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 Jan 2012 Zack Turner
 Jan 2012 Zack Turner
Your words are a sight to behold-
You can inside-me and outside-me
With one simple line

You are a prophet and scholar I see
Words scratched on every surface
Splashing the lifeblood of an inkwell
On the face of fate

Your arms are covered in poetry
Up and down written
Back and forth
Letters roll from your tongue
Squeezing the throat of my inner silence
Taking hostage my thoughts
Pushing and proddding them

I feel as if you are a thousand years old-
And I am just a boy
A curious child searching for meaning in the blue
You let me poke and **** at your words
Picking up a book
Just to read your first page
And lay it aside
Reaching for another

I am not your equal in the least
I know my place as a student of fate
I am your humble servant-
(Although I wrestle constantly  with
Human affections)

How can I be at blame?
You have eyes- full of ancient and knowing light
Your hair is more compelling than an English garden
Full of blooms
Silken strands of summer rays
Cast my heart into shadow
I revel in the shade of your haunting depths
Picking blooms of Nightshade and Oleander
In the mist of your presence
The dew chills me to the bone
In the wake of your departure

I am ****** to a life
Wrapped in your absence
It is so cold in my heart
For the prison of mountains
Will keep you from me

I can only hope that one day
When my body is buried
Roots will curl and swallow me
Crushing the spirit from my bones
So I may wander over the mountains
And watch you rest your legs
As you wait for Aurora's morning kiss
 Jan 2012 Zack Turner
They pretended not to notice how much you had changed
But they did comment on your thinning face
And how much healthier you looked
How much better
They pulled you to the side "Oh my gosh, how did you do it?"
Quizzical looks
They didn't know that the weight you lost
Was unintentional
A compensation for the heavy load inside
You tried to somehow shake off
You hated your jutting rib bones,
Losing your sanity along with your "baby" fat
You lost what made you a woman

No no one noticed your gaunt eyes
and the sharp angle of your cheekbone
Like pain
and the way you started drinking
(Although you never stopped)

They didn't notice the new scars you kept hidden with makeup
So unlike you
No no one noticed how your eyes shone a little less brighter
Especially when you smiled

Apart from that ex-boyfriend you left a winter ago
Standing in the cold
Because he was an *******
But ******* can be right
And you saw the way he looked at you like-
the way you used to look at a broken mirror
Wondering which piece to pick up first
And start gluing back together
The way you looked at your own blood flow from your wrist's
A little scared, amazed, numb..
Like "Where do we start first?"
And "What happened here?"
Thats how he looked at you
*Atleast someone noticed
Your breath is cold
you lie in wait
for someone to come
and take you away.
The days never end
they all seem the same
so you lie in bed
hoping you wake.

Why do you wait
what is to come
to take you away
to a life full of fun?
Your dreams are dull
and endless too
they all are that way
relentless, untrue.

The day that they end
it takes you away
to a life which is happy
bright and untamed.
Your breath is now warm
you don’t have to wait
for the moment has come
when you are awake.
I wrote this about... 5 years ago I think. Maybe a bit longer but it's still one of my favorite finished poems.
there's one thing I will never forget,
when a man tells you things like
"I like good clothes, fast cars,
and you."
run as far as your heels will take you,
take the first train to
some city in the middle of nowhere
shed your fur coat and fishnets
for some red flannel and boots.
there is nothing more dangerous
than the fancy of a man.

my mother always told me that,
when she'd brush out my taut blonde curls
into thin, sleek waves.
she brushed my hair that way until
my ******* grew humble and my legs
felt more like fins, slicing through the cold winters
and hot summers like a pair of scissor blades
dancing on the wind,
like my growing dreams, as a poet, an old soul, and a woman.

I remember the first time I tasted sin
was in the back of that old bar in Arkansas
taking shots of whiskey and dancing
in the hot moonlight
my summer dress slipped off as we fell
off the dock
two bodies fumbling through the folds
of icy water, your hands pressing mine into your stomach, screaming
crisply through the dark of night
"can you feel the beating of my heart?"

mama took me to church and washed your name out of my mouth
with song and scripture, tied me to the altar
and wouldn't let me run.
now I'm always running, running from her, running to you,
my legs more like fins, once again
slicing through hotel sheets, hot baths, and
my dreams, lord, my dreams
simply aged nightmares
those complex beasts await me here
one more whiskey, love,
and I swear
I will find you.
 Jan 2012 Zack Turner
Sore Spot!
 Jan 2012 Zack Turner
Homefield advantage
When we were together
I took you to all of my favorite spots

They became our favorote spots

Then as summer burned

Straight yellow afternoon suns

Began to fade

Until night was quick

And mornings only came after long
Hours of television
And burnt coffee
Until I realized that
"Stepping headlong  into oblivion is the only way to burn the past
From your skin"

I went to our favorite spot on the beach
Where we had our first date first kiss first and third and fifth anniversaries
Not to mention random nights we exhausted young lust right on this spot
I think I asked you to marry me here
Oddly enough I remember you said yes

It hurt so bad to come back right to the heart of things
I could feel the heartbeat on the sand
The pulse of the ocean on my skin
The drift of the sea breeze
I closed my eyes and listened to the call of gulls
As night fell
Ten bottles of red stripe
I only needed six
My dads most expensive bottle of gin
And two marijuana cigarettes

I remember
Screaming at the moon
And running headlong into the black sea

I rembember the sand
Scraping my skin
Stealing my cells
Pushing them softly out to sea

I woke up alone
Lying in the sand
A dog licking my face

My eyes hurt into my head
My mouth was frozen
Swelling and thickening next to the sea

I read the dogs collar
His name was Biscuit
And a telephone number
My phone was in the car
As dead as a doornail

So I walked barefoot and asphalt
To the jetty
and found a payphone

It rang once
And she answered

Ten minutes later me and Biscuit were on your doorstep

"You look like you could use some coffee"
"You look like a towheaded red lipped angel of light"
You think it would have been strange
To let a ***** stranger like me in but I think you understood when I said
I had stepped headlong into oblivion to burn the past from my skin

from your. Skin
Kissing my lips
Touching my face
You rubbed your hands
Up and down
My stomach
Goose bumps took over
Giving me a shiver
Your lips did wonders
Making me quiver
You make me soak
So ready and willing
I wanted more
Never stopping
Why did you make me stop
 Jan 2012 Zack Turner
I do
you said to
me but I
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