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 Aug 2012 Zaina R
Amber Jade
Daddy just left,
And Mum is mad,
Holey crap now I'm sad,
Turn on the radio,
Crank up the sound,
All the way up until its too loud,
No one to hear you scream,
When you reach the point of no turning back,
Time to die,
Too late for goodbyes,
What to say?
Maybe something cliché,
Scribble it down,
'Goodbye cruel world,'
Shove away all regret,
Take your last breath,
Breathe in deep,
Watch your blood bleed....

Mother walks in,
Just before you leave,
Tears in her eyes,
All she wants to know is why,
Too late to explain,
But you'll finally be free,
Free from the tears,
Say goodbye to the pain,
That was your aim...

Music in your mind,
As you slip away from the world,
Your favourite song,
Was the last thing you heard,
I loved that sweet melody,
To hear it as i fell asleep for eternity,
Was all i could have ever asked for,
And now as my ghost looks down on me,
It's listening to the last of my sweet song,
The first song i fell in love with,
And the last music to my ears,
This is dragging on too long,
So goodbye cruel world,
I had some amazing years.
There is one part of a woman that whenever a man touches it, she will sigh in ecstasy.
Every man loves to touch that one sensitive area...
Even play with it.....
They touch it, put their hands on it, and feel the warmth...

It is so soft and warm
You ****** your manhood into it and she will lead you into great sensations.
The deeper within her, the better it feels

You can only touch it if you're mature enough.
If you know how to make her ask for more.
If you're good with your hands and mouth.
Sometimes with your tongue.

Once you touch the right spot, her body will flop and **** around in deep intense ecstasy.......

Touch it.....
Gently and passionately if you want to win her....
Touch it..... touch it....

......her HEART..........
I started to write a letter.
It's amazing how each word changed colors everytime i thought of you.
Your delicious voice that makes me feel like i've eaten enough for the rest of my life.
How i smell the sweetness air that blows through the forest i used to go each time you touch me.
How i hear such a heavenly tune when you kiss me.
How i see bright rays of lights dancing in front of me each time you sing to me.

Every sound in the world emitting such beautiful colours....
But your voice is the only colour i see....
Your skin is the only perfume i smell on mine...
Your voice is a cup of honey i have a taste of
Your love is the only song i hear

The green breeze smiled on my skin.
With all my singing heart i touch your colours with love.
i drink your every touch with such a gentle desire...
I listen to your body....moving closer to mine...
With our colours i extract a bottle of perfume and paint the air with stars.

Listen to my touches,my heavenly song...
I'm in love with you so red....
This day has smiled at me...
As you looked into my honey-heart
 Aug 2012 Zaina R
Amanda Edmonson
I never cried,
because i didn't love you.
You never saw me cry,
because i didn't let myself.
You were never my drug,
because i never got addicted.
I never fell,
i never got that whole in love thing.
It never hurt to say goodbye.
I never looked like the fool,
because you were the one playing my game.
You weren't special to me,
because it never got to that point.
I never cared for you in my heart,
because you wouldn't let me.
I never fought for you,
because you weren't worth fighting for.
Your kisses didn't light me up.
Your hugs didn't make me feel warm.
Your cuddles didn't add a spark.
Your words didn't have any meaning.
All because i knew you would hurt me.
Though i wish this was all true,
You did see me cry,
because there was nothing else i could do.
You were my drug,
because i felt i needed you every night and day, just to breath.
I did fall for you,
I got the whole in love thing, because its real.
It hurt the most to say goodbye.
I looked like the fool,
because i'm the one that played your game.
You were very special to me,
because it DID get to that point.
I did care for you in my heart,
because you were the first to let me in.
I tried fighting for you,
because you were my love.
Your kisses made me shine.
Your hugs caught me on fire.
You cuddles gave me goose bumps.
Your words had all the meaning in the world,
all because i thought you wouldn't hurt me.
But as i hate to say.
You did hurt me, more than ever.
my best poem by, amanda edmosnon
 Aug 2012 Zaina R
Amanda Edmonson
I'd rather smile.
Though no one will let me,
no one will make me,
i havnt found that one that puts that smile on my face.
Iv'e met a few, but none that stay.

I may have found one this time..
but im moving soon, so as i have to say.
He won't stay either.
Iv'e met another, where i'm moving to.
I think he will keep that smile on for a while.
Because he makes me blush.
smile please
 Aug 2012 Zaina R
Emma Kline
Two hours have gone by
Three minutes have shedtheir last sixty seconds and
you continue to ignore the blinking light
that shows you
I need you
I want you
I love you
There was little said as
I departed to venture to a place
I knew was to be unhappy.
You stood there and carried an unmoved face
And I wished that underneath that untouch facade,
You ached for me to leap to your arms
Kiss you softly and hold your hand
that so perfectly fit with mine.
But both you and I know that this such things never were thought
that such things never appeared in you mind
That I am a lonely wisher
Who wishes on what should be hers.
 Aug 2012 Zaina R
Del Maximo
poetry is heart speaking
her deepest wisdom
or lightest whimsy
traditional form or free verse
let souls sing
sprinkle metaphor and simile
if you are a poet, write like one
words are music
let them breeze like a melody
color with mix-matched sensory
don’t stay inside the lines
see sounds with eyes closed
hear flickering of fireflies’ light
smell beauty in distant mountains
taste majesty of flowers’ bloom
touch forgiveness
bring personification to life
“she” is much sweeter than “it”
and a seat cushion may have a roundness to her
throw in some high speech
make someone grab a lexicon
delete those extra words
‘I’s and ‘the’s especially
alliteration can create cacophonic chorus
while similar sounds of assonance
tie hoards and scores of words together
although there are no rules
try your best to use poetry’s tools
with this above all else:
let your truth ring
let your insights and revelations
be a healing to self and reader
let experiences resonate in hearts
and harmonize voices
© June 7, 2010
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