control, i needed to keep my pride.
Aug 2012 · 579
Zaina R Aug 2012
I need to get over you.
If only there was someone just like you.
Same face, same personality, same actions, same habits.
Me and you are impossible but yet why does my heart say otherwise.
Why do feelings and fate point in another direction?

I tried to dream a fantasy to forget you.
I tried thinking of someone better than you.
Someone who is far away,
Someone i have not even seen yet.
That person who does not even know i exist, that person i am also not sure exists.
He would be the one i fell in love with since i was born.
Don't know his face, or name but know his feeling, know his essence.

I tried, i tired and i was successful for a bit.
But what now? it's not working now.
The picture of life in my brain still has pieces of you stuck everywhere.
Its a color that never fades away, a song that never stops playing,
A face that never stops smiling.

Show me how to forget,
Show me how to erase this part in my picture.
Aug 2012 · 384
These Nights..
Zaina R Aug 2012
Heart so heavy,
Actions so uncontrollable,
Can't be without you.
Have you forgotten or just busy?
What's in the future?

I pray for strength.
I pray for the best.
Aug 2012 · 437
Missing You Was Better
Zaina R Aug 2012
Why do i do this to my self?
Missing you was better,
I should have just held back.
Am i that weak?

Missing you was better
At least in my head i still thought you were mine.
What do you think of me now?
I don't want to seem so attached.

Missing you was better
Now when i hear those songs they don't matter anymore
I don't  really feel them anymore.
At least in my head i thought i had someone even if there was no label attached to it.
Aug 2012 · 673
That Man
Zaina R Aug 2012
Is Mischievous!
Has no fear in being the center of attention.
Has no doubt in himself.
Strong, with a free heart, with a sharp face.
God has revealed every aspect of him except his smile.
His smile has hidden meaning to it.
It conveys secret messages to those who understand.
His eyes always want to play.
Which are small and dark,
That yearn so much making it impossible to turn away from them.
His face is long, tempting to touch.
Then his lips.
The bottom thicker than the top that is impossible not to kiss.
The lips are plain but very calling, creating desire to fill them, color them.
His arms are strong, his chest wide,
His hands warm that can completely engulf her.
He is that man who can hide her fully,
And only reveal her to himself.
God has revealed him to many but only THAT WOMEN can have him.
My Man.
(Continuation of my poem That Women)
Aug 2012 · 719
That Women
Zaina R Aug 2012
Her face, her body.
God knows well what to hide and what to reveal.
Her skin as clear as water, as bright as the sun but as gentle as the early morning light.
As you take your hands to her face,
touching her perfect lines, running up to her cheekbones, running down along her sides to her pointy chin you notice her lips.
Lips that seem to be drawn by the perfect artist.
Naturally pink and smooth.
You look up to find her eyes.
Big and curved like an almond.
Long, think eyelashes that form an outline.
Eyes that are green  like an emerald,
which smile but at the same time dream.
Reaching her forehead you start to know her hair.
Her hair that dangles to the waist, her hair that is the softest, the blackest.
It almost seems like velvet.
Down you go to her neck thin and long
Then her waist tiny but curved.
Your hands fall into the depth of her waist,
Then out to her round hips that continue diagonally to her long legs.
Now that you have discovered her you know why she has been kept hidden.
God is all knowing,
He has made her just for you,
just for your eyes,
just for your hands.
She is hidden but not from YOU.
can you describe your perfect man or women?
Aug 2012 · 937
Zaina R Aug 2012
When ever he sees her, he finds her so so attractive,
even though she may not be the most beautiful girl.
Every time she is around him,
his heart starts beating so fast,
its takes some time to become normal again.
He can be himself around her and loves when she smiles really big,
especially if it is he who made her smile.
He loves her shy smile and how sometimes she can become so shy.  
He could look at her all day and not get bored.
He likes her gentleness and calm nature but at the same time how she is lively and energetic.
Most of all he admires how strong she is with her values but wishes she would express her feelings.
He loves how she acts like a kid sometimes,
how she is so young inside.
He loves how she is so secretive of her shampoo and how she is obsessed with soccer.
He loves her caring nature towards him.
Not to get to personal but he can't get enough of her curves.
She is very attractive to him, her height, skin color, hair every thing is perfect.
Basically he likes everything about her.
Aug 2012 · 500
Tell Me What Would Happen
Zaina R Aug 2012
Just thinking about you, picturing your face lights a fire in me.
What if you were to actually be here, sitting next to me?
what would happen then? If you were to hold my hand,
touch my face or suddenly embrace me?
What would happen to me then?
so guys what would happen??
Aug 2012 · 352
What is it?
Zaina R Aug 2012
I see something.
I know most of it
I imagine all of it.
I want it more than anything.

You try everything.
You know a little
You feel all of it
You realize it somewhat
You do it completely, unconsciously .
Aug 2012 · 676
The Longest Road
Zaina R Aug 2012
Eyes of tears.
everything is over but desire.
The never ending flood that deepens the ocean.
Look at the sunset its time.
The Showering down of the Autumn leaves.
Hands that fit perfectly into mine.
The flower that flourishes on only that one tree.
Giving eternal remembrance.
Imprint your feel into me.. Now immortality is achieved.
Attraction turns into lust.
Water turns into fire.
They say just have fun, no harm in simple play.
But then how can one be gentle without being weak?
Like naive nature but a passionate heart.
The scene dominates, making the future unknown.
Aug 2012 · 729
Zaina R Aug 2012
WOW.. there she stands.
So its finally ending this way.
But with such a beautiful beginning.
She looks up and the whole world is lit.
Can i really be this handsome?
kiss kiss kiss don't stop, You know i love you
I wanna stay here forever
kiss kiss kiss you are mine, i know you love me.
I wanna be like this forever.
Aug 2012 · 475
Any Passion
Zaina R Aug 2012
The water flows, the sun makes it shine.
In paradise, sweet water, wet all over.
The sweet sleep, the guitar that calls to dance.
The water becomes still.

Dive into the deep blue
Do not smile that way.
Come and just move, just dance, just be, just laugh, just cry, just dream, just want.
Go to that place, do that thing, swim that ocean, cross that line
Aug 2012 · 380
Lie To Me
Zaina R Aug 2012
Don't say kind words, especially when its meant.
When it comes from him it becomes the truth, at least in my eyes.
Don't love the good in me, i might believe it and then it may destroy me.
Leaving me to love only my self.
God everything that is liked becomes a reminder.
From now don't like anything else, as it may cause me to never forget you.
Aug 2012 · 462
Moon Dance
Zaina R Aug 2012
There she stands. Her back towards him.
He enters the room.
She feels his words and turns around.
They look into each others eyes.
He moves closer to her.
The moon light shines on their faces.
She is passionate,
Their is no word to express how she feels, or how he feels.
They both move, she twirls around.
His gaze scans her body, her every move.
She smiles, he takes her in his arms and they dance.
He forgets and smiles too.
Her eyes are full of questions as he leads her through the music.
Teasing, they are one now in that very moment.
The boundaries the restrictions have all disappeared.
Lifting her in the air then gently bringing her down,
The moment seems to end.
They part again but only to come closer.
The smiles continue.
He walks towards her but suddenly the smile disappears.
Tears fill her eyes as he touches her face.
They both know how this is going to end.
Silence hovers upon them and once again the language of the wind speaks.
She places her fingers between his.
They have to finish this dance, their last dance.
The music picks up again they feel each others happiness and sorrows.
When the music stops she backs away.
Knowing each others heart is enough.
That's all that should matter.
He takes a few steps backward, capturing the last glimpses of her.
like before she turns around, her back facing towards him.
Inspired by Moon dance music piece by Contemporary artist Mehdi
All credits of the Title of the poem go to Artist Mehdi
Aug 2012 · 504
The Image I Painted for You
Zaina R Aug 2012
The sun rises,
You slowly open your eyes.
Everything gradually becomes clear.
You lift yourself up and walk to the window.
Looking at the letter and rose she left on the table,
You open the curtains and let the rays of light seep in.
Your emotions are heightened
You run and pick out her favorite color.
Then off you go.
You see her on the side of the road and times stops.
She is beautiful , peaceful just like the ocean behind her.
Suddenly she disappears.
You smile at your foolishness and keep diving.
The thing is you have been imprisoned.
Was she even real?
Aug 2012 · 390
Just the Beginning
Zaina R Aug 2012
Slowly, quietly the wind blows, the world falls asleep.
How did all of this end?
The sun rises i remember your words, and the image you painted for me.
I walk on the water now, my energy is shifting.
I awaken, i am no longer the same person
I have so much to give you, the piano proves that.
I don't want to leave, I don't want to leave.
But now i have a new life,
we are still not apart we never will be i am leaving everything behind now, giving you back everything i took
but yous smile again, you know how this is going to end.
I am leaving happy.
This is what is good for us
Aug 2012 · 399
Watch Me
Zaina R Aug 2012
Dance for you, sing for you
Laying out my long hair, would you run your fingers through it?
Observe me in every different color of my life.
You wanted to see me dance.. here this is all i will do now.
Look at every part of me and my life, then only will you see my true beauty.
See me in every light, in every reflection.
If all is pleasing will you embrace me? fall in love with me and never let go?
I want to show you so much, i want you to see so much.
Aug 2012 · 714
Zaina R Aug 2012
This music gives me fever,
does the storm reflect my feelings, my desire for you
I'm intoxicated, all i want is closure.
Will i ever be able to lean on you, kiss you just because i can?
Aug 2012 · 759
To Be Perfect
Zaina R Aug 2012
To be Perfect is to be you.
Your Good heart, your innocent mind.

He is mischievous, playful, curious and all mine.

We don't need a name for what we have.
Its as simple as you being mine and me being yours.

I love the shy smile,
i love every aspect, not only your body but heart, mind and soul.
You are very much a reflection of me.
Aug 2012 · 617
Zaina R Aug 2012
The ecstasy of fantasy, the arousal of happiness
The spirituality and mortality of our life's.
The message that music conveys that i am always with you and think of you ever second.
The shadows of the sun, the reflections of all the colors, my senses become one,
i owe a lot to you.
Aug 2012 · 1.4k
Zaina R Aug 2012
You let me go.
No matter how many steps i take forward,
I am still living in the past.
The flashes don't stop and go on and on each day.
I don't know how you feel now,
I don't know what is between us anymore.
All i know is you let me go.
You let me go and i am walking, leaving, going away.
But am i really?
Now i know, I need to let YOU go.
You still stand where you are, but yet you have gone so much farther than me.
Now i know i need to let you go,
I need to let you go.
Inspired by Let you go by ATB
Aug 2012 · 672
The Beauty of Art
Zaina R Aug 2012
How much is known, when light shines
How much is realized from pain
How oblivious the world can be that missed such a great person
It hits me like lightning on a stormy night.
What should be appreciated; love, Nature, Beauty and Humanity are all overlooked.
Be your own teacher and open your eyes. The world is what you want it to be, so realize your true self.

The union of singing with dance
The magic that it creates, to work from your heart and to give with your soul.
This is the essence of living.
A great mind once spoke of the divine connection of Art and God
The inspiration he brought, the hope and transformation that came along.
We will never forget the person that he was and now as the beautiful sun rises from the east
we see the legacy and know the truth.
Aug 2012 · 499
Zaina R Aug 2012
Curtains dancing as i look out the window,
I feel your touch, i have the urge to sing.
Birds flying along the horizon bringing the moment when You, Me and Nature become one.
My dreams are fulfilled, my heart is content, happiness is finally coming my way.
The moment is short and sweet but what more can i ask, when all i need is you with me.
Aug 2012 · 760
English Class Poem
Zaina R Aug 2012
Plaid, Green, or square, i have no cloths to wear,
My head hurts, i cant decide and have no time to spare,
Why cant life be easy as one, two, three
Where i can be a 1st grader again and say my A, B, Cs
But i cant so i sit and think plaid, green, or square,
But i still have no clothes to wear...
Aug 2012 · 1.2k
Zaina R Aug 2012
Wish i had a Cinderella story,
Where you and me would live in glory,
Every moment would be of joy,
Like when a child plays with her favorite toy.
Aug 2012 · 1.5k
Zaina R Aug 2012
A beautiful rose spurned up on a mid summers day,
Naive and innocent was its essence,
The gentle breeze came by surrounding it with its charm and a tranqulity
The breeze recognized the roses innocence and gave it the breath of life
The rose flourished through out the months
Eagerly waiting the breeze.
The breeze seemed to vanish in the months of winter
And the rose seemed to die.
It needed the breath of life again, so it kept strong.
Once again the beautiful rose sprung up on a mid summers day waiting for the breeze.
Aug 2012 · 568
The Dream
Zaina R Aug 2012
It was twilight when i saw you again,
Many years went by,
You changed and so did i,
The sky was full of stars,
Its light gently touching our faces.
I wished for you upon one of them,
I heard your voice for the first time.
I stood there waiting for you,
Then when i fell asleep you came to me,
And gently touched me,
When i opened my eyes you were gone,
Little did i know i was just dreaming
Aug 2012 · 864
Zaina R Aug 2012
On the busy streets of Rome,
I heard someone play,
I felt the music and closed my eyes.
I was lost in the sweet sound, when his eyes gazed around me studying my every feature, my ever expression.
It was a sunny and bright day, and just like the new day he and i had a new beginning.

— The End —